Steel steam and flame

Chapter 2602 Defense Wall (Part 2)

The information about this infective body occupies less than half of the entire information. Although the photos are not repeated, every detail, including all parts after the anatomy, is recorded. As for the cause of death, it was directly marked as the key point - the killing of the fourth-stage surgeon.

The detailed killing process was not described, but Cassia knew the process. Facing the bioelectric induction force field, unless they have an unusually special physique, surgeons at stage three and below have no means of resistance at all.

"The height skyrocketed to about four meters, and the shape is close to that of a dragon without wings. The spine deformed and thickened, and a tail comparable to a pneumatic weapon grew. It is extremely flexible."

"The limbs are thick and strong, and the huge strength can smash armored vehicles with one blow. The fingers become sharp claws, covered with hard horny bodies and equipped with extremely sharp edges. Common types of cold weapons are unstoppable."

"The number of scales is not all over the body as expected, it is only covered in some important parts. Other parts are still dominated by dead wood-like skin. But it is thicker and tougher, and has little resistance to blue silver bullets. . It is not a key part of the body. By virtue of its real-time absorption and utilization of pollution, it can quickly recover with its extremely powerful self-healing ability."

"Among the attack methods, we need to pay special attention to the dragon-like breath that uses pollution as fuel!"

Then there was the range and destructive power of the gray-white breath, which were obtained by the high-level surgeons who killed the infected body at that time.

This should be the last bit of good news, right? After reading the information to this point, Cassia was a little unsure of her own judgment. As a holder of scaly ability, I know why this case of infestation is like this. The appearance of scales requires actual material support. For a normal surgeon, the ultimate metal component in the body combined with other substances will allow the scales to cover the whole body, while some will remain.

When the size of the infective body increases, the coverage of the scales becomes completely insufficient.

"At least the material basis of the infestation has not changed dramatically due to the erosion of pollution." While talking to himself, Cassia thought of the evolution of dragons devouring each other, and had to add In one sentence, "At least for now."

The information on the infested bodies contains information about their intelligence. The intelligence of humanoid creatures or eroded second-type creatures has indeed dropped significantly, but compared to a large number of underground creatures, they retain a certain degree of intelligence. of.

This made Cassia think of all kinds of bad situations at once. It's not just the Imperial Alliance that needs time. It also takes a certain amount of time for the sudden entrances and exits to the underground world to reveal their true danger. When an infested body with certain intelligence begins to feed on underground organisms or other infecting bodies, the materials required for various surgical development projects will also begin to accumulate.

If not dealt with in time, an infected body with scaly transformation ability that reaches four to five meters in size and is covered in scales will definitely appear at an entrance to an underground world!

"The current response to the treatment of these caves is so positive. Is it because the Imperial Alliance predicted this situation? It wants to eliminate as many entrances and exits as possible to reduce the harm caused by the predicted situation."

The information on the desktop was flipped through by Cassia and recorded in his head. After understanding the more detailed information, he had a general understanding of the situation outside the edge of the southern forest. It's just that in recent times, the rapid changes have caused the situation in each region to change all the time. It is still unknown whether this information will be useful.

Fortunately, heavy rainstorms always exist, allowing communication airships in various regions to stay in the sky for a long time, maintaining the smooth flow of the enhanced communication network. As long as the power in the phosphorus tube is not exhausted and the necessary supplies are not exhausted, the airship can become a fixed land in the sky.

After glancing at the copper clock on the wall that made a subtle sound of gears, Cassia tried the strength of the chair before lying down and choosing to spend the remaining half hour quietly.

When the contact person approached, Cassia stood up first, picked up the metal box, opened the door in advance, and walked over.

The process is roughly the same, except that the large airship becomes a medium-sized military airship, destroyer class.

"After we pass, there will be another contact person waiting for you, Mr. Cassia." Saying goodbye at the slanted boarding ladder, the contact person spoke faster and finished what he had not yet said, "When contacted, the members of the defense wall said they had already It was reported to the general person in charge there, and all the procedures have been passed, and you just need to go through it.”

"Thank you." Cassia didn't want to ask for any details. She was so polite that she followed the airship and set off again, heading to the defensive wall where a corner of the southern forest could be seen.

It was four hours later when we arrived at the open-air airport there. The closer to the southern forest, the more the impact of the heavy rain weakens, but the strong winds from the Endless Sea and the rapidly falling temperature turn the heavy rain into a blizzard. The ground turned white without realizing it, and occasionally there were large pieces of exposed land, which looked like hard frozen soil.

But as we got closer to our destination, the snow became lighter and lighter. Just like that, until they arrived, in a bright red light from the starry sky, the intermittent defensive walls came into Cassia's field of vision, almost continuous, like a man-made mountain range, wrapping the distant southern forest within it.

The defensive walls stood tall, as if they were breaking through the thick snow clouds in the sky, pointing to the endless depths of the starry sky.

"Li Suman's rare role." Seeing the increasingly brightly colored starry sky, Cassia couldn't help but think of Perkinz's words. Heavy rain and snowstorm are indeed full of obstacles to the construction of buildings.

Before getting off the airship, Cassia saw the connector here from a distance. The strength has become stronger. At least it was only two or three seconds after the perception discovered him. The connector noticed it and locked Cassia's position. With a professional smile, he waved and said hello.

Only Cassia wanted to be polite in return. As the airship landed, a strange feeling immediately hit the place behind her protected by the defensive wall, at a relatively distant location.

"Has the pollution purification device of the Avalon Agency been installed in batches there and begun mass production of the pollution after the first purification?"

Looking over, Cassia murmured to herself, not forgetting to be polite in return, then got off the airship and followed him to the prepared lounge.

Seeing the obvious fatigue on the face of the connector, Cassia knew that the situation at the defensive wall was not going to be good. At least, the fact that Li Suman, who was lazy and disliked all kinds of troubles, did not stay here to rest could explain many problems.

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