
The guards guarding the city gate only heard a wolf howl from far and near.

Everyone trembled in fright.

"Hahaha! It scares you."

Seeing that he had succeeded in frightening everyone, the captain was not without complacency in his heart, the howling of wolves outside was really appropriate for the occasion.

"This happened a hundred years ago, and I can't guarantee its authenticity. I will continue to tell the legend. Later, an unknown warrior appeared. He sneaked into the forest alone, but never came back..."

"People say that the warrior has died, but the wolves are also torn apart, and they don't know how to unite and cooperate like before."

The soldiers listened fascinatedly, "Did that warrior kill the wolf king?"

The captain nodded, "What else could it be? Without the wolf king, the wolves would be torn apart."

"Later, the Adventurer's Guild set up a stronghold here and organized adventurers to go out to eliminate the wolves. The self-defense force of the residents also re-entered the forest to regularly eliminate the larger wolves. Only then did Nessberg truly prosper, and gradually The land grew in size and was eventually chosen as the capital when the League was formed."

The guards were all amazed, they didn't expect that the city where they worked had such a history.

One of the soldiers suddenly became a little uneasy. He whispered, "Brothers, do you hear any movement? It seems to be howling wolves?"


Everyone burst into laughter, "Are you scared by the captain's story?"

But soon they stopped laughing because they heard it too.

Not one or two wolves are howling, but many, many wolves are howling.

It was true that I couldn't hear clearly at first, but gradually the voices became louder, more numerous and denser, until finally it became a chorus of wolves.

All the city guards stared at the city gate for so long, and it was the first time they encountered such a strange situation.

A guard tremblingly said, "Tonight...something seems wrong tonight."

The others nodded again and again, and everyone thought of the ancient legend that the captain just said.

The captain also frowned. Could it be that the legendary scene is about to reappear? In fact, he himself doesn't really believe in those absurd legends, and he just told his subordinates just to relieve boredom.

"Damn it, the wolf cubs outside are chatting together."

A joke dispelled the fear of the subordinates.

"It's really a bit unusual tonight. Let's stop warming up and watch the city gate. If there is anything wrong, close the gate immediately."

"Even if the group of beasts really went crazy, I don't believe they can crawl over with this tall and thick city wall."

The guards responded one after another, and came to the gate of the city with weapons in hand, and stood on guard carefully.

Not long after, there was nothing abnormal outside the city gate except for howling wolves, but a group of people came running on the street inside.

This is the rescue team that came from the pier.

Quick ordered everyone: "There are guards guarding the gate in front, and I will take off the ones with bayonets, so as not to make people suspicious. In addition, the formation should be scattered."

After such a large group of people came to the gate of the city, they were stopped by the guards as expected.

Xie La came forward to negotiate with the guards, she had an anxious expression on her face, which was not faked.

"My daughter went out of the city during the day and hasn't come back yet. I'm going to lead the helpers to find her."

"Madam, calm down, maybe she has gone to a friend's house in a nearby village or town. Have you heard so many wolves howling? It is very dangerous outside the city now."

"No, my daughter doesn't have many friends outside the city, so I'm going to find him no matter what."

The captain of the city guard showed helplessness, but he didn't stop him anymore, "Okay, I wish you good luck, and don't go deep into the forest."

He glanced at the team behind Xie La, there were about thirty people, and they might be able to deter a small pack of wolves.

Because there were no carriages or large luggage, the soldiers did not check and let them go immediately.

Still guided by Polly the parrot at the front, the rescue team continued down the road.

"Now put on the bayonets! Light the matchlocks! Be ready."

Not far from the city gate, Captain Quick ordered his men to prepare their weapons.

The howling of wolves from all directions was really penetrating, and everyone in the team was very nervous.

"Madame Setia, is Niceburg always like this at night?"

"No! Never heard of it."

Quick's heart hangs a little.

After walking for nearly twenty minutes, they finally saw wolves in the bushes by the roadside for the first time, but they were not attacked. The wolves just looked at them with their green eyes for a while, and then ran north.

Judging by the sound, there were quite a few wolves in the bush.

