Start 1861: I Just Inherited the Dutch Throne

Chapter 499 Britain’s counterintuitive plan? (Patriotic topic)

Disraeli believed that Amsterdam was destroying Anglo-Spanish relations by focusing on Spain and supporting Spanish territory. This was another disguised reduction of Spanish diplomatic circles after destroying French-Spanish relations. I think it is not us who should be worried. , but Spain itself, because this makes Spain's diplomatic follow-up to the Netherlands more risky, and it is worthy of Madrid's own vigilance.

Disraeli also stated that London would not accept blackmail from other countries. "We have to make it clear that no one can blackmail us,"

He vowed that the British Empire would not only respond to various current attacks on the UK in a united manner and use diplomacy to safeguard British interests around the world, but also provide military support to enable it to defend the British national territorial security and protect the British Empire. own territory

Disraeli said that this was a common idea in Britain, regardless of whether it was the Tories or the Whigs.

But in the end, he added that the UK is willing to engage in various communications with the Netherlands in the coming time, but only if the Netherlands provides enough sincerity to persuade the UK to do so.

As Disraeli's exclusive interview was made public, many people omitted a large part of the previous part, and finally focused on the last sentence of willingness to communicate with the Netherlands. The UK finally accepted the 10-day appointment with Dutch Prime Minister Tolbeck. Already?

In this world where public opinion has always been unilateral and one-sided, what the Netherlands can do is because the British Empire actually has a lot of resources, especially the British government, which always likes to control public opinion.

Among them, various pro-British political figures in Spain began to speak out. It is obvious that Britain has begun to exert its influence in Spain.

"La Vanguardia" exclusively revealed that Dutch Speaker of the House of Representatives Huntington may visit Spain in the next few days. Although the rumors have not been officially confirmed by the Netherlands and Spain, the situation in the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, and Spain has become boiling.

However, those who are interested discovered that the Spanish official responded in a low-key manner, but it was difficult to conceal their inner expectations. However, the British Empire officials opposed it with several statements of "strong dissatisfaction", which shows how seriously Disraeli took this incident.

This is already a stern warning that the UK seems to be issuing to the "interests" of the UK that are harmed by the proximity of the Netherlands and Spain. The Netherlands' approach can be said to be eye-catching. The Prime Minister and the Speaker of the House of Representatives have three separate powers and do not care about each other. , which gave the Dutch government a way to shirk the British accusations against the Dutch government without damaging official exchanges between the two sides. It can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

Just when the British Empire's Foreign Secretary Russell made stern representations to the Netherlands and Spain, and warned that they were dissatisfied with Spain's territorial ambitions and were determined to do so knowingly and unintentionally, he also stated that the UK would make a firm response. The current Dutch Speaker of the House of Representatives The trip to Spain may be put on hold, or the visit may be postponed.

Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

The current situation in Spain makes it known that Britain has taken action, so officials in the Netherlands are beginning to worry about this.

In addition to the members of the Privy Council, Huntington, who was in the spotlight these days, was also summoned by William IV.

William IV said:

"Even if Huntington does not set foot on Gibraltar, Spain as he wishes, it is possible that other deputy speakers or other members of the parliament may visit instead."

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then looked like they breathed a sigh of relief.

On February 17, 1869, Speaker of the House of Representatives Huntington had not yet visited Spain, but the deputy speaker of the Dutch House of Representatives and the liberal chief member of the Budget Committee, Graeme, led a delegation to Madrid and talked with relevant personnel of the Spanish Senate. He received a warm welcome and was received by Julian. He met with Prime Minister Ramon Narvaez and Foreign Minister Tonys respectively. Letters from Foreign Minister Tervon, he also had two autographed letters entrusted by William IV to Isabel II.

Therefore, he met almost all the top leaders in Spain. Finally, he was invited to give a speech in the Spanish House of Representatives, becoming the first foreign member of the House of Representatives to be invited to give a speech in Spanish history.

This gives a sense of how close the relationship between the Netherlands and Spain is.

However, this also makes many Europeans feel incomprehensible about the Netherlands' actions.

The United Kingdom has even mobilized public opinion to carry out various "speculations" that are beneficial to the United Kingdom.

Obviously, the attacks by pro-British politicians in Spain during this period seemed to have no effect.

At the same time, during a meeting with Prime Minister Ramon Narvaez of the Netherlands, the deputy speaker of the Netherlands also successfully promoted a huge Dutch warship order of up to 500,000 pounds. He also stated that "it is time for Britain and The French Empire knows the strength of the alliance between the Netherlands and Spain, and at the same time lets them know that Spain cannot be insulted. If they want to attack Spain, it is time to make them pay a greater price." The harsh words.

The rumor of Speaker Huntington’s visit to Spain was like a smoke bomb, covering up the fact that these Dutch congressmen visited Spain in a flash mob with an order to “unite the allies” to prepare for the French invasion of Siam and the British test of pressure on the Spanish outbreak. Spain has received a shot in the arm of "Dutch-Spanish friendship".

However, neither the Netherlands nor Spain has said anything about canceling Huntington's visit to Spain. This can be said to show that the Netherlands has exhausted its institutions. Huntington himself, the Spanish government and even the royal family are "alone and half-hidden" about this. He said at the Dutch press conference, "I Not discussing my travel plans." His office has also issued a "long-term security agreement, we will not provide confirmation or travel itinerary", which seems to intentionally make this unstable itinerary more unpredictable.

In the past few days, there have been many communications between Dutch and British officials. In addition, Prime Minister Tolbeck took the lead in blurting out the news that he would communicate with Disraeli within ten days. This reflects the relationship between Tolbeck and the Netherlands. The government's expectations further illustrate that the Netherlands is active in arranging communication between the two people. It obviously hopes to use the opportunity of direct dialogue between the prime ministers to obtain results that are beneficial to the Netherlands from the UK, currently the most powerful country.

Speaker of the House of Representatives Huntington, who is also in the liberal camp of the Netherlands, dropped a shock bomb at this time by visiting Western Spain to support the Spanish territorial demands. Just as Prime Minister Tolbeck and the two were playing black and white, they moved out of the Spanish faction on the British side. This negotiation bargaining chip uses Spain to leverage the issue of British sovereignty over Gibraltar in order to get Britain to make concessions, which enhances its own political posture.

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