Chapter 150 I really found the treasure this time!!

Fight with the crowd haha.

Wang Fugui’s face was even more joyful.

It seems that this new product of mine is very promising. Scold!


With a chicken robbing a lot of guests during this time. It’s time to see who’s really good.


Dongtao chicken was picked up by the chef behind him like a treasure. Li Mu also took Liu Wenqing into the private room at will and sat down.

Since the last time Li Shaodong happened. Wang Fugui also learned to be smart.

Every day, I secretly leave one or two private rooms to come down to deal with unexpected situations. Li Mu naturally did not need to wait for a position.

After sitting still.

Li Mu thought about it for a moment and called President Zhang again. The other party did not say a word.

Directly killed.

“Brother Li Mu, we haven’t been in touch with him for two days. What’s up, what’s wrong with your factory?

I saw the cleaning company on TV. The development is very good! ”

“Brother Zhang, it’s okay, everything is going well now.”

“There’s nothing I can do to help?”

President Zhang had some regrets.

“Of course there is.

Brother Zhang, you see my stall spread out. Want to grow at a high speed. Your support is indispensable. In a few days.

Wait for me to sort out my current resources. Another loan may also be required. ”

“No problem with that.

Brother Li Mu, you don’t know.

At that time, after giving you a loan, my subordinates still said that they were not safe. It turned out that the day before yesterday suddenly found me.

Say your cleaning company is on TV.

I regret that I was not bold enough to lend you so much. Now Brother Li Mu you want to take out another loan.

That’s a lot simpler.

As long as the number is not too amazing. Just open your mouth. ”

“Well, then I wrote Brother Zhang in advance.”

Li Mu nodded.

It is a full sense of what is called the multi-helper of the enlightened. When you have strength.

There are many things that you don’t need to figure out on your own. Naturally, someone came up with a blank stare.

Several people were chatting.

The dishes made by Dongtao chicken were finally served. But what surprised Li Mu was that.

The first dish was white cut chicken. And this white cut chicken dip.

Nor is it pepper-based.

It’s simple soy sauce.

“Brother, I just discussed it with Chef Liu. In fact, this chicken has been growing for more than a year.

It may be a little inappropriate to make white cut chicken. Since it is a trial dish.

It’s not too complicated.

Let’s just feel the taste of chicken today. If you want to eat other tricks, say it next time. ”

Wang Fugui saw Li Mu’s doubts.

explains. Li Mu nodded.

“It should have been. Let’s go! ”


Li Mu took the lead and moved the chopsticks. A piece of chicken is clipped up. I haven’t eaten yet.

The crowd felt a light in front of them.

The chicken between the chopsticks is followed by chicken skin. Slightly trembling.

Fresh juice oozed down the chicken. The chicken is also cooked just right. It has a pink and tender feel.

“Brother Yu, this is different from what I imagined.”

“That’s right, normal native chickens have been raised for more than a year. Chicken should be tight.

It looks like a chick of about three months. It’s also too tender.

Let’s try it. ”


Wang Fugui didn’t even stick to the seasoning. Take one bite and put it in your mouth. Then.

The eyes burst with an astonishing bright color. Li Mu followed suit. Take a sip.

His eyes bulged in an instant. Because he can swear.

I have never eaten anything so delicious in my life. A piece of chicken.

It actually contains two kinds of taste: fresh and elastic. And these two tastes.

It was almost controlled to the right balance. The moment the juice exploded.

Intense aroma of flesh and elasticity that seems like nothing. It’s addictive.

And it’s not just Li Mu and Wang Fugui. Next to Liu Wenqing and President Zhang.

It was also a look of surprise.

Astonishing for this wonderful taste and rich taste.

“I lean on.

This chicken is amazing! Totally beyond imagination good.

Don’t even use the seasoning. Just taste like this? ”

“Yes Brother Wang.

I couldn’t believe I was eating chicken.

It felt like eating one of the world’s best steaks.

And the taste has more layering than steak. It’s addictive! ”


Li Mu clipped a chopstick of chicken again. Try to dip it in soy sauce. This time, the taste has changed again. But you can feel it.

Even soy sauce can’t hide the umami taste of the chicken itself. Instead, it can only be reduced to a supporting role.

“Wow! I’ve eaten a lot of chicken in my life. The taste of this chicken can definitely be ranked first. ”

President Zhang also praised.

Liu Wenqing, on the other hand.

At the moment, there is also a piece of chicken in it. But I was in no hurry to eat. But his mouth was commenting.

“It seems that I still underestimated the effect of our cockroach protein meat.”

Dongtao chicken, why is it so expensive? Rare and difficult to raise. Just one of those points.

There is another point because his flesh is really good. The protein content is double that of the average chicken.

But our chickens fattened with cockroach meat. But it is more than the average Dongtao chicken.

Just that bite, I’m sure.

The protein content is probably more than 50 percent. This content has exceeded that of most insects.

As everyone knows.

Foods high in protein. Its own nutrition and taste. Absolutely not bad.

And we, I’m afraid, are already close to the extreme. If there is anything beyond it.

It could only be himself.

Continue to fatten and increase the protein content of Dongtao chicken. I’m sure the taste and texture can be taken up another notch. ”

“At this point, there is still room for growth?”

Li Mu and Wang Fugui glanced at each other. All were great surprises.

“Well, Brother Wang, Brother Li Mu, is in business.

The price of our Dongtao chicken, you really have to be fierce. in order to cash out his value.

Just leave the feeling of opening your mouth aside.

His tonic nature, a chicken should be at least ten eight ordinary chickens! ”

Liu Wenqing commented again.

“Good! Cool!

This time we kind of picked up the treasure. With this chicken taste and texture.

I just wanted to ask who else! ”

Wang Fugui got up happily.

I couldn’t stop laughing out loud for a long time.

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