"Master Ladi! Wolf! Master Ladi! Wolf!"

Polly the parrot yelled loudly, which convinced Xie La that the danger her daughter encountered must be related to these wolves.

After continuing to walk for a certain distance, the road ahead began to become straight, without the obstruction of the trees, everyone saw the looming fire.

"Master Ladi! Master Ladi!"

Polly the parrot sang even more cheerfully.

Sheila told Quick, "My daughter must be up ahead! Near that glimmer of fire! For sure."

"Go faster! Go toward the firelight."

The team ran quickly at small steps, but it didn't take long before they encountered obstacles—about a dozen wolves in front of them blocked the road.

Of course, this is only what they can see, there are also sounds from the forest on both sides, there must be a lot of wolves waiting for the opportunity to act, otherwise a dozen wolves alone are absolutely right and dare not stop thirty adult men of.

The wolves, apparently aimed at the rescue team, let out a menacing "whoosh" sound as their fur stood on end and their lips curled up to expose their teeth.

In order to facilitate command and output firepower reasonably, Quick divided the thirty sailors into three groups.

He shouted: "One group is ready to shoot! Two groups and three groups guard both sides!"

The ten leading sailors lined up in a row. They raised their muskets and pointed them at the wolves in front of them by the bright moonlight.

The fire rope at the trigger had already been set, and the end of the slowly burning rope showed a small red dot under the night.


Captain Quick gave an order, and the sailors in the first group pulled the trigger at the same time.

The ten muskets suddenly let out a loud noise, which temporarily overwhelmed the howling of wolves around them.

Since it was night, the fire from the muzzle was particularly dazzling, illuminating the surrounding area.

Bad luck for the wolves that stood in their way, as the deadly projectiles tore through their fur and embedded themselves deep in their bodies.

More than half of the dozen or so wolves fell down in an instant, and most of them lost their breath immediately, while the ones that were barely alive let out a painful cry.

The screams of the canines were particularly disturbing. For a while, many people felt pity for these wolves, and those who had dogs at home thought of their own dogs.

The wolves who were not shot were frightened by what happened to their companions, but what frightened them even more was the sound of the muskets. Wolves (dogs) have very keen hearing, and the sudden loud noise is a terrible weapon for them. .

The wolves that could still move fled with their tails between their legs, and the woods on both sides of the road soon became silent.

Quick waved his hand, "Go ahead!"

"This... that's all right?"

Xie La was shocked, she had already pulled out her bǐshǒu in front of her, ready to fight to the death, but she didn't expect the Aldos to disperse the wolves as soon as they made a move.

The strange weapon used by Aldo made Xie La jump.

Powerful, where to point and hit, this is the most impressive impression left by the musket.

But because her daughter was still in danger, she didn't have time to think about it, and followed the team to the direction of the fire.

On the next road they encountered two packs of wolves, but under the power of muskets, they did not cause any obstacles.

The team finally reached the bright place they saw before, and there was indeed a flame burning.

Although it has been extinguished in some places, it can still be seen that the flames form a circle intermittently, and the very center of the circle is a carriage.

"Master Ladi! Master Ladi!"

Polly the parrot flew over to the carriage with flapping wings.

The door of the carriage opened quickly, and two women came out. The crew of the South recognized that one of them was the female advisor next to Earl Greyman.

Polly landed on Ladi's shoulder and kept rubbing her head against her face.

Xie La also rushed to the side of the carriage, got up and hugged her daughter in her arms, said thankfully and reproachfully: "I was scared to death, what's the matter with you child!"

"I'm sorry, Mom, for worrying you."

Helen on the side was very guilty, "I'm sorry, Auntie, it's all because of me."


Xie La sighed, not knowing what to say.

Quick ordered his subordinates to guard the surrounding area, and also walked over, "So it's really you, consultant Xiaojie."

The female advisor blushed, "I'm sorry, Captain Quick."

Quick waved his hand, "Forget it, since you already know, there's no need to say more, it's important to go back to Niceburg right now."

"Thank you, I have troubled you this time... Oh, this is Her Royal Highness Helen, the Grand Duchess of the Principality of Eaton. I went out with her to find her sister, and I didn't want to encounter wolves."


