Start Trading Space Battleship

Chapter 212: : Shen Shi 3000 years later

The latest website: The Pope's remarks really caused a violent sensation.

Everyone was stunned.

Some even nearly fainted.

Are the gods just servants?

These are the gods! It is the belief of their Yuren civilization for nearly 10,000 years. No matter the vicissitudes of life, no matter what happens in the entire civilization, the gods are the spiritual support of the Yuren civilization, even if the entire civilization has developed to this level. Today, this belief is only slightly faded.

But now, this kind of blasphemous words came from the Pope, the spokesperson of the gods?

At this moment, there are even many people who think that the Pope is not being controlled.

Yep, that's how it should be!

"Your Majesty, are you under control?"

"Yes, how can you blaspheme the gods!"

"You must be under control!"

Many people were screaming with excitement, they simply couldn't accept it, and they couldn't accept it.

However, the Pope just shook his head gently.

His voice came out calmly.

"You can question my will, you can question everything, but the only thing you can't question is reality! In fact, this is not what we have discovered now. We have recorded it from the information left by the gods a long time ago. I know this secret in the middle - at the beginning, I couldn't accept it like you, even until I came here, I still couldn't accept it, we established a shady screen, we forbade everyone to go outside the galaxy, just hope to close your eyes , never come into contact with this truth, and always just shrink into your own history, your own cognition..."

The Pope is still very infectious, and some people have gradually quieted down.

They all gathered around the Pope, listening to his voice.

Emotions are getting more and more excited, then calm, then excited again.

"This universe is far more powerful than what we know. The civilization of the gods in this universe is just an ordinary civilization. Even us, it only takes another one or two thousand years to be able to Arriving, even surpassing the gods, everyone will have the opportunity to live to that time and witness that time with your own eyes. Originally, there is no need for the divine court to exist by then. We can truly make the gods change from an actual civilization to a mere It's history, it's just faith... But the masters of the gods have returned, and they need new servants... This seems to be our mission..."

When the Pope said these words, he had completely let go of his mind.

Everyone can clearly feel his sincerity.

And in the Pope's own heart, all this is very real.

It's actually pretty easy to think of.

The planet that suddenly appeared in front of them was so powerful, so powerful that the artifacts left by the gods were incomparable, and they possessed such power, but they did not harm any Yuren, but only concentrated them all. Concentrated here, as if to take them all away.

Isn't that what the Pope is all about?

No matter how firm a person is, at this moment, he has to believe in reality and logic.

In fact, this is how Yuren civilization has developed to such an extent.

If it was more than a thousand years ago, even if the Pope stood up and told this in person, no one would believe it, they would only think that the Pope was under control.

But at this moment, people who were already on the verge of being shaken have been shaken completely.

Even if there are still people who are still insisting and questioning.

But over time, this part of the population will eventually become less and less.

And the humans who saw this scene in their eyes and stopped the Pope's words in their ears were also a little stunned at the moment.

They had already prepared a plan for negotiation, but the current situation seems to be the best outcome.

- For Yuren, how can serving human beings be compared to serving the former masters of the gods?

Whether it is belief, strength, or reality, most of them can accept all this logically.

"We don't need us at all." Someone couldn't help but sighed in a low voice, "Mr. Shen alone can perfectly achieve the goal."

"Nonsense." Todd was also laughing, but glared at the man who opened his mouth, "We are an alternative plan, and we have to make an alternative role."

"That's right, this trip didn't come in vain."

"With the services of Yuren Civilization, our civilization will make up for the last flaw."

"There are a lot of things to come."

"That's right, since the Pope said so, then we have to weave this brand new myth well. We humans can't just be a civilization that was only in the Earth and Star period 30 years ago. A powerful human civilization, and we are just a branch, Senator Shen is from the main family, how about this?"

"Well, you can dig deeper and have a meeting to discuss."


Humans were busy again at this moment, and Shen Shi continued to issue some instructions, such as allowing them to contact the Pope to a certain extent.

The Pope has now taken the initiative to engrave the original energy seal, and to a certain extent, he can already be regarded as his own.

With the cooperation of this person, it is not too difficult to re-fabricate myths and transfer beliefs.

As for Yu Wang's side, there is no need to worry too much.

Compared with the Pope who still has faith and persistence, King Yu is easier to solve because he is more realistic.

In fact, in the original timeline, the reason why human beings did not achieve the expected effect is because a small number of people with firm beliefs resolutely resisted. This has a lot to do with the court of God and the Pope. Only Shi Ling would have such a change, even allowing Shen Shi to directly enter a new field, and Shen Shi also clearly understood that there must be major changes in the future.

In fact, he has been able to roughly guess.

A new future line may not appear.

However, if the construction of the galaxy fortress can be completed before the arrival of the Dyks, does it still need Shen Shi to lead a team to snipe? Do you still need Shen Shi to disregard his own damage and make hard defenses?

In other words, the sage Shen Shi is very likely to live three thousand years later in this changed new timeline!

This made Shen Shi excited and a little uneasy.

It's not that he is worried that this future line will have a counter-productive effect. After all, for him who owns Shi Ling, Shen Shi in all the other timelines is actually just an incarnation of his consciousness. It is very clear, and what Shen Shi is worried about is that if he returns to the future and takes back this incarnation of consciousness, will it have a major impact on the future.

After all, this is the sage Shen Shi!

