Stars for the good Warhammer

Chapter 76 Listening to the sound of waaagh (please follow up!)

Chapter 76 Listening to the sound of waaagh

I don't know how long it has been. Near the refugee camp in Zhongchao, which has been expanded several times, a team is heading towards the outpost guarded by the Cadians.

Soon, one of them came forward and presented the ring with the emblem of the Cyrus family to the soldiers. After the other party's notification, the gate to the camp was opened soon. Under the resolute and respectful eyes of the Cadian guards, the team quickly passed the gate and entered the camp.

At this moment, in the middle of the street not far from the entrance, the commander Turayang and several junior officers were already waiting there. After seeing the team approaching, the man raised his right hand and saluted in a standard military salute, and a powerful voice came from his mouth.

"Lord Otto."

In the middle of the crowd, Otto took off the long cloak with a hood and came to the man with a calm face.

Because the old butler Kalman, who had served the family for several generations, was a standard imperial man, he always talked about issues such as aristocratic etiquette and family dignity.

Therefore, in order to keep a low profile and not cause chaos every time he went out, Otto chose this sneaky way to meet the Cadians.

Before he officially set out for Barr, he still had some preparations to do.

Just then, a boy's laughter came from a shed on the side of the street. Looking sideways, he saw a little guy covered in mud playing with other children. Soon, a young woman with pigtails and an apron pushed the door and shouted.

The woman held an iron tray in her hands, and several freshly baked pancakes were still steaming. Taking a deep breath, the whole camp seemed to be able to faintly smell the aroma of cooked beans, all thanks to the crow beans brought by Raya.

Through the half-open door, Otto saw a wooden board hanging on the wall behind the woman, on which were engraved several state religion prayers.

On the way to the Cadian base, looking at the refugee camp that was about to be overcrowded, Otto inadvertently mentioned to Captain Turalyon beside him.

"I heard that a new batch of refugees has recently arrived in the camp."

Hearing this, the captain with purple pupils took over the topic very naturally.

"Yes, most of them are civilians and merchants affected by the Great Rift, and a small part are the imperial army that was completely dispersed."

Turalyon's tone paused slightly, as if he was worried about something.

"In addition, I heard from several workers at the starport that a large number of civilian ships from the surrounding galaxies are heading towards Haven. There are more than 70 ships that have already contacted the starport, and more are still in the process of sailing in the subspace. It is estimated that the size of the fleet may eventually approach 200, and the specific number of people may be as high as hundreds or even tens of millions."

"Now Haven's galaxy port has already reached its capacity limit. If this continues, they can only allow later ships to dock in the port. The manager hopes to expand the port area and build more defense platforms. The existing two laser platforms cannot pose a threat to any organized fleet at all."

There are so many civilian ships? This is the first time Otto has heard this question. Perhaps the officials responsible for sorting out the report documents have not had time to submit it in their offices.

"What's the reason? Why are there so many civilian ships suddenly gathering towards Haven?"

Although the previous heresy incident did cause Haven to lose a lot of population, it is obviously not a good thing for so many people to come at once. If they are all let in rashly, I am afraid that Haven will become a happy situation in the future.

The chicken thieves guard the country, the heretics die for the country, and the big heads are buried in the battlefield.

By the way, the crow bean fragrance said a good harvest, and then listened to the waaagh sound.

For this question, Turayang answered like this.

"I asked some new refugees, and they claimed that they heard from a merchant fleet passing through Haven that under the management of the new governor, the situation in Haven is relatively stable, and there are also extremely sufficient food reserves in the area. This is obviously very attractive news for those unstable planets around."

So that's how it is.

Recently, many ships have indeed stopped in Haven for replenishment. This is mainly because an orc force has recently appeared around the alert system, which has caused some fleets to pass through Haven during their detours. The originally unknown little broken ball has suddenly become lively.

"Wait until the people of the state religion clean up the contaminated area of ​​the lower nest, and let the refugees who come later move to the lower nest."

Not long after, under the leadership of Turayang, Otto first entered the hospital made of several containers. As soon as he stepped into it, he smelled the pungent smell of disinfectant and blood.

Several seriously injured soldiers were lying on makeshift stretchers, most of them with broken limbs, and six body bags were neatly placed on the ground not far away. These were the Kashejins who were previously sent to the bottom nest.

After fighting with those strange Astartes, the casualties of the killing team were quite heavy. If the follow-up support had not arrived in time, I am afraid they would have been wiped out.

What surprised Otto was that in front of a seriously injured soldier, there was actually a Mechanicus biotechnician. The cooperation with the Forge World has enabled Haven to obtain a group of outstanding talents from the Mechanicus.

Soon, under the nervous gaze of the people around him, the biotechnician who came to help gave a conclusion in a stiff voice.

"According to my judgment, there is no need to waste this fragile body, but his body can still serve Om Messiah, so I suggest that he be executed immediately to end his pain, and his body be made into a mechanical servant before it rots, so that the value of this soldier can be better utilized."

The technician's words obviously shocked the Cadians present, and then one of them yelled at him.

"You cold-blooded machine!"

However, the biotechnician was flattered, and his mechanical tentacles were trembling with excitement. Then the technician thanked the soldier who insulted him from the bottom of his heart.

"Thank you for your praise! But my body currently only has 62% of the mechanical structure, and there is still a certain distance from becoming the incarnation of the God of All Machines. I will continue to work hard in the future."

Looking at the old soldier who lost his lower limbs and was wrapped in bandages on the bed, his eyes were full of despair.

After a moment, Otto took the initiative to walk towards the group of people.

"Can you let me see his condition?"

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