Quick was suddenly at a loss. In his cognition, the grand duke seemed to be one level lower than the king, and the advisor Xiaojie said it was the Duke of Eton. Isn't that the actual king? The woman next to the advisor Xiaojie Isn't it equivalent to a queen?

He suddenly realized that he seemed to have been involved in foreign affairs, and the other party was the highest-ranking member of a country.

Father in heaven! Forgive me! I haven't even come into contact with a nobleman other than the lord.

"Your Highness! The captain of the South, Quick, is here on behalf of Earl Paul Grayman of the Arda Land in the northwest bay of the Aldo Kingdom. Forgive me for offending!"

He made a lame courtesy towards Helen, and stammered to introduce his identity.

After finishing speaking, I realized that I didn't know whether the other party could understand my language, so I had to wink at the female consultant desperately.

Ladi smiled and said, "Don't worry, senior sister understands Aldo language."

Sister? Damn, Xiaojie, a consultant who looks very low-key, turns out to be so happy in his hometown! Why did she go to a country place like Northwest Bay?

Grand Duchess Helen saluted Quick and thanked him with a smile:

"Thank you Captain Quick for coming to the rescue tonight, our sisters are very grateful to you and your subordinates!"

"Where is it! The princess is too polite!"

Quick quickly gave in.

Mrs. Setia on the side suddenly interrupted: "I told you guys, now is not the time to chat, I'd better go back to Nissberg as soon as possible. I always feel that the wolves around me are starting to gather again."

Only then did everyone remember that they were still in a dangerous place.

Quick said, "Let's go without further ado!"

Helen carried her unconscious sister out of the carriage. Quick wanted a soldier to carry Fanny on his back, but the Grand Duchess refused.

"This child is very light, and I can still carry it on my back. Concentrate your hands to guard against wolves."

So Quick announced loudly to the sailors that he was returning to Nessberg.

But they had just begun to walk back when they encountered a considerable pack of wolves.

They only heard the howling of wolves one after another in the forest, which made people tremble with fear. After a while, with the help of the moonlight, they saw countless wolves rushing towards them like bees.

The wolves were all in single file, as neat as an experienced officer's troops.

Quick immediately ordered the sailors to move closer to each other and stand in three rows according to the previously divided groups.

In order not to interrupt the fire for too long, he ordered that only one row of people should be allowed to shoot at a time, and the other two rows should be ready. If the wolves continue to rush over after the first row of gunfire~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and then fire the next row of guns.

At the same time, the row after shooting should not be busy with reloading for the second time, but should hold the gun body tightly and use bayonets to prevent those lucky and courageous "Lengtouqing" wolves from rushing over.

Gunshots sounded soon!

Several of the wolves were shot in the head and fell down, and others ran away **** and wounded, as could be seen in the moonlight.

The wolves in the back were frightened. They stopped charging this way, but they didn't leave either. Instead, they kept wandering at a distance, as if hesitating whether to continue attacking. After all, there were so many wolves.

But the range of muskets can still match them. Although the smoothbore barrels have lost their accuracy at this distance, there are always so many guns that can hit them.

The second row of gunshots sounded, and several wolves fell down in the distance.

"There is movement in the woods! Use a grenade!"

The soldiers on both sides immediately took out the grenade and lit it, and threw it vigorously into the woods.

After blasting a few bombs, there were several screams of "beep".

Some wolves who were frightened by the bang zhà ran up the road in a daze, and just met the sailor with a bayonet and was stabbed to death.

Grand Duchess Helen watched the wolves flee in all directions in a daze, not knowing what she was thinking.

Ladi who was on the side asked in a low voice: "Senior sister, is it unbelievable?"


She was answered by silence.

"After I arrived in the Northwest Bay, I felt faintly in my heart..."


"The age of heroes is coming to an end..."

After confirming that the wolves in front had run clean, Quick ordered the team to continue on the road.

The crowd fired several times sporadically along the way, but no one was injured by the wolves.

At last they reached the north gate of Nessberg, and it was almost three o'clock in the morning.

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