Stay away from Conan

Chapter 175 Reunion on New Year’s Eve

Chapter 175 Reunion on New Year’s Eve

At night, near Mihua Port, in a bar with a slightly classical decoration——

At this time, it should be the best time for bar business, but here, apart from the bartender in the store, there is only a silver-haired man in black clothes and a black hat, waiting here quietly. What—it’s gin.

Gin was sitting at the bar with a cigarette in his mouth. He looked at the time silently and then put out the cigarette in the ashtray in front of him.

It was at this moment that the door of the bar was pushed open, and a burly man in black walked into the bar - it was vodka.

"How did things go?"

After Vodka also came to the bar and sat next to Gin, Gin asked aloud.

"Everything is going well so far. It has been confirmed that the guy is smuggling guns. As long as we can produce definite evidence, I believe he will agree to our request."

Vodka said.

"very good."

Gin couldn't help but sneered, "In this case, let's let that 'mouse' play its final role in collecting evidence!"

"But brother. There is another matter at present, there is a new situation."

Vodka suddenly changed the topic, "I just received news from the person who was monitoring Shirley. Louis, I contacted those two sisters today."


Gin said calmly, "What's the matter?"

"Louis, she proposed... she wants to go with the two sisters tomorrow..."

"Huh, Louis."

Interrupting Vodka's somewhat anxious speech, Gin said coldly, "Anyway, it's time for the two sisters to have a good meeting on a day like tomorrow."

"Then, we need to send someone..."


Interrupting Vodka again, Gin sneered and said, "As long as Louis is here, the two sisters can't do anything."

On the last day of the year, in the morning, it started to snow slightly.

After a good night's rest, Gao Yuan woke up at around nine o'clock in the morning.

He stood up and opened the curtains, looking at the snow outside the window. Gao Yuan looked helplessly at the thin "Hermit" on the hanger, then took out a pair of thicker clothes and pants from the closet and put them on. He left the bedroom, went downstairs, and came to the living room—it’s better not to go out today.

Turning on the central air conditioning and heating, sitting on the sofa in the living room, holding a cup of freshly brewed hot coffee, Gao Yuan enjoyed this time comfortably - finally, he could not worry about money for a long time.

Thinking like this, the doorbell rang outside the door.

Feeling a little helpless, Gao Yuan stood up, put on the "hermit", and then opened the door to see who would come to see him today. Then he saw that standing outside the iron door was Kudo Arata wearing a winter coat. One with Mao Lilan.

"Good morning, Mr. Akechi."

Mao Lilan said hello first.

"Good morning."

Going out and opening the door for the two of them, Gao Yuan returned the greeting, "Kudo-san, Mori-san. What can I do for you?"

"That's it, Mr. Akechi. Do you have any plans tonight?"

Mao Lilan asked.

"I think should not be."

Gao Yuan said.


Mao Lilan seemed a little happy and said, "If you don't mind, how about you and Xinyi come to my house for New Year's Eve tonight?"

"Xiaolan, she is going to cook a big table of delicious food tonight, Mr. Mingzhi, don't miss it!"

Kudo Shinichi on the side joked.

"That's right."

In response, Gao Yuan said happily, "Then, I won't bother you tonight!"

So, the three of them exchanged a few brief greetings, and Kudo Shinichi and Mao Lilan left together.

"By the way, aren't Shinichi's parents coming back today?"

Watching the two people leave, Gao Yuan heard Mao Lilan still talking to Kudo Shinichi.

"Who knows about them. It would be best not to come back!"

Kudo Shinichi said nonchalantly.

Just like that, watching the two people gradually go away, Gao Yuan showed a smile - New Year? Although I have no relatives in this world, it seems good to meet such a group of friends.

However, going to Maori Lan’s house, that is, Maori Detective Agency’s New Year’s Eve?

Well, let’s go there later. After all, there would never be another case happening at Maori's house at night. Even if there is, I don’t want to get involved.

Thinking like this, Gao Yuan rubbed his hands and felt a little cold, so he turned around and wanted to go back to the house.

But a cold wind blew by, and the small half of the leaflet exposed in the mailbox outside the house rustled in the wind. In response to this, Gao Yuan came to the mailbox with a little curiosity, pulled out the leaflet, closed the iron door, ran back to the house and turned on the air conditioner, and then began to read the contents of the leaflet.

This is a promotional leaflet for a high-end restaurant. The content is "Big Day", which is Japan's New Year's Eve, that is, tonight, there is a half-price discount on all dishes. Customers with coupons can enjoy half-price discounts on that day. The coupons are included in this leaflet.

Looking at this, Gao Yuan smiled helplessly - it seemed that he would not be able to enjoy this activity today, after all, he had already promised Mao Lilan and the others.

So, next, Gao Yuan stayed at home and spent the whole day leisurely. It was not until night that he left for the Maori Detective Agency.

But when Gao Yuan arrived downstairs at the Mori Detective Agency, he found that no one was inside. Slightly surprised, Gao Yuan called Kudo Shinichi and the others separately, but no one answered.

Gao Yuan was a little surprised about this. After thinking for a while, Gao Yuan called the law firm of Kiyomi Eri. The person who answered the phone was Kiyomi Eri's secretary, Ms. Kuriyama Midori. And Kuriyama Midori told Gao Yuan that lawyer Kiyomi went to the hotel to celebrate New Year's Eve at the invitation of her daughter.

Hearing this answer, Gao Yuan was a little confused-so, was he stood up?

Gao Yuan was very disappointed and thought of the flyer.

Forget it, in this case, I'd better spend New Year's Eve alone!


In the night, in the laboratory of the pharmaceutical company, Miyano Shiho, who had short brown hair, breathed a sigh of relief after completing today's experiment. She was a little happy and changed her white coat and put on the coat on the hanger.

Burgundy turtleneck sweater, jeans, beige coat.

Although she was dressed in a simple way, Shiho Miyano didn't pay much attention to it. After leaving the laboratory, she didn't return to her residence, but walked straight out of the door of the pharmaceutical company, looked at the time, and waited.

Soon, a red Jaguar XJ300, with its lights on, drove in front of Shiho Miyano and stopped, and then the window of the driver's seat was rolled down, but when she saw the people in the car, Shiho Miyano's expression changed slightly.

"What's wrong? Are you unhappy to see me?"

The blonde girl sitting in the driver's seat raised her long hair and said with a hint of sarcasm.

"No, nothing." Shiho Miyano said nonchalantly, then walked to the passenger door, opened the door and got in the car.

"Where are we going?" Shiho Miyano asked, fastening her seat belt.

"The place your sister chose, a high-end restaurant." The blonde girl said, and started the car.

Looking at the scenery outside the car window slowly receding as the car moved forward, Shiho Miyano couldn't help but sigh - she hadn't been out for a long time.

"I heard you seldom go out recently, you must be bored!"

The blonde girl glanced at Miyano Shiho's expression and suddenly asked with a smile.

"That's all."

Slightly coldly, Miyano Shiho said, "But you, why did you suddenly come back - Hanada Emi?"

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