Stay away from Conan

Chapter 186 Progress between the two parties

Chapter 186 Progress between the two parties

"This... is such a considerate prisoner!"

Looking at the words on the note, Gao Yuan gritted his teeth and said - But, "nosy people"? Did the prisoner prepare specifically in anticipation of his arrival?

Thinking of this, Gao Yuan frowned slightly, but when he looked back at the bomb that was still counting down, he could only turn his eyes to the glass box again.

After all, compared to a bomb that will explode when the time comes, it is just a snake, and there is always a chance of survival. Even if it is a poisonous snake, as long as the serum can be injected as soon as possible, it will be fine. Once the bomb explodes, both he and Feili will die here!

As a result, Gao Yuan calmed down and began to look at the snake in the glass box.

White rings and black rings are arranged alternately. This is the biggest feature of this snake that Gao Yuan can see. But after all, Gao Yuan was not an expert in this field, so he could not be sure of the species of this snake. He could only rely on this rough impression to search for snakes with similar appearance in his own memory.

"This can't be, it's a bungara snake, right?"

Looking at the iconic white and black rings, Gao Yuan recalled the name. In his impression, it seemed to be a highly venomous snake. Before traveling through time, he had also seen news about people being bitten by a bungara snake and dying.

Thinking of this, Gao Yuan's heart trembled, but looking at the time passing by and the questions that he could not answer at all, believing in the words on the glass box seemed to be the only choice now.

Taking out his mobile phone and taking a picture of the snake, Gao Yuan made a decision——

Even if you wait until the timer expires, you will be killed, so it is better to make a choice as soon as possible!

So, Gao Yuan first walked to Fei Miles and helped her untie the rope from her body. Then he took off his scarf, wrapped the palm of his right hand with the scarf, and then used the untied rope to strangle the wrist of his right hand hard. ——The reaction speed of snakes is much faster than that of humans. Gao Yuan is not a professional, so the insurance he can do is extremely limited.

Then, Gao Yuan carefully opened the lid of the glass box, slowly put his right hand into the glass box, trying not to stimulate the snake, and pressed the button at the bottom of the glass box——

Great, so far the snake hasn't reacted to its actions!

Thinking like this, after touching the button at the bottom of the box, Gao Yuan continued to carefully turn the button——

Suddenly, at the moment when the button was pressed, the entire glass box suddenly vibrated violently, and at the same time a huge sound came from the bottom of the glass box - not good!

Realizing the danger, Gao Yuan was about to retract his hand quickly, but the snake in front of him jumped out of the gap opened by Gao Yuan in an instant, followed Gao Yuan's right hand, climbed to Gao Yuan's shoulder, and then bit him. On Gao Yuan's neck!

At this point, Gao Yuan immediately stretched out his left hand and grabbed the snake near its head, quickly pulled it, threw it back into the glass box, and then immediately covered the glass box -

For a moment, Gao Yuan felt that his heart was beating fast, and a feeling of nervousness filled his body - No, you must not be nervous at this time! If it is really a venomous snake and it is too nervous and accelerates blood circulation, then something will be wrong!

Thinking of this, Gao Yuan forcibly calmed down. At the same time, sounds continued to come from the room, and a door opened on the wall on one side!

Fortunately, the prisoner did not lie.

Calmly, Gao Yuan began to take the next action.

I didn’t feel any pain in the area where I was bitten by the snake – this is not a good sign! It seems that the venom of this snake is probably a neurotoxin.

There was no time to hesitate. Gao Yuan picked up Fei Miles on his back and was about to leave towards the door. But before he could walk out of the door, Gao Yuan seemed to think of something again. He came to the screen, took a picture of the time on the screen with his mobile phone, and then walked quickly. Walked out of the room.

After leaving the room, there was a passage, which seemed to have walked a long distance. Gao Yuan walked out of the warehouse and came outside. However, it was not that Gao Yuan did nothing along the way. He had already edited the information about the bomb here. After receiving the email, wait for the cell phone signal to be restored.

After coming outside, I checked the time. It was less than half an hour before 16 p.m., and my mobile phone already had a signal.

Therefore, Gao Yuan calmly began to take the next action:

After sending the time of the question on the screen captured to Mao Lilan's mobile phone, Gao Yuan informed Officer Takagi Wataru and the others by email about the fact that there was a bomb hidden in the warehouse of Mihua Shipyard.

After doing this, Gao Yuan was ready to call the emergency number——

However, before Gao Yuan pressed the number, a feeling of fatigue suddenly hit his heart. Gao Yuan couldn't help but want to fall asleep - you are kidding, can this snake venom attack so quickly?

Although he tried his best to struggle, his body already felt numb, and then his legs became weak. Gao Yuan fell forward in front of him - what a misfortune. The bite was right on the artery, and he carried Fei Miles away again. For such a long time, blood circulation has accelerated!

At this point, thinking is the only thing Gao Yuan can do at the moment - but fortunately, he has notified Gao Mushe, and can only wait for the police to come and find him...

Thinking like this, Gao Yuan's vision gradually blurred...

"Akechi... sir?"

Just before losing consciousness, a figure suddenly came to Gao Yuan and squatted down - in the blurred vision, Gao Yuan could only see that the other person was wearing a dark kimono and a head of brown hair...

At the entrance of Mihuaxi Police Station, an old man wearing an apron with a bookstore written on it grabbed a somewhat reserved young man wearing glasses and a hat.

"Sorry, I'm a clerk at Mihua Bookstore. I caught a thief, so I brought it to the police station. Which floor is the theft department on?"

The uncle, who had a mustache and glasses, told the guard at the door.

"I'm sorry, I will reflect on it!"

The young man who was caught seemed to be a little scared and said hurriedly.

"On the second floor."

The guard didn't pay much attention to the two of them and answered casually.


As the uncle said this, he pulled the young man towards the police station.


At this time, Sato Miwako suddenly came from outside the police station and said, and the uncle and the boy seemed to be frightened by the shout, so they couldn't help but pause in their movements.

"What's the matter?"

The guard stepped forward and asked.

Sato Miwako glanced at the two people who walked into the police station, and then said to the guard: "I would like to ask how many police officers are in the police station now..."

After hearing what Miwako Sato said to the guard, the uncle and the boy continued walking inside.

"Your mother will be sad if you do something like this!"

The uncle said seriously.


The boy continued.

The two of them walked into the police station like this, but in the end they did not go to the theft department on the second floor. Instead, they secretly walked to the corpse placement area——

"Uncle Maori, this way!"

That's right, the boy and the uncle were actually Kudo Shinichi and Mouri Kogoro who had made simple disguises. After finding the sign of the place where the corpse was placed, Kudo Shin whispered to Mouri Kogoro in a low voice, and then the two of them sneaked away. Got in——

"Hey! Detective boy, you really know how to find Xiaolan, right?"

When he walked into the corpse placement area and saw that there were many corpses parked here, but no one was on duty, Mouri Kogoro couldn't help but ask.

"I can probably guess some."

Kudo Shinichi eagerly went to check the remains here and said, "Since the prisoner disguised someone else's corpse as Xiaolan, then the real Xiaolan may have been disguised as another corpse!"

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