Start 1861: I Just Inherited the Dutch Throne

Chapter 273: Militia’s diplomatic “leak” incident

On August 27, 1866, the Confederate States of America asked Britain to withdraw from the troops sent to support the Confederacy, but London ignored it.

On September 1, 1866, Edwin Stanton, Secretary of War of the Commonwealth of America, visited St. Petersburg of the Tsarist Russian Empire and was received by Emperor Alexander II of Tsarist Russia. He then held talks with Milyutin, Minister of War of the Tsarist Russian Empire. Tsarist Russia announced its support for the Confederate States of America's opposition to Britain's participation in the North American Civil War, and expressed its clear demand for His Majesty the British to withdraw from the Confederate States.

The British Cabinet Government expressed its opposition to the involvement of the Russian Empire in North American affairs.

The spokesperson of Creston's Prime Minister's Office even expressed his attitude to the outside world on behalf of Creston, "Britain has important interests in North America, so we must protect the interests there. On the contrary, the Shah River Empire no longer has territory in North America. It is wrong to interfere in North American affairs. Therefore, our British Empire strongly demands that the Russian Empire stop cooperating with the American Commonwealth. The Russian Empire should reduce its relationship with the United Kingdom and deteriorate again.

We also call on the Commonwealth of America to engage in peace talks with the Confederate Allies. Only peace talks can allow the people of the Commonwealth of America to develop their economy with peace of mind, instead of living a life of war as they do now. "

The words of British Prime Minister Creston's spokesman let all countries know that Britain was not planning to compromise. On the contrary, it wanted to dissuade Tsarist Russia and the Commonwealth of America from continuing to oppose Britain.

Naturally, the United States of America would not do so.

On September 5, 1866, Secretary of State Seward of the Confederate States of America responded to this in Washington, saying, “When we hold talks with the Confederate States from time to time, the Confederate States of America objects to British intervention in the internal affairs of the Confederate States of America. We do not agree with the British accusations. It is the British who should reduce the war. After all, the wars in the past few years have made the economy of the British Isles worse and worse. It is time for London to make changes and find its way back. , instead of continuing to make mistakes.

The Commonwealth of America is peace-loving. We are based in North America. Our citizens come from all five oceans. We do not discriminate against any country. Our abolition of slavery is very thorough. On the contrary, London's national view restricts the foreign policy of No. 10 Downing Street. We We call on Prime Minister Creston to understand this. Therefore, we will oppose the British policy of England, including supporting the English regime in the south.

Once again, I call on London to withdraw its troops from Richmond and make preparations to improve the relationship between the two countries. If the relationship between the two countries continues to deteriorate in this way, then the Commonwealth of America retains all capabilities and means to fight back."

As soon as the Secretary of State of the Commonwealth of America issued the warning, the atmosphere on both sides of the Atlantic suddenly condensed.

France was watching the show, Italy was silent, Portugal was watching all this with complicated thoughts, Spain was hesitant to speak, but in the end was also silent, and Prussia was watching quietly, obviously also watching the show. The Russian Empire and the Federal Republic of America frequently interacted with the Confederate States of America in St. Petersburg and Washington. Obviously, this country still chose to side with the Confederate States of America.

Also, the Tsarist Empire seems to have recently entered into economic cooperation with the Federal Republic of America. Tsarist Russia hopes that the Federal Republic of America will invest more in Tsarist Russian industry and help Tsarist Russia develop more industrialization.

This is precisely the opposite direction that Britain has implemented in recent years, in order to suppress the industrial strength of the Tsarist Russian Empire.

"Obviously, the Tsarist Empire is no longer satisfied with the support provided by the Netherlands. It wants to take the opportunity to draw the Commonwealth of America over and become a constraint on the Netherlands' monopoly on the Tsarist Russian Empire. It seems that some people in St. Petersburg still have some opinions about the Netherlands."

In the office where the king received ministers, William IV told Prime Minister Tolbeck: "No one will think that Britain will compromise or bow its head, because in this case, it will not be the British Empire."

Tolbeck nodded and praised: "Your Majesty is right, but I think the Confederate States of America also know this. Therefore, I am somewhat interested in the reasons why the Lincoln government did this."

"What's the reason? It's just an excuse."

As he said that, William IV winked at McKay Sean next to him. Tolbeck's eyes moved and he understood that the director of the Dutch International Intelligence Agency must have new information.

McKay Sean told Torbeck in detail about the secret actions of the American Federation.

"Thirty thousand Confederates have secretly arrived in the northeastern city of Spotts, Washington."

When Tolback saw McKay Sean pointing to the map of North America on the wall, his eyes lit up.

McKay Sean continued: "In addition to these 30,000 people, there are also troops that have been gradually mobilized from the east in the name of supporting southern Utah."

Tolbeck reacted from the shock, then looked at William IV, his eyes sparkling, "Is the Commonwealth of America further resisting the British?"

William IV shook his head and said with a wry smile: "No, the Lincoln administration should call it tit for tat."

Tolbek was stunned. Thinking about it, that's right.

"Your Excellency Prime Minister, I have called you here this time just to see if the Netherlands can find any benefits from this."

Hearing this, Tolbeck secretly thought that indeed, His Majesty's style has not changed in the past few years, and he is still so "snobbish". However, this is exactly what he wants to see.

After all, the priority between countries is to compete for profit. Otherwise, why would it be said that it is beneficial to the country and the people?

As a result, the Dutch monarchs and ministers opened their minds and launched the Netherlands' deployment for the dark-clouded situation in North America.

First, on September 10, 1866, the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs sent Chief Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Vinas to visit London. On behalf of the special envoy of Foreign Minister Hesbert von, he met with British Foreign Secretary Russell in London. The Confederate States of America are trying to help cool down the conflict.

However, London took a tough stance, saying that unless the Commonwealth of America made concessions, London would not bow its head first.

The Netherlands seemed to act as a courier. On September 14, it sent the Second Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Jerry Hunter as Hesbert von's special envoy across the Atlantic to visit Washington, where he met with the Seward, the country's Secretary of State in charge of foreign affairs, Jerry Hunter relayed the British attitude to Seward, and after the vomiting was stopped, the cabinet government of the American Commonwealth held an emergency meeting.

Countries are paying attention, with various attitudes ranging from expectations to disappointment.

After the meeting, the Confederate States of America told Jerry Hunter that the Confederate States of America did not accept the conditions set by the British. In fact, the Lincoln administration seemed to have accidentally posted the British conditions to the United States. Several major newspapers, "The New Yorker", "Washington Post", "Chicago Times", etc., have put these conditions into the hands of citizens of the Commonwealth of America.

Although the Lincoln administration announced that it would thoroughly investigate the leak and would severely punish the other party, it did not deny the content of the leak. Instead, it insisted on a thorough investigation, confirming that this was true.

Seeing the above conditions, the people of the American Federation gnashed their teeth, and they were outraged by both humans and gods.

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