Stealing The Heavens

Chapter 1068: Conquering Wu Xian

The first thousand and sixty-eight chapters of the service

Gray days, gray fields, gray mountains and rivers, even the air and clouds are gray.

This is the place where the taboos live together. It is the heavenly blessing that the heavens specially created for these aliens that are not for the human race. Originally, this place was a good place with a lot of good spirits, but since the taboos were stayed, it hasn’t been many years since it became such a weird look.

This ghost place is not a fragrant bird, and the birds and beasts are like dead things. It’s hard to move for months. Here are the flowers and trees that pull out the roots and run around, and there are boulders that open their mouths and swallow the surrounding sand and gravel. Mountain rock; the river here sometimes has **** waves, and the creatures along the river are swallowed up; the peaks here sometimes burst into huge gaps when the creatures rest on it, swallowing these creatures.

This is a place where all things are swallowed up. It is a huge basin. It is a dark **** that normal gods, saints, immortals, people and even devils and ghosts can't imagine. It is the place where all the ugly things in the world are concentrated. Those treacherous, ferocious, tyrannical, obscene, all bad evils live here freely.

The evils who are expelled from all races in the Pangu world can find absolute freedom here. As long as you have enough power, as long as you can obey the supreme command of Wu Xian, then you can live here as you wish.

At the heart of this gray world, a mountain shaped like a giant human spine bone, a group of temples built of gray stones stands tall. The mountain is a thousand miles high, and there are tens of thousands of miles high. The gray thunder storm entangles the mountain, like the thunder of the dragon, desperately bombarding the mountain, and there are countless huge electric lights on the rock.

On the mountain peaks are densely dotted with caves. In front of the gates of these caves, there are eye-catching plaques with more or less handwriting. There are all kinds of grotesque creatures that occasionally come to a cave house, offering some rare things written on the plaque, such as the medicinal herbs, and then exchange some more eccentric things. Every stranger who successfully completed the exchange was happy to leave the mountain, and obviously they got a lot of benefits.

The gray temples of the mountains are very large and almost fill the entire hill. Every temple in the temple is hundreds of feet high. Looking at the scale of the temple, it is not built for ordinary people. It is clearly built for the body of a huge body.

In the middle of a long and wide hall, there are countless faces on the mud, and there are countless faces squirming and snorkeling. In the middle of his body, there is a man with a strong and handsome body. His feet are blended with the body of Wu Xian, and it is like a storm that invades a beautiful fairy who is constantly screaming and crying.

The female fairy probably has the cultivation of the peak of the fairy, and it is only a step away from Jinxian. Her white and slender body was grasped by the strong man, and she couldn't get rid of the man's abnormal body by letting her twitch. The man smirked the mad sprint, and the blood spurted out from the joints of the two.

Unexpectedly, the man’s body violently twitched, and a large amount of viscous gray-black liquid juice ejected. The female fairy made a scream of desperate screams, and the fairy body began to melt from the lower abdomen, and was turned into a Beach pus and blood sprang up.

The man made a smirk of laughter. He twisted his neck and made a joint noise of '咔咔'. Then his body melted like mud, slowly blending into the huge wolverine body below. This man is only a singer of Wu Xian with a sorcerer, but a small means for Wu Xian to take pleasure in his leisure time.

In front of Wu Xian, there is a large chair with carved dragons and dragons. There are coffee tables and long cases on both sides, with fragrant tea, fresh fruit and several colored snacks.

Wearing a blue-colored robe, Liu Bang, who is surrounded by celestial temperament, sat on the big chair and looked at the pus in the sacred female sage. Wu Xian gently squirmed a huge body of a hundred miles, and the hoarse and low voice came from inside his body: "Occasionally, getting close to the female color can make me relax. Just recently, the heavens are mixed, and the beautiful female fairy is It’s rare to find a virgin body, otherwise it will not be just a woman. It’s an ordinary thing to use my god’s magical powers.

Liu Bang gently applauded and smiled: "Wu Xian adults still do not lose the same year. Hey, is there just a lot of children in the heavens where the children of the sorrows let the Wu Xian adults enjoy it? To say the number of beautiful women, you have to say the human race! How many people are there in Dagu? The best women in them are many times more than the stars in the sky."

Wu Xian squirmed a body, and he suddenly opened a pair of huge eyes with a diameter of 100 feet on Liu Bang’s body. The gray and ruthless scorpion stared at Liu Bang, and Wu Xian said: "Your avatar has just taken advantage of the meditation, and maybe you can mix up with the emperor in the future. You are not innocent. The moral temperament is a hundred times better than me. Are you willing to give me the beauty of the Terran to die?"

Liu Bang tilted his legs and he scorned: "Nature is reluctant, but it is not a problem to send you a few beautiful women every time."

Putting his hand, Liu Bang said with a smile: "What are you talking about? It's just some playthings. Is there anything worthwhile to worry about? Serious things!"

Wu Xian squirmed his body and yawned slowly: "Can there be any serious things? Anyway, ugly words are in front, things that are not good, I don't do it, too dangerous things I don't do, will provoke some powerful things." I don't do things for people."

