StarCraft’s Strongest Commander

Chapter 510: Strange message

It was as if a knight was charging on the enemy's army alone, and it even seemed to have a tragic feeling.

"The battleship has been raised to the seventh combat speed, 197 seconds away from contact!"

"Okay, order all mecha equipment to prepare to attack the Zerg equipment, which will serve as a close-range firepower supplement for the warship, but it is not allowed to leave the coverage of the phase shield!"

"Yes, Captain!"

At this moment, the entire warship has already accelerated to a speed of 90,000 kilometers per second.

Of course, this is not to say that Dreadnought-class warships can only accelerate to this degree. In fact, in the federal fleet's warship speed standards, there are a total of twelve warship speeds.

The Dreadnought-class warship can reach the ninth-level battle speed, which is 0.99 times the speed of light. As for the tenth to twelfth-level battle speed, it is only a definition at present, and the Federation does not have such a technology.

However, battle speeds above level 7 can't be used casually, and there is a time expansion issue that needs to be considered.

According to current research, the seventh-level combat speed, which is 90,000 kilometers per second, has almost negligible impact on time expansion, but if the speed is increased, the situation will be different.

For example, if the warship uses the ninth battle speed, which is 0.99 times the speed of light, the time expansion will reach a full 7 times!

In other words, when you sail for a day at a speed of 0.99 times the speed of light, seven days have passed from the outside world.

As for why the impact ship is not affected, it is because it has a special technology, the time bubble!

When it hits at the ninth speed, the time bubble will start and wrap the entire ship to counter the time dilation effect, but this technology has a fatal flaw...

No creature can survive in the bubble of time!

This is why the impact ship must be designed to be unmanned and remotely controlled.

Similarly, it is precisely the existence of the time bubble, so when the impact ship is moving, there will be afterimages like the extension of a golden hoop.

"The distance is 10 million kilometers... the swarms are starting to launch dense beam-like attacks at us!"

"Don't pay attention, keep going, and after approaching 5 million kilometers, it will slow down to the third speed, and the impact ship will change to short range strike mode!

"Yes, Captain!"

In the void, countless dark red light beams were shot out from the huge swarm of insects. That was the attack of the warship insects. This distance was already within their range.

And this intensive attack method is the most effective way for the Zerg to deal with the shield of the sixth-level civilization space.

Of course, the premise is that this warship of the Federation also uses a space shield.

But obviously, it's not!

The energy beams emitted by hundreds of thousands of warship worms swiftly swept toward the warship ahead, and even the attacks were too dense, and a large number of beams almost merged together.

Visually, it is almost as if it merged into a huge beam, let alone hitting a battleship, even if a few more battleships come, they can be swallowed completely within the range covered by this beam. It's terrifying!

The distance between the two sides now is less than 10 million kilometers. The attack came in an instant, and it took only half a minute to come to this Dreadnought-class battleship, and in the next instant, it was completely swallowed!

Inside the battleship bridge, through the portholes, the starry sky can no longer be seen, and some are just a dark red that is constantly scouring. However, no one in the entire bridge shows a look of horror. Instead, they are all interested. Watching this scene seriously.

A few seconds later, countless beams passed through the ship, but this Dreadnought-class battleship was still there, without any trace of damage.

"Phase Shield!!"

Through the spiritual network of the Zerg, Alba looked at this scene inexplicably shocking.

It’s no stranger to phase shields. The former Saint Dimension Empire used this technology, and it defeated the Zerg at the beginning of the war with no power to fight back until Alia developed a Insect species that specifically restrained phase shields, this situation has reversed.

However, I don't even know how this special insect species was cultivated, let alone own it!

"Do you really want to give up these Royal Guard insects that have been cultivated for more than half?"

The appearance of the phase shield made Alba lose any temper in an instant.

Of course, it is not to say that apart from the special insect species created by Alia, the Zerg has no way to destroy battleships with phase shields.

In fact, there is still a way, but the price is too great. Even if Alba has exhausted all the Zerg in the entire Gal galaxy, it may not be able to destroy many warships with phase shields.

After all, there is no royal guard in its hands today, only ordinary war insects and guard insects of tiers one to three.

"Why don't you step back first?"

"Wait until Alia arrives?"

Suddenly, such thoughts flooded Alba's mind. Although he was a little unwilling, his reason kept telling him that this was the most appropriate strategy.


At the same time, as Alba recognized the phase shield, there was also Emir.

As a first-order king worm in the Zerg’s first holy war, it has a deeper understanding of phase shields.

"Unexpectedly, I thought that this human being was only a sixth-level civilization, at most one foot has entered the seventh-level civilization, but now it looks like this is the same as the Saint-Vier Empire's seventh-level civilization!"

The reason why Emil had such recognition was mainly due to the battle of the fleet group led by Li Cangqiong in the S7216 area.

If the human fleet has phase shields, then there is no need to retreat at all, just carry it hard.

It is precisely because of this that the Emil has always believed that although humans have zero-point particle weapons, as the iconic technology of the seventh-level civilization, the phase shield has not been mastered, and can not be regarded as a real seventh-level civilization.

However, now it seems that I am thinking too much. This is properly a seventh-level civilization, okay?

Even the height of civilization should be higher than that of the Saint Dimension Empire back then.

If this is the case, you can try that thing to see if you can get in touch with humans...

The thing that was once obtained from the Saint-Ville Empire!


In hyperspace, the Union and its huge fleet are still moving forward.

" The Zerg seems to have discovered the weakness of the shock ship. Now the teams of the advance team have to move forward and use the shock ship at close range to avoid the weakness."

"At the same time, because most of the squads are within the range of the Zerg, the defensive ability of the Phase Shield against Zerg attacks is also confirmed!"

Bi Luodis looked at the various reports in the terminal and summarized it to Lin Tian on the side.

But Lin Tian nodded slightly, this was as early as he had expected, and there was no surprise.

"Commander, I received a message sent using void communication technology, but the source of the message is unknown!"

This report by the communications officer immediately surprised Lin Tian and Bi Luodis.

Void communication technology, it is completely a technology belonging to the seventh level of civilization, if it is not your own...

It means that the other party is...

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