"In any case, I still have to take a look." Shen Shi knew that this step could not be avoided, and he came to the captain's room of the Dongtian alone. This is the safest place in the entire Dongtian, except for the captain who is the captain. Apart from him, absolutely no one can come here.

After notifying his daughter-in-law and the rest on the grounds of "retreat to adapt to the original master", Shen Shi slowly closed his eyes.

Shi Ling in his consciousness turned into an endless starry sky at this moment.

His figure appeared in the trading market.

In this moment, he felt it.

another me!


Since the galaxy fortress can be successfully built, there is no reason for the sage Shen Shi to still fall!

He even felt a lot of changes.

Includes previous transactions.

According to past experience, all the changed transactions will be resolved by the afterimage of consciousness, but there is already an incarnation of consciousness in this future line, and that is the sage Shen Shi! Therefore, in this future line that has undergone great changes, Your Excellency the antique dealer is the sage Shen Shi!

This sage Shen Shi, who originally existed in this future line, entered the market with a new identity, pretended to be a newcomer to meet Peggy, then sold "sacred artifacts", and even opened an antique shop. traded for over two decades.

This is Shi Ling's twist and adaptation to this brand new future.

And most importantly - it can't be taken back.

Yes, although Shen Shi didn't have this plan, at this moment he could clearly feel that he couldn't take back this afterimage of consciousness.

Reason and simplicity.

He is much stronger than himself.

"Although they are all products of the timeline under Shi Ling's distortion, this is not just an afterimage, but an incarnation... an incarnation of a sage... It's not that it can't be forcibly taken back, it's just that it will cause a lot of power to dissipate." Shen Shi digested the information about the advancement of time from Shi Ling, and seemed to have a clear understanding.

If you want to take back this incarnation, you have to become more powerful.

It is so powerful that the growth of these three thousand years is nothing.

However, it seems to be fine now.


Shen Shi narrowed his eyes slightly, his mind moved.

In an instant, he could clearly feel that his consciousness seemed to have easily entered the other side.

He opened his eyes.

What you can see is an ordinary room. It doesn't seem to have much high-tech. On the contrary, it retains the flavor of the Earth Star period to a certain extent. In his consciousness, Shen Shi understood that this was his home.

Home on the Blue Star.

It is not located in the city of space, but in the center of Xinghai Island, in the same location as his home three thousand years ago.

"It's been three thousand years, and I'm still living here." Shen Shi squinted and laughed lightly, "As I get older, I really miss the old days, and it seems that I can't avoid it."

He looked down at his body, stood up and moved slightly, but there was some kind of discomfort, which was much stronger than his original body, and when this idea emerged, the memory brought The explanation also emerged because he used a B5-level life evolution device brought by the collector from the land of Guth.

The entire body is still a creature, but it is much stronger.

Even when you raise your head, your line of sight can easily pass through the room, reach the universe, cross the space, and see this incomparably huge, incomparably magnificent and powerful civilization!

Shen Shi suddenly realized.

Although he borrowed his body from the future, this is the first time he has truly arrived in the future three thousand years later!

After going to the virtual market for three thousand years before, you can only go to the virtual market!

And now, he has truly come to this era, this universe! And he is the sage of human civilization!

"This is the real time span..." Shen Shi muttered to himself.

Even with his current primordial attainments, there is a strange excitement.

However, he also realized that the original energy of this incarnation was much stronger than his original self. Even if he was quite emotional, he could still control it easily. He subconsciously entered his own world of consciousness, and what he saw was not It is a very real, incomparably huge world!

The World Tree still exists, but in addition, there are pieces of primordial energy installed in the world of consciousness.

Like the scorching sun hanging in the sky.

Like the sea rolling in the sky.

There are even large seals buried deep in the ground.


At a glance, there are at least a dozen original energy devices. In contrast, the World Tree is the weakest one, and the overall strength is incredible!

Not just that.

Shen Shi just glanced at it roughly, and he could see it clearly.

In the world of consciousness at this time, there is actually a war.

He saw a strange man with a face like indigo, hair like cinnabar, a body of 20 feet in length, a hydrated body, and a pair of "wind and thunder wings" born under the back ribs. I also saw a young man with three heads and six arms, holding a flaming spear, who stepped on a hot wheel, shuttled at extreme speed, in addition to a giant dragon rolling on the seabed, an elder with an immortal wind, and a general with a vertical eye on his forehead. ......

"Fengshen Romance!" Shen Shi slowly spat out these three words.

It's incredible.

The mythical world has really been shaped!

You must know that even those who buy ancient mythical books are not thinking about building a mythical world. If they can build a mythical shadow, they can be used as a trump card!

This is more than just imagining all kinds of magical powers like a If you want to create a powerful force in the world of consciousness, the first is to firmly believe that this is why you need antiques, because the culture of your own civilization brings This sense of authenticity, this sense of identity, cannot be brought by any other fictional force, but apart from this conviction, the real difficulty is authenticity!

After becoming a primordial master, the world of consciousness can actually be regarded as the real world of another dimension.

Except that it can only exist in consciousness, everything in it is actually not much different from the real world.

Even people of the same race can enter.

It is like a virtual world constructed by computers and programs.

It is false, but it is not true.

It is precisely because of this requirement that it is so difficult to create a myth.

At the very least, this is definitely not a level that Shen Shi, who has just entered the realm of the Primordial Master at this moment, can touch.

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