Liu Bang sneered, and he sneered: "So you should be born in this turtle hole, you can't come out, Wu Xian, you simply renamed the witch ghost! When you were still a human, did you still leave a family of blood?" There are a few beautiful women inside, let me enjoy it!"

Wu Xian’s ruthless scorpion suddenly turned into a scarlet, and Wu Xian shouted: “Are you looking for death?”

A huge roar came, and a poisonous gas spurted out from the body of the sage, and the sorcerer’s body smashed thousands of dark tentacles and slammed Liu Bang. However, a group of radiant blue lotus-like halo spread from Liu Bang's eyebrows, and the warm light firmly blocked the poisonous gas and the tentacles of the tentacles, but turned all the poisonous gas and tentacles into nothing. Wu Xian was illumined on the body, just like the dew under the scorching sun, constantly spurting out a strong black mist, a large piece of abscess blisters continued to grow out of him, and the pungent stench filled the entire hall.

Liu Bang gently patted his hands, and countless groups of fist-sized cyan lotus halo floated out of his body, lightly printed on Wu Xian's body. Wu Xian’s screams of screaming and screaming, his body squirming violently, every group of blue lotus halo burned a huge wound of hundred feet in the body of Wu Xian, the light and shadow burst out, and the flesh and blood of Wu Xian was turned into Wu has completely annihilated.

"The widowed people have been raising their brilliance for so many years. With the help of this pure green lotus, the innate clutching and extinction of the gods, today is finally done, and I am grateful to you, Mr. Wu Xian, so don’t be so easily killed by the widows, this will let The widow is very dissatisfied."

Liu Bang whispered: "If the widow is dissatisfied, your **** family will be full of plagiarism. There are also many beautiful women in your juniors. The widows can ignore the elders’ identities between them. If you accept all of them in the house, you can't die!"

A green gas blows out of the mouth, and the green and sorrowful green gas passes through, and the small half of Wu Xian’s body suddenly turns into ashes. All vitality was smothered by this anger, and Wu Xian made a scream of horror. He screamed: "Innate clutching and extinction? What is this ghost thing? You, Liu Banger... No. Hanwang Hall... No, the Emperor’s Majesty, seeing that in the past was Wu Xian’s share of the nine avatars that separated you from the Yuanshen, you...”

Liu Bang smiled and put away the magical power.

Looking up at Erlang's legs, picking up a cup of tea and sipping a cup of tea, Liu Bang said indifferently: "In fact, we are old friends, and it is a smug-like confidant. It shouldn't be so ***. But then, I am the master. You are a slave, and you must make a clear understanding of the difference between the top and bottom. So you must be clear about one thing, I can kill you at any time."

Heavy footsteps came, dozens of people are roughly like human figures, but the heads of all kinds of fierce birds and beasts have been born, and the strong men with signs of animalization have slowly entered the temple. These people are the generals and leaders of the taboos, and they are the greatest help for the control of the taboos. However, in the horrified eyes of Wu Xian, these people fell into the temple after they walked into the temple, worshipping Liu Bang, and shouted ‘ 陛 圣 圣 无 ’. They don't look at Wu Xian's eyes. It's like being brutally wounded. There is no such thing as a lot of pussy.

Liu Bang said with a cup of tea: "Don't be surprised, the widows are not willing to make chess pieces, and the widows also want to be chess players. The widows naturally have to cultivate more chess pieces, what are your subordinates?... Ronghua Fugui always buys people. of."

Wu Xian was silent, and he looked at Liu Bang with horror. This is the most inconspicuous son of Nandou, who used to be the experimental product of Wu Xian’s experiment of 'dividing the curse,' and Liu Bang spent a lot of money. Lie, let Wu Xian use him as an experimental product!

On the same day, Liu Bang did not have the slightest resistance in his own hands, and the scene of struggling to cry was vaguely in sight. But how long does it take for this to happen? Liu Bang actually has such an overwhelming force!

The net of Qinglian, the innate clutch to destroy the gods! Wu Xian has deeply imprinted these two names on my heart.

Under the scorn of the sleeves, Liu Bang said: "The widows are destined to be adult emperors, and some of them are related. The widows need elite soldiers to fight for the widows. You are taboo to select those people who are generally human figures, and those you have made these years. Those who are weird, as long as they are still human in appearance, are going out with the widows."

Ruthlessly laughed, Liu Bang stared at Wu Xian and said: "The six great Heavenly Emperors went to a secret place in the heavens, where it should be the place where the witches are often imprisoned. Wu Xian, you should know what it means. You and Wu Chang , but 'life and death together', 'good brothers' who can 'trust their wife'!"

Slowly stood up, Liu Bang turned around and went to the temple exit.

Wu Xian was silent for a long time, and he finally said with a sigh: "Your Majesty, the sorcerer and the sorrow are driven!"


Today's third chapter, the pig's head tried its best to restore the schedule, and try to restore the state!

Oh yeah!

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