Start 1861: I Just Inherited the Dutch Throne

Chapter 284 The French Far East Offensive was blocked

On November 23, 1866, it had been four days since the war in the Far East began. While the world was focusing on the Anglo-American War in North America, it also set its sights on the Far East-South Asia Peninsula.

Many people originally thought that while Britain was focusing on North America and the Balkans, it would not be difficult for France to take over the Cambodian region of the Kingdom of Siam, which was not a powerful country in East-South Asia. However, everyone thought wrong. Well, Napoleon III even encountered Waterloo.

It turned out that once the fighting started, the Kingdom of Siam failed to react. The 10,000 French Imperial Army followed a small naval fleet composed of 10 sailing battleships, sailed up the Mekong River from Long Chuan City in South Vietnam, and invaded southeastern Cambodia. The capital of Phnom Penh.

Although the local soldiers resisted, they were finally occupied before the strong French army suddenly appeared.

The French army, having reaped the benefits, turned back south and occupied the cities of Dak Mao and Takeo. The three major cities in southeastern Cambodia are like this, and France only contributes less than 300 people.

As for the Cambodian region, even though it cost more than 3,000 lives, it was still not defended.

When Takeo was occupied, King Rama IV of the Kingdom of Siam and his government had already reacted.

They first sent envoys to France to communicate at the location of the South Vietnam Governor-General. The latter naturally found reasons to shirk that it was some reason in Cambodia that caused France to launch the invasion.

The French Governor-General in South Vietnam even hinted that the Kingdom of Siam must give up Cambodia to the French Empire, so as to appease the anger of Napoleon III and not launch war in areas other than Cambodia.

When the envoy returned to Bangkok and reported it to Rama IV, Rama IV was furious. However, facing the powerful French Empire, he immediately forced himself to calm down.

Since he came to power and inherited the position of king, he has deeply understood the power of the West and how terrifying the military power of the Western European countries in this world is. Therefore, he began to send his children to various European countries to learn Western culture, and at the same time, he had the reason to communicate with the royal families of various countries.

Originally he thought that this would save the Kingdom of Siam, but it seemed like he was wishful thinking.

Britain expanded in western Burma, occupied Lower Burma and then moved into Upper Burma. France in the east occupied South Vietnam. Originally, he thought it would develop to the north, but he did not expect that it would be to the west, with the Kingdom of Siam taking priority.

He understood that the French Empire was obviously afraid that if it developed into North Vietnam, it would offend the big country to the north of North Vietnam. Therefore, it was obviously easier to bully the Kingdom of Siam first.

After King Rama IV figured this out, he felt better again.

So in addition to convening a state affairs meeting of the Kingdom of Siam, after there was no result, with great worry, he called his crown prince Zhu Lalongkorn and his think tank and lover Anna over.

Chulalongkorn was also very worried about the French invasion. Having studied in the West for many years, he deeply understood what the French invasion represented.

He and Anna looked at each other, and both could see that the other was a little scared.

But compared to Chulalongkorn, the mature Anna is better.

Anna said: "Your Majesty, this time France launched the invasion purely because of the continuous wars between European powers in Europe and North America, but it was itself outside. However, there is no morality in these. The West actually also needs to go through a period of justice. In order to justify launching the war, the Kingdom of Siam has made good friends with the West over the years, and its relations with Western countries have become increasingly close. This is something that France cannot easily change. I think it will send a large army to the east to stop the other party, and then convey this to the embassies of European countries in Bangkok. The illegal behavior of the French invasion, support and recognize the interests of all countries in the Kingdom of Siam, and require all countries to support the position of the Kingdom of Siam in the face of the French invasion, which is crucial."

Chulalongkorn also said: "Yes, father, I think what Miss Anna said is right. There are many countries in the West that oppose the French Empire. If we can resist the French Empire, then the West will be affected by their interests in the Far East." The destruction of France, and being in the midst of it, will not allow France to succeed easily. Not to mention other countries, countries such as Britain and Prussia will block it, and our good neighbor the Netherlands will do the same."

Anna nodded: "The most important thing is to resist France's invasion."

In the end, all three of them believed that resisting the French invasion was the most important thing. King Rama IV finally agreed, and sent the extremely enthusiastic Chulalongkorn as the supreme military commander of the eastern resistance against France, to represent him in the Cambodian region to command the resistance against France.

Because of Chulalongkorn's special status, the crown prince had arrived at the front line, and the entire Cambodian people were inexplicably excited. Now almost everyone began to cooperate with the resistance against the French.

Over the years, the Kingdom of Siam has imported a wide variety of weapons from various European countries. Most of them were purchased in order to make good relations with European countries. There were even many weapons from France. Napoleon III originally wanted to show the strength of France. For reasons of face, he sold many of the army weapons currently used by his country to the Kingdom of Siam.

The same is true for the United Kingdom. Therefore, the weapons of the Kingdom of Siam's current army are actually not weaker than the French army's equipment.

Originally caught off guard, due to the protection of the country and the crown prince's presence on the front line, France's navy was able to move freely on the Mekong River, but its army was blocked from advancing. Even on the banks of the Mekong River, forts appeared from time to time to attack. The French navy bombarded the Mekong River. Until December, this small fleet of 10 warships was actually sunk 2 ships.

As for the invading army of 10,000 people, 3,000 of them were killed by the Kingdom of Siam in these ten days.

The Kingdom of Siam formed a regular army of 30,000 people and a mixed army of 20,000 civilians in Cambodia. More than 50,000 people carried out anti-French actions, and even the oppressive French army found it difficult to advance outside Phnom Penh.

So France hurriedly sent another 10,000 people from the South Vietnamese Far East Headquarters in the east to join.

The remaining 10,000 people were too thin, so they hurriedly sent a signal to Paris for help.

It was only at this time that European countries began to condemn the actions of the French Empire.

France was asked to negotiate with the Kingdom of Siam to resolve disputes, and not to undermine the interests of various countries in the Kingdom of Siam. Even Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom responded to Rama IV’s letter of distress, saying that France would be helped. pressure. Sure enough, she sent a telegram to Napoleon III the next day, asking France to stop attacking Cambodia.

William IV of the Netherlands expressed that he did not want France to undermine the security of the Netherlands' second largest trading partner in the Far East. William IV even stated that he would continue to fulfill the arms contract between the Kingdom of Siam and the Netherlands and would within the next week. Provided over 20,000 rifles to the Kingdom of Siam.

He said this was a previously signed arms contract and was not part of the current situation.

Although this made Paris a little unhappy, it showed that the Netherlands would support the Kingdom of Siam in safeguarding Dutch interests in the Kingdom of Siam.

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