Start 1861: I Just Inherited the Dutch Throne

Chapter 542 Democratic Reform in the Netherlands Starts

Chapter 542 Democracy in the Netherlands-Reform Starts

William IV said:

"The overseas provinces had to carry out land reform and democratic reform, which led to tax reform. Before the Netherlands did not manage all overseas colonies in a territorial manner, the overseas provinces levied very little land taxes and fees on planters. , a local middle-level industrial and commercial person has to pay about 5-6 times the taxes and fees of overseas plantation owners. After the tax system reform, the tax payment levels of the two tend to be balanced, and the tax obligations of the lower-class civilians can even be exempted. "

Interior Minister Joan Leer nodded to express receipt.

William IV: “For example, in the provinces of New South Wales, William Province (Victoria), Queensland and South Australia in mainland Australia and the Province of Java in the Netherlands East Indies, the land tax collected per acre has increased from The 1 Dutch guilder before 1864 rose to 100 Dutch guilders in 1868. The taxable output value of all 20 overseas provinces in 1864 was less than 5% of the entire Kingdom of the Netherlands, but by the last year of 1868, the taxes paid The proportion has already accounted for 12%, accounting for 60% of the tax payment in the Netherlands."

When William IV said this, Jane von Capell nodded the most enthusiastically this time.

William IV: "Many plantation owners had to sell their land at low prices or confiscate it because they paid too high taxes and fees. This caused a sharp drop in land prices, reaching 50%-70%. These Part of the land was sold to poor whites and indigenous people, which formed small indigenous farmers. These can effectively solve the dissatisfaction of both indigenous and poor white people."

Jonler and Tolbeck also agreed, and Agriculture Secretary Gates agreed from the bottom of his heart.

William IV: "Third, encourage and support industry and commerce, fund railways, and promote the development of the commodity economy. We should learn from the province of New Wales where Sydney is located. In order to support this policy, the province has issued hundreds of company charters. The petition also specifically establishes a bill that stipulates that if the profits of some industrial and commercial enterprises are less than 4%, they will be given tax exemption benefits, which will increase everyone's desire to do business."

Industry Minister Wem Kot: "Your Majesty's method will greatly stimulate the enthusiasm for business in the Netherlands."

William IV: “The investment in railways by local governments is also very huge. Every time a section of railway is built, the state government will subsidize 200,000 Dutch guilders. I think a 20-year subsidy of 250 million Dutch guilders (10 million guilders) should be established in the Ministry of Finance. sterling) railway bonds to subsidize railway construction."

Transport Secretary John also agrees very much, because in this way, funds for the construction of transport infrastructure will be mobilized, and private funds can also unleash their potential.

William IV: "The incentive and stimulus policies of overseas provincial governments for industry and commerce have increased the investment of local developed businessmen and capital owners in overseas provinces, increased the capital and trade exchanges between local and overseas provinces, and will promote the development of overseas provinces. Economic development also creates business opportunities for speculators, and more and more people will become rich overnight. As the business environment improves, more and more people will join. In this regard, white people have an inherent advantage. "

Ross, the Dutch Minister of Justice, said: "As long as the money is obtained legally, it is worth encouraging the economic growth model."

William IV finally said: "The education system needs to be reformed, and more free public schools should be opened. This was the first to be implemented in the mainland and the Dutch East Indies. Everyone has seen these effects, and the Australian mainland has also followed these two places. At the same time, 100% of white people have completed primary education, but currently the literacy rate of indigenous people in the Far East is only 40%, and the indigenous people in Africa are only 10%. The illiteracy rate of indigenous people in Africa is over 90%."

Minister of Education Lud Bales looked ashamed when he heard this.

Seeing this, William IV said: "I know this challenge is very big, but the population of white people in the Netherlands is only so large, and the number of white European immigrants is less than 13 million. This greatly limits the development and growth of the Netherlands into a world power. Therefore, the remaining 19 million indigenous people are the key to our growth. It will be very important for us to use them properly and correctly.

Provincial and municipal governments in all regions should realize that in order to achieve good economic development, they must rely on a large number of talents. Not only white high-end talents with top talents and academics, we also need low-end indigenous labor force. Some light industries such as garment manufacturing need these. A labor force that is not very skilled but is indispensable. In that case, more white Dutch labor will be released into other more critical areas. "

William IV told Minister of Education Lüde Bales and Minister of Finance Jan. von Cappello: "Education is the only way to cultivate talents, so we must increase investment in education to provide poverty-stricken whites and colored people. The opportunity for low-cost or even free education is available to the Colored Aboriginals.”

William IV thought that at this time, the main funding for the overseas provinces of the Netherlands came from the early establishment of the Freedmen's Bureau and local religious groups in the Netherlands. From 1865 to 1868, the education funding of the government's Freedmen's Bureau had increased from 10 million guilders. The amount reached 50 million Dutch guilders (2 million pounds or 10 million US dollars), and the educational funds raised by religious groups reached 80 million Dutch guilders (3.2 million pounds), which is more than 1.5 times that of the government. It can be seen that the Dutch Pope How powerful is the power of appeal.

Education Minister Lüde Bales: "The Ministry of Education has started more projects to prepare for implementation. We have established many educational places from kindergartens to colleges and universities. At present, the majority of indigenous people are also aware of the importance of education. Some wealthy indigenous people are also aware of the importance of education. He also raised funds to build creative schools. From 1866 to 1868, the funding for indigenous schools reached 4 million guilders, and the enrollment rate of indigenous children also doubled."

After nodding, William IV said to Prime Minister Tolbeck and Interior Minister Jonrel: "I just mentioned religious fundraising and indigenous self-raised funds to build schools. This involves the fifth item I want to say, That is, the rise of philanthropy.

Affected by the different conditions and different levels of poverty in various parts of the Netherlands overseas, overseas provinces have also gradually learned from the locals in preparing to build hospitals, orphanages, nursing homes and other medical aid institutions, while also providing social welfare to the indigenous people. These all depend on the situation, but what needs to be done is still done. In short, we must firmly hold the indigenous people in our hands, let them feel the tangible benefits, and let them understand what they will do without Dutch rule. None, only in this way can we win their sense of belonging, instead of forcing them to submit,"

William IV said to Bill Charlie, Director of the Royal Netherlands Intelligence Service, and McKay Sean, Director of the Dutch International Intelligence Service: "On this aspect, your Intelligence Agency can use the resources at hand to drive public opinion, especially the propaganda in newspapers must be in place, so that Only then can we assist the Ministry of Interior, the Ministry of Education and other major departments in their work.”

Bill Charlie and McKay Sean heard the words and responded: "Yes, Your Majesty."

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