StarNet Empire

Chapter 116: Lifelong Career Task

? Career: Scientist (0/10).

Like his lifelong aspiration to be a computer prodigy, it was not Wu Xiang's own choice, but a hard-core task of the simulation system.

But the simulation system seems to be able to grasp Wu Xiang's mind. The hard-core lifelong career scientist is also the career that Wu Xiang wants to start.

After the simulation system was upgraded, Wu Xiang didn't know until the lifelong career mission was started that the lifelong ambition was the only mission, and so was the lifelong career mission.

After that, there will be no other lifetime ambitions and lifetime career assignments.

However, non-lifetime ambitions and non-lifetime careers can still be chosen, but after the lifelong ambition is completed, talent rewards will be obtained. For example, after the computer prodigy's lifelong ambition is completed, Wu Xiang will get the talent of Internet Master.

After completing the task of lifelong career scientist, Wu Xiang can also get rich career rewards, but the specifics are still unknown for the time being.

Even if there are 10 missions in the lifetime career, Wu Xiang can only see the career missions in the first four stages for the time being.

The first stage of professional tasks: You can use the Internet or mobile phone to apply for the job of a scientist and become an intern. Or invest your own money and start a lab.

For Wu Xiang, the task of the first stage is very simple.

Of course, Wu Xiang would not choose to apply for a scientist job and become an intern.

He will only invest his own money and create a laboratory.

Although the VR company has many research laboratories, they belong to the company, not to Wu Xiang.

Wu Xiang had to invest privately to build a completely private laboratory in order to complete this task.

In addition, Wu Xiang still has a big problem.

While unlocking the lifelong career mission Scientist, it also unlocks the Rocket Science skill.

But Wu Xiang's Rocket Science skill is still level 0.

Even with the establishment of a private laboratory, Wu Xiang's rocket science skills will still not improve a bit, let alone complete the second stage, the third stage... career tasks in the future.

Therefore, when doing lifelong career missions, Wu Xiang must first improve the level of rocket science skills.


In response to this situation, the simulation system releases missions that are undoubtedly full of evil tastes.

Main line opportunity mission: Life in the Academy.

Dear host, a lifelong career scientist is a very noble profession, and you have no reason not to attach importance to this career task.

But first, you must have rocket science skills as well as systematic scientific knowledge.

Task 1: You must enter Akajdi Bay College or Blackwall College to study scientific knowledge systematically.

Task 2: Maintain full attendance for 3 months and successfully publish a scientific paper.

Mission 3: Raise Rocket Science skill to level 3.

Task 4: Participate in a scientific study of the Academy and achieve dominance.

Task 5: Complete two inventions, one of which must be related to rocket science.

After completing the main line chance task ""Life in the Academy"", you will be awarded the title of Rocket Graduate.

Rocket Graduate: This title improves understanding of rocket science and improves reading skills.

This bonus might seem like nothing special, but it's actually quite powerful, especially for rocket science.

It can make Wu Xiang learn rocket technology with twice the result with half the effort.

Life at the Academy is a mainline opportunity quest to improve rocket science skills.

The reward was actually the title of rocket graduate student, which naturally made Wu Xiang even more satisfied.

At the moment, Wu Xiang doesn't care about staying at home to keep fit and practice martial arts. With Wu Xiang's current status and status, which college to choose is not a matter of one sentence?

Wu Xiang soon became an intern at Aka Changdi Bay College.

Be an intern assistant to Professor Curtis, not a student at the academy.

The main line opportunity task of simply living in the academy does not specify that Wu Xiang must become a student. As long as Wu Xiang lives in the academy and can systematically learn scientific knowledge and rocket science, it is also a condition for completing the task.

The status of Professor Curtis's intern assistant is more suitable for Wu Xiang's status and status, and it is more beneficial for Wu Xiang to complete several stages of tasks.

Wu Xiang was naturally very satisfied with this arrangement.

Although he is Curtis's assistant, he has no knowledge of system science, so he really can't afford to be a science professor's assistant.

Curtis also didn't dare to treat Wu Xiang, the president of the VR company, as an assistant. He just gave Wu Xiang a status that was convenient for him to learn as much as possible.

If you are a student, you will inevitably be bound by many rules formulated by the college.

Before Wu Xiang officially entered Aka Changdi Bay College, he went back to the real world first, looked at the situation of Xingwang Company, made a rough arrangement, and then returned to the simulated world.

This time, the top executives of Xingwang Company, including Wu Xiang's parents Wu Yurong and Jiang Yuqin, all knew that Wu Xiang would "retreat" and "disappear" for several days, and they were used to Wu Xiang not being able to find anyone from time to time. , I will no longer be suspicious because I can't contact Wu Xiang for a while, thinking that something happened to Wu Xiang.

