Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 226: : Get ready to go out, let him go out and make noise


In Lingtiandao Palace, Lan Yu knocked on the door.

"Come in."

A lazy voice came from the room.

Lan Yu opened the door and walked in, just in time to see Madman Chu yawning. He just woke up from the bed and couldn't help but smile.

She stepped forward to skillfully make up the mattress for Madman Chu, and then while serving him to change clothes, she said: "My son, just now Elder Ruyan asked someone to send a message, telling you to remember to have a meeting in the Hall of Longevity on time."

"A meeting, oh, today is the beginning of the month, right."

Madman Chu said suddenly.

Xuantianzong holds a seminar every month to discuss some things that have happened since this month, such as the performance of the disciples, and the movement of the major sages.

After dressing neatly, Madman Chu looked at himself in the mirror carefully, "After being the head of the house for a year, I feel that my hairline seems to have become a little higher, and when it's over, I won't be bald anymore."

Lan Yu smiled helplessly: "My son, you think too much, your hair is still thick, and your hairline has not changed."

"is it?"

"Really, you are as good-looking as ever."

"That is not bad."

Madman Chu took Lan Yu to go out.

In the yard, Xiaobing was feeding Xiaohong with a few spirit fruits.

"The son."

"This Sage Qingshuang has sent Lingguo again?"

"Well, I gave two big baskets this time. It is said that Divine Phoenix likes to eat, so she has a little more variety." Xiaobing pointed to the two baskets of fire-red spirit fruits next to them, with a strong fire spirit flowing on them. .

Any one is a valuable top-grade medicine.

But these are just Divine Phoenix Xiaohong's snacks.

"I really troubled her, right."

Madman Chu took out a book and a bottle.

There are some seeds in the bottle.

"This is the answer to the alchemy question she asked me for last time, and there are some precious medicine seeds, you will send it to her later."

Throughout the year, Saint Qingshuang would come to Madman Chu for advice from time to time, and sometimes he would accumulate some more complicated issues, and then find time to write them in a book and give them to the other party.

In addition, he sometimes draws some weird things in the lottery, such as the seed of this precious medicine.

He didn't bother to plant it himself, so he left it to Qingshuang Saint to take care of it.

"Okay, son."

Out of the Dao Palace.

Madman Chu and Lan Yu walked towards the Palace of Longevity.

All the disciples encountered along the way saluted respectfully.

"I have seen the head."

"I have seen the head."

Compared with a year ago, Xuan Tianzong has changed a lot.

One of the most worth mentioning is the cultivation base of the disciples. In just one year, almost every disciple's cultivation base has improved.

Especially the Taoists like Murong Xuan and Nangong Huang, under the intensive training of the madman of Chu, have progressed so quickly that it can be said to be a thousand miles away.

Came to the Hall of Longevity.

The elders have gathered together.

When they saw Madman Chu, they all saluted.

"Meet the head."

"Okay, don't be polite, let's get started."

Madman Chu smiled faintly, and sat on top of the main hall.

The elders began to report.

Most of them were trivial things. Madman Chu yawned a little bit in the middle of the meeting, which was too boring.

"By the way, some time ago, Tianyu Sect asked us for help, saying that it was invaded by the evil spirits, and I have sent someone to solve it."

Elder Ruyan said suddenly.

Hearing this, Madman Chu finally became interested.

"Sha Ling?"

"Yes, Tianyu Sect is located near the ancient battlefield, and it is not uncommon to be eroded by evil spirits occasionally." Ruyan Elder said.

The evil spirit, originated from the ancient battlefield, one of the ten forbidden places, is a peculiar existence formed by the boundless evil spirit of the ancient battlefield combined with the grievances of the dead, and it generally wanders around the ancient battlefield.

It is not uncommon for Tianyu Sect to encounter evil spirit intrusion. In the past, Xuantian Sect had sent people to support it, and it passed quickly.

The elders began to report on the rest.

However, the three words Ancient Battlefield lingered in Chu Madman's heart.

He recalled the holy war that the King of Heartless Heart had said in the past, and the ancient battlefield was the battlefield of that holy war.

This can't help but evoke the idea of ​​him wanting to take a look.

"I've decided, I'm going to the ancient battlefield."

Everyone was still reporting on their work, and when they heard Madman Chu's words, they were taken aback for a while and looked at each other.

"Master, what are you going to do in the ancient battlefield?"


Madman Chu said casually.

"Head, do you still need to practice?" An elder said silently, and the others had the same expression.

Sovereign, stop teasing.

You can kill a saint, so what's your experience?

"Natural need."

"But you are gone, what about Xuantianzong?"

"After I leave, all affairs of the sect will be temporarily taken over by Elder Ruyan. If you have any issues, please contact me again."


Elder Ruyan and others still hesitate.

"Okay, it's so decided. Xuan Tianzong has made great progress this year, and you have handled it in an orderly manner. It's impossible that it won't work because I'm gone." Chu Kuangren smiled lightly.

The sky is pity.

He has lived in Xuan Tianzong for a year.

If you don't go for a walk, your body will rust.

"okay then."

Elder Ruyan nodded.

In fact, it's not that they don't want to let the Madman Chu leave, it's just that in the past year, the Xuantianzong can develop to the present point, and most of the credit comes from the Madman Chu.

Unknowingly, they actually developed a certain dependence on the young leader who was just twenty.

Hearing that the other party was about to leave the sect, he was a little at a loss for a while, which was hard to imagine in the past.

A young head, who caused them such dependence?

"it is good."

Madman Chu smiled, "Lan Yu, go, go back and pack things, prepare to go out, oh no, experience."


The depths of Xuan Tianzong.

Inside the hut, the third ancestor Xuantian smiled faintly: "This little guy is going out to make trouble again. Do we need someone to follow?"

"no need."

The second ancestor Xuantian's voice sounded, "He can kill even a saint now, and he doesn't need a guardian."

The saint is the highest known combat power of the sky star.

There is no doubt that the Madman Chu is already one of the top people in the world. What guardians are still needed?

"Heh, this guy might make some trouble when he goes out." Venerable Xuan Qi said with a light smile.

Recalling the crazy people of Chu’s past experience of going Is there a time when it was not a turbulent situation.

Now, when he goes out again, the ghost knows what will happen.

The words of Venerable Xuan Qi made the other ancestors speechless.

"This little guy is good at everything, but it's too noisy."

"Ha, this is actually quite good, young people just have to be vigorous, let him go to trouble, anyway, there are some of us old guys against it."

The second ancestor Xuantian laughed.

The current Xuantianzong is unprecedentedly powerful. In addition to the Madman Chu who has the power of a saint himself, there are also three saints, the second ancestor, the third ancestor, and the Qingshuang saint, and the quasi saint of Venerable Xuanqi who is about to become holy.

In addition, the Seventh Ancestor is about to cross the catastrophe.

Once successful, it is another quasi saint.

Not to mention, in addition to Xuan Tianzong, the two sages of the White Lotus Sect and the Qingyun Dynasty are also strong backing for the Chu Madman.

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