Stars for the good Warhammer

Chapter 24 Followers

I don't know how much time passed, but just when Otto opened the door and was about to leave.

But suddenly the voice of the supervisor Kalman came from the distance.

"Lord Otto!"

I saw that the other party was holding a parchment roll in his hand, and he was walking quickly towards this side with a look of disbelief on his face.

Otto understood that the other party must be here for his [work].

"Sir! What on earth is going on?"

Kalman looked very surprised, like a goose flapping its wings and quacking.

Otto had obviously expected this. When the other party came to his side, he just turned his back and spoke in a calm tone.

"We'll talk as we go, Mr. Kalman."

Seeing Otto's confident look, Kalman, who had been holding back his words for a while, didn't know where to start. After mechanically following Otto for a certain distance.

"My lord, I don't understand what you want to do? A farm? Do you plan to put this kind of thing in the family palace?"

"I can't figure out what the purpose of this is? Please remember that you are the governor of Haven, not a farmer. This is not something you should consider! If outsiders know this, it will only bring ridicule to you and the family! "

Kalman's voice sounded very excited. It seemed that the request he mentioned in his letter to change the palace area above half a floor into a test field really made him crazy. In his opinion, this was obviously not a good idea. The thoughts an imperial noble should have.

However, Otto only gave an intriguing answer to this.

"In order to give Haiwen and the family the possibility of continuing to exist, that's all."



It didn't take long before the two of them officially arrived at the central garden, which was used to receive distinguished guests and enjoy afternoon tea for family members. They stood at the entrance of the garden and surveyed the vast space, which was as large as four football fields.

Since there is a large amount of water ice in Haiwen's asteroid belt, through collection and filtration and refining at the star port, Haiwen's upper nest does not lack fresh water. They even built a large art fountain in the street quite extravagantly. , in Otto's opinion, this is simply a huge waste.

With the support of quite advanced air filtration and temperature adjustment systems, the entire garden is divided into multiple areas according to seasons, and is personally designed by the most outstanding art masters, so that the completely different scenes of spring, summer, autumn and winter can coexist harmoniously. in the same area.

The promenade made of green plants passes through the colorful sea of ​​flowers, and the emerald green vines climb up to the transparent cold room in the center of the sea of ​​flowers, which preserves the carefully designed snow scene, the winter snow lotus covered with ice and snow, and the colorful scenery outside the greenhouse. A sharp contrast.

As the most beloved place of the former governor, Otto's father, it is no exaggeration to say that every tree and even every flower in it is carefully taken care of by dedicated servants, but now Otto, who has just taken office, has It is planned to transform it into a comprehensive large-scale farm.

Even in his letter to Kalman, the Governor-General also mentioned the idea of ​​starting some animal husbandry during the reconstruction process. To be honest, when he read the content of the letter, Kalman felt that his mind was spinning. It's about to burn down.

Facing such beautiful scenery, Otto just said with emotion.

"This place is indeed beautiful."

"But in my opinion, it's too flashy. Those precious little lives can't be used to fill their stomachs."

Regarding such remarks, Kalman, who was standing aside, wanted to say something, but Otto did not give him a chance to speak at all.

"Answer me, if all subspace routes are cut off and the light of the star torch can no longer be observed, how long do you think Haiwen can sustain?"

"But that's simply not possible."

Kalman wanted to refute this, but Otto just walked away until he stopped in front of a flower bed near the corridor.

Among the dazzling flowers, a few inconspicuous, weed-like vines were emerging from the fertile black soil. That was exactly what I got from Raya last night, a kind of hope growing in the agricultural world. Watt, the magical plant called the crow bean.

In terms of its many characteristics, this thing has many similarities with potatoes on the earth. The harvest cycle is short, and there are up to five maturity periods in a standard solar year. Once mature, it can produce a fruit at the root. A black fruit about the size of a strawberry with a spicy taste.

Because it contains a large amount of starch, it has a strong sense of satiety, and the yield is also very large. The most important thing is that crow beans do not require special pollination. You only need to cut off the rhizomes and bury them in the soil. , it doesn't take long for new plants to grow, which is why Otto thought it was similar to potatoes.

However, in addition to these advantages, the shortcomings of crow beans are also obvious. The poisonous characteristics of the immature fruits once made the tax collector sent by the empire make a fool of themselves in public. The temperature required for growth is also extremely harsh.

What's more important is that once mature, the crow bean fruit will rot at an extremely fast rate, which makes it face trouble during long-distance transportation. Various reasons prevent it from being on the dining tables of most imperial citizens.

"Cadian has been destroyed by Chaos, and the merchant fleets affected by the subspace storm have not visited our starport for a long time. It is difficult for us to even know what happened outside of Haven."

"Some people have begun to plan to escape in the upper nest, there is a shortage of goods in the middle nest, and the gang war in the lower nest is also intensifying. I am afraid that I don't need to remind you too much of the problems faced by Haiwen now. As the general manager, you Should know better than me."

"But does this have anything to do with your plan to build a farm?"

Faced with Kalman's question, Otto responded decisively.

"Of course it is relevant. Only by ensuring the supply of food can we ensure the basic stability of society. Only when society is stable can we have the opportunity to implement policies and expand the army."

"Although the corpse guild in the hive city can make basic rations such as starch energy bars by processing industrial waste and various biological raw materials, this is not a long-term solution. No one knows what will happen in the future."

Moreover, as the safest place in the entire hive, placing important food reserves in the palace is undoubtedly the most appropriate choice. In the future, he may even consider placing some important industrial facilities in the palace. After all, this place is still Quite big.

Such a speech obviously persuaded the old manager. After all, what he said was not unreasonable.

"Do you think this chaos will continue?"

"Yes, and it will last for a long time."

"I have a feeling this is going to be a big test."

Having said this, Otto turned to look at the manager next to him, who had a somewhat troubled expression. He carefully observed every look in the man's eyes from the corner of his eye. It was obvious that the man was still a little undecided.

For a long time, after letting out a long sigh, I heard Otto pretending to be affectionate.

"This is a huge task and it would be impossible for me to do it alone."

Then his conversation changed.

"Kalman, I need you to help me manage this ancient family and make it continue smoothly into the next thousand years. Are you willing to give everything to become my right-hand man and help me restore the Sellers family to its glory?"

"Of course! It's my pleasure, Lord Otto!"

In response to this sudden question, Kalman, who was still thinking about the problem, suddenly showed a flattered expression, and he suddenly lowered his head.

"Then I believe you can handle this for me, right?"

In the end, under Otto's unskilled PUA offensive, Kalman finally put aside his worries for the time being and answered with a sincere attitude.

"I will send the best architect to ensure it is completed within a week."


While speaking, Otto raised four fingers at the other party.

"Four days, let those people work overtime, I want to see the real thing within four days."


The moment Kalman’s answer just fell.

The panel that was given by someone unknown appeared in front of Otto's eyes again.

【Have gained faith】

[Current Faith: 4]

[New followers have been added]

[Follower: Kalman]

[Occupation: Manager]

[Faith Attribute: Gold]

oh? So as long as they meet certain specific conditions, outsiders can become their followers?

Followers can contribute faith points to themselves, which is exactly the same as Turayan before.

Is it an evaluation rule similar to favorability?

It sounds like a training game produced by some Japanese manufacturer.

Gradually, an interesting idea emerged in Otto's mind.

If you have enough followers.

What will be the effect?

For example, the entire Haiwen up and down.

By the way, is it written poorly? How do you feel about it? It looks like it?

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