Wu Xiang decided to stay in the simulated world for a longer period of time this time, at least one or two months before returning to the real world.

Although Wu Xiang also knew that Xingwang Company was once again threatened by the masters behind the scenes of many countries-the hidden family.

Even those countries that begged the Star Network company to finally sign the Star Network introduction agreement, would rather breach the contract than obstruct the introduction of the Star Network, their attitudes are simply polarized.

Wu Xiang was not worried about this.

The influence of Xingwang has actually been established, and the advantages of Xingwang already exist in the hearts of netizens all over the world. It is impossible for the Internet to affect the development of Xingwang.

Only man-made reasons will hinder the development of Star Network.

For example, using the power behind the scenes to manipulate the country has to do something that is contrary to the wishes of the people.

Wu Xiang firmly believes in one truth, water can carry a boat and capsize it, the people are the most important, the community is not!

If the country keeps doing things that are contrary to the people, it will only disappoint the people. Once the support of the people is lost, the country will not last long.

The reason why a country becomes a country is that the people are the cornerstone and the law is the framework.

A country is an institution that serves the people. Once it betrays the people, the country will not be a country.

Thousands of years of human development history and the rise and fall of many countries have fully proved this fact.

But often the state will eventually become a tool for a small number of powerful people.

Until it was overthrown by the extremely disappointed people.

Therefore, Wu Xiang is very clear that as long as netizens all over the world turn to Xingwang, as long as the products launched by Xingwang always lead the trend and always transcend the times, they will never be abandoned by people all over the world.

Even if those countries can succeed for a while and hinder the development of the Star Network, as long as the people do not support them, those countries will eventually have to compromise.

Wu Xiang wasn't worried about Starnet at all. Temporary difficulties would not trap Starnet. On the contrary, those countries that violated the agreement would definitely pay for their actions and regret it.

In the simulated world, Akachangdi Bay College is located in the East China Sea area of ​​the Magnolia Trail.

This is a metropolis by the sea, but also a very leisurely city.

In addition to Akachangdi Bay College, there are four other university towns on the Magnolia Trail. It can be said that the Magnolia Trail is a huge school district.

Here, there are many famous singers, movie stars, singers, painters, comedians, and many scientists and businessmen.

In short, the school district of Magnolia Trail has bred countless elites and talents.

Steve Crew, the president of the community group, is a student of Harrington University in the Magnolia Trail School District.

Wu Xiang walked into the Magnolia Trail, and felt the surging vitality of this school district very strongly.

On the street, there are handsome, youthful and beautiful male and female students everywhere, or professors and tutors with handsome looks and wise eyes.

Of course, those urban ruffians are also indispensable.

Without them, the city would really lose a noisy atmosphere.

When he arrived at Aka Changdi Bay College, Wu Xiang went through the relevant procedures according to the rules. Of course, Wu Xiang didn't need to do it himself. Wu Xiang's formalities were completed.

Finally, Wu Xiang followed the instructor to the west campus of Aka Changdi Gulf College and found Professor Curtis.

Curtis is a sixty-five-year-old man with all gray hair. He has many honors and several patented inventions. It is said that among the thousands of scientific patents for the Apollo spacecraft, three of them came from Curtis. Professor Tees.

One of the patents also plays an extremely important role.

However, no matter which world you are in, no matter how talented people are, they all serve the rich.

And Wu Xiang, who owns the world's top VR company, is undoubtedly an upstart in the top rich circle with unlimited potential.

"Welcome, Mr. Wu." Professor Curtis respected Wu Xiang very much.

Although Wu Xiang followed him to study system science and rocket science as an intern assistant, he also tested Wu Xiang's scientific knowledge and was completely a layman.

But it does not prevent Curtis from maintaining due respect, admiration and praise for Wu Xiang.

Although Wu Xiang doesn't understand science, he is the top master of computer engineering.

Countless scientists have not made absolute progress in VR technology, but Wu Xiang has researched it alone. His talent in computer network engineering is unparalleled.

Professor Curtis is also willing to bow down. You must know that Curtis is not only a rocket scientist, but also a professor of gravity and quantum science. He also has dabbled in computer engineering, but he has also achieved extraordinary achievements.

Curtis is even the director of the VR research room established by Akhadi Bay College, leading the research on VR.

It's a pity that the VR research room spends a huge amount of research funds every year, but has never made great progress.

After Wu Xiang's VR company was established and Curtis also experienced the charm of virtual reality technology, many technical problems that could not be solved before were suddenly solved.

Thanks to the promotion of VR technology, several new inventions of Professor Curtis have finally achieved ideal results.

(To be continued.)

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