Start 1861: I Just Inherited the Dutch Throne

Chapter 491 British House of Lords: Intelligence report from MI6

Chapter 491 British House of Lords: Intelligence report from MI-6

The Dutch delegation, which is visiting Berlin, is currently staying at the Dutch Embassy in Prussia.

Nicholas Pierson, the Deputy Foreign Minister of the Netherlands, said with envy: "Your Excellency is now a baron awarded by His Majesty. Baron, you have made great contributions to the Kingdom of the Netherlands. At the same time, with the increase in the population of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, no one dares to deny your credit. So. This title is well deserved.”

Martinas was not modest, but laughed. He said proudly: "The Netherlands is currently prospering and attracting world attention. The development of the Far East is changing with each passing day. I have seen the future of the Royal Palace of the Netherlands very much. Your Majesty, at a young age, has won Such great achievements can be expected in the future.”

After he finished speaking, the two people next to him nodded in agreement.

William IV is 29 years old. At this age, only Louis I of the Kingdom of Portugal can be compared, but the latter's achievements are far behind.

Therefore, William IV has almost become the source of belief for the Dutch people, even Martinas and others are no exception.

"Moltke is a very difficult person. He seems to be honest, but in fact he is very wise and foolish. He is still a woman. No wonder Prussia develops its military power so fast. With him ruling the military, it is natural for Prussia to be what it is today." Martinas said Thoughts. Obviously, he was very wary of Moltke.

Nicholas Pearson also lamented: "Bismarck is not like this. This man was relied on by William I. He really has extraordinary abilities, so the completion of this mission is really a fluke."

In the British House of Lords, Queen Victoria and the British nobles were listening to an intelligence report from Monard, the head of the British Empire's secret espionage agency Military Intelligence 6.

When a member of the House of Lords raised the threat that the Netherlands posed to Britain, Queen Victoria couldn't help but glance at Prime Minister Disraeli. Obviously, if she remembered correctly, this member of the House of Lords was from the Tory Party.

Pulling the Netherlands out at this time obviously showed his anti-Dutch stance. This made many British conservatives ecstatic. However, Disraeli suddenly accepted all the conservatives in the British House of Lords. The joy of the old congressman.

Sure enough, he is shrewd enough.

She couldn't help but look at Russell, a Whig, and both showed helplessness. But Creston next to him was livid.

On the stage, the head of MI-6, Molnar, said to these top British powers, "The Netherlands poses a clear threat to the British Empire government and society. MI-6 has now invested more than 100 resources in the Netherlands." any other single project”

Then a senator asked where the Netherlands threatened Britain.

As if to publicize his concerns about the Netherlands, Monard said to these members of the House of Lords and nobles: "This reflects the seriousness of our mission. We should not let the Dutch try to attack us in the Americas, the Pacific, and the Indian Ocean. "I am naive and naive about what my forces do."

Molnar continued, "The Netherlands has a large number of spies. In addition to military intelligence personnel, there are tens of thousands of civilian intelligence agents. I even think that within the Commonwealth of America, those Dutch people are working for William IV. To make some cooperation based on intelligence needs.”

A Tory senator asked: "What are the advantages of the UK and the Netherlands?"

"I also believe that with the deteriorating relations between the Netherlands and the French Empire, Prussia, and Portugal, the temporary anti-Dutch alliance in the North Atlantic composed of Britain, France, France, and Portugal still has an overwhelming advantage."

He said: "We have a huge advantage that the Netherlands does not have. Our British Empire is on an archipelago alone, so the homeland is less threatened by the army, and the British Empire has almost no real opponents in the navy."

"But," he said helplessly: "The Netherlands has an advantage that we don't have: it has friends and allies."

Creston suddenly asked: "What about the French Empire? Is there any intelligence report on how long the French Empire can fight to capture Siam?"

The former prime minister came under pressure and asked: "If France is so aggressive in the Far East, will the mainland become unprecedentedly weak?"

Monard showed his respect at the right time, knowing that the man in front of him was one of the leaders of the Whig Party, and his status was similar to that of Russell.

He didn't want to offend a few people.

The prime minister has a variable term of two terms, but the leader of a political party can directly work for decades without a term limit. There are only two major parties in the UK, the Tories and the Whigs. Among them, the Whigs are stronger, regardless of the Tories. The party is currently in power, but due to its fate over the past few decades, the Tory Party's power is almost always short-term, unlike the Whig Party, which is more stable.

Therefore, as an old man from MI6, he knew more about the strength of the Whig Party, so he was unwilling to offend the former Prime Minister who was ready to make a comeback at any time.

After performing enough, Monard replied: "The French Empire is struggling in the Cambodian region of the Kingdom of Siam in the Far East. The aggressive actions of the French Empire Napoleon III and Prime Minister Olivier will soon be forced to suspend if they continue like this. It may give the Kingdom of Siam a greater opportunity to counterattack in the Cambodian region."

The British intelligence giant was even pessimistic about France, saying: "They are almost unable to attack. Our assessment is that it will be increasingly difficult for the French to find soldiers and supplies in the next few weeks or even six months, and they will have to resort to Stop somehow, it will give the Kingdom of Siam a chance to fight back.”

When asked by members of the House of Lords whether there was any relevant intelligence information on William IV’s visit to Berlin at the level of Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Defense, Molnar said, “Currently we only know that the two countries are getting closer.”

When a congressman asked whether relations between the two countries would thaw, Molnar said there was "no evidence" that the two countries were making progress.

At the same time, south of the English Channel, the Ministry of Defense of the Kingdom of Spain issued a white paper warning that Spain’s national security threats are due to the French Empire’s war in the Kingdom of Siam, the endogenous penetration of the French Empire into Spain, and the dissatisfaction of the British Empire. Issues such as Spain's opposition to the threat of British rule over Gibraltar and the security instability caused by Spain's weakening national power are escalating.

"European Times" reported that the cabinet government of Prime Minister Ramon Narvaez of the Kingdom of Spain is preparing to submit a draft defense budget in March, and today released a Spanish defense white paper in which the Spanish government clarifies its concerns about threats to Spain's national security. , intended to gain public support for record military spending.

Spain’s Ramon Narvaez administration aims to double the military budget in the next five years

Spain's defense white paper reads, "The political, economic and military confrontation between countries is obvious, which poses a challenge to the international order and is a global situation."

The Ramon Narvaez government accused the French Empire of attacking the Kingdom of Siam as a serious violation of the ambitions and responsibilities of a European power, setting a precedent for using force to resolve disputes, and threatening the escalation of the security situation in neighboring countries such as Spain.

The Spanish Prime Minister is a leader who opposes French penetration into Spain. He has always been dissatisfied that French penetration is the main reason for weakening Spain's influence as a European power, so he is very disgusted with France.

The defense white paper, approved by Ramon Narvaez, lists the French Empire and the British Empire as Spain's main security threats.

Spanish Foreign Minister Tonis said in Madrid on February 5, 1869, "Spain is surrounded by the two major powers, Britain and France, in the north. France's military actions have exacerbated security concerns in Europe. When neighboring countries try to subvert the international community's due respect, When it comes to respecting national sovereignty, Spain currently seems to be forced to be at the forefront."

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