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Chapter 304: Raise the Meow Hammer

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"So you're saw it?"

When Secret Service Nine entered the takeover situation to clean up the scene, the Luo Yajun agent who led the team immediately became alert.

This is also the part that everyone cares about the most. They are so nervous in the end because they are resisting the aliens, and the unknown of those alien gods is the most disturbing part.

The only source of information, Leila Xiaoluoli, only said that the aliens were very strong, but she couldn't tell for a long time how strong they were. The only thing that is certain is that if they intend to erase human beings from the surface of the Earth's Polar Star, it will be almost as easy as pie in the face of human beings' current meager resistance.

Of course, she also emphasized it under questioning, but it is only as far as human beings themselves are concerned. As for the superhero alliance in another world, they themselves are not clear about their depth, and she is actually not sure about the specific level of the ancient gods, so it is even more impossible to evaluate who is strong and who is weak.

So what everyone is most concerned about now is, of course, how strong the aliens are and whether they can handle them.

At this moment, Chu Cheng was speaking from the widow's perspective as the representative of the Fulian. He pondered for a while, thinking that if we told the truth, Brother Hammer would make the alien turn around and run away with just a few blows.

You must know that the reason why he has developed so comfortably and has enough resources is that the uneasiness brought about by the threat from the outer space is also one of the important reasons. It would be too easy for them to think that it would be too easy for the alien to run away with a few hammers, and it would not be good to suddenly invest in planetary security.

Uh, of course, you can still get the resources you need, but it will be a little more troublesome. Therefore, following the principle of hello, me, everyone, Chu Cheng still omitted the part where the other party was hanged and beaten by Brother Hammer, and only said that the alien was cunning, and ran away with oil on the soles of his feet as soon as he handed over. Moreover, the strength of that product is so strong that all units cannot take it lightly, especially the camp that descends to the core must step up its guards.

This is not an exaggeration. In the short fight just now, he has tried out the depth of the envoy's strength. To be honest, if it weren't for the dogs on their side, with the strength of the envoy, he could almost walk sideways on the Earth's Pole Star.

The widow sister was talking here, and Chu Cheng caught a glimpse of Brother Hammer, who was hosted by AI on the other side.

Thor's Hammer stood upside down on the ground, and Brother Hammer stood beside him with his arms folded, laughing.

"By lifting this thing, you can also join your... Avenger?" Shadow said through Felix's body, looking expectantly at the hammer nailed to the ground.

"Of course, the son of Odin is right." Thor laughed. "Not only that, but that man will also get my cloak, the power of Thor, and the glorious throne of Asgard!"

A group of people suddenly became interested.

Brother Hammer is very fierce and awesome. They have seen it before, but the hammer is only so small, how heavy can it be?

Besides, nine of them talk about science. Even if you say that this thing is an alien material whose density is unknown and may be very heavy, everyone can see that it stands on the ground in good condition, and the ground has not cracked or sunk. And the few people present are more or less supernatural, wouldn't it be ridiculous not to lift a broken hammer?

Then they stopped lifting.

First up is the shadow. He first used Felix's body, and then switched to the Phantom. When he found that it didn't work, he blushed and shouted thickly that our two bodies were originally one and should be regarded as one person. After finding that Thor smiled and did not refute, the two bodies Let them go together, but let them sweat profusely on the top, and the broken hammer just stays motionless below.

A group of people took turns to go up and tried, but the hammer still didn't respond at all. In the end, Brother Hammer stretched out his hand with a smile, and the hammer flew into his hand in a flash.

He easily turned the hammer a few times in his hand: "You are all good fighters, but unfortunately, you are not worthy of it. Hahaha..."

Of course, Brother Hammer is now swaying his hammer like showing off his wife, it looks as if the hammer is so loyal and unswervingly following him.

However, to be reasonable, this thing is famous in Marvel as "ten thousand people swing". At first, it was said that only Brother Hammer could lift it, but later it was discovered that a bunch of people could lift it up and play with it.

If you want to list all of Miaomiaohammer's exes and write a list to compete with the well-known ex who shared his girlfriend and widow sister, it's really hard to say who will win.

So at the later stage of the plot, looking back at the initial setting of Miao Miao Hammer’s recognition of the master, it feels like some unscrupulous authors who are in the same boat as Cao Thief always like to set up a wife for the character, as if only when this is awesome. It's more enjoyable.

If it is said that only the original works liked to play this set at the beginning, then MCU's annual drama of "my ex beats my ex in front of me" staged in Thor 4 made the xp of Meow Meow hammer selection even more It became confusing.

Chu Cheng glanced at him and ignored Brother Hammer.

"Don't worry, leave it to us, we will deal with the remaining members of the organization." Natasha continued, "There is also the issue of infected people that was agreed before.

Soon the planet will no longer be affected by the infection problem, and we are ready to fully control the spread of the infection... Of course, the cooperation of Secret Service Nine will also be required. "

Luo Yajun shrugged: "This is not a problem, you know which phone to call."

"Then the first remaining question now...

...Where did that alien go? "


At the same time, below the surface of the sea.


The envoy closed his eyes, hovering in the dark and deep water.

That strange energy enveloped his body and was quickly repairing his injuries.

In fact, he had heard the so-called superheroes mentioned by the saints in the organization, but he only heard the oral description.

When he first came to Jixing, he was preconceived, and confidently felt that the upper limit of human beings was nothing to be afraid of, so he didn't care about superheroes at all.

The second reason is that the saints are also very inflated after receiving the power bestowed by him, thinking that they are invincible in the world, and their Lord God is even more unparalleled in the world. Those superheroes can only abuse vegetables and fry fish in fish ponds. Those people who were hanged and beaten by them in the past were all their own food, so I will definitely do it.

For similar reasons, the envoy of God has not paid much attention to this group of people until today, and only wants to get the Advent Core to complete his mission as soon as possible, and finish pulling it down as soon as possible.

Didn't expect it to be so outrageous...

Now when I think back to the hammer of the blond man, the coercion of the howling wind and the thunder that filled the sky, I even feel that there is still some lingering season in my heart.

Obviously this will not be as easy as he thought But fortunately, he has second-hand preparations.

The angel suddenly opened his eyes.

The gem-like eyes glowed with a dark green light in the deep sea. A vicious shark seemed to be swimming towards the smell of food, but at the moment when the light was on, it seemed to sense some threat, and its body trembled. Trembling, turned around and ran away.

Let's go and give it a try. 】

At the same time, far away on Saturn, countless pairs of eyes opened in the darkness, as if awakened from hibernation, and suddenly started to move.

The envoy of God has now realized that it is absolutely impossible for him alone to defeat superheroes of unknown origin like Jixing, let alone grab the core of descent.

He needs an army.

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