Steel steam and flame

Chapter 2646 Combined Attack (Part 2)

"I think you have less than a minute to make a decision and think about whether your life should be left in the hands of Mr. Solvasli or in your own hands!" A sincere reminder without any performance. Ingredients, these are the most sincere words from Cassia's heart.

Having experienced many such situations before, he knew exactly what kind of emotion should be given to his words. The difference between this moment and the past is not in the number, but in the members they are facing. They have changed from a group of low-level surgeons to the high-level surgeons in front of them. On the contrary, this is their own advantage, because compared with the remaining idealization in the heads of low-level surgeons, high-level surgeons are not only smarter, but also almost all judge the situation based on interests and rationality.

Cassia knew that the power of words was not enough to make the enemy absolutely shaken, and that some practical actions were needed to make them make a decision.

A powerful oppressive aura erupted from the body approaching the sixth stage. At the same time, the deterrent force originating from the bloodline also rushed towards the wild dragon species high in the sky. In conjunction with the freezing energy tornado, they were driven away.

Wild dragons have no nostalgia and are not restricted by Solvasli's orders. They are only used as a supporting force, and naturally there is no psychological pressure to disobey orders. Even if he had it, he would still look insignificant in front of the threat of blood.

A group of wild dragons immediately dispersed without any trace of turning back. Their shadows became smaller and smaller, and they left here directly.

Cassia's eyes fell on the enemies in front of her again, and the energy conversion core on her chest was revealed, stimulating a soft light and shining on everyone's faces. Lisuman, who was getting closer and closer, knew how to cooperate, and the power of the giant whale group also enveloped this place.

A layer of frost fell, and the moisture in the air condensed into ice crystal powder, which slowly fell to the ground. The sudden drop in temperature cannot have any impact on the enemy's body. They are all people who can swim in the liquid nitrogen lake. But both Cassia and Lisuman knew very well that the falling temperature would definitely freeze the enemies' moods. On the one hand, it would make them more rational, and on the other hand, it would increase the pressure on them again.

Cassia didn't want to give the enemy more time. The red star pattern spread from the energy conversion core on the chest to the whole body, and a soft mist of light filled the surrounding body.

"Don't worry that Mr. Solvasli can come back alive, and don't worry that the group of six-stage life forms will punish you later. They are all of extremely high value. Besides, not many people know about this mission. "

"I think you can come up with a flawless story by yourselves as to what the specific situation was like when Mr. Solvasli became a corpse. Please don't worry, I will give you my name - Cassia - Promise, promise that the empire will fully cooperate with your story! Promise, Mr. Solvasli will definitely become an ultimate metal skeleton waiting to be recycled!”

After announcing with confident words, Cassia still had a sincere smile on her face, "Then, now you have less than forty seconds to think and decide."

Other polluted dragons that landed on the ground roared at this moment, but several dragons that were close to the enemy turned and fled under Cassia's control and intimidation, and the ground transmitted vibrations to everyone.

"Ding!" A clear trembling sound broke Cassia's declaration. Solvasli drew out his dagger and pointed the tip of the sword at Cassia's eyebrows in mid-air. "All members, this is my last order!"

Solvasli did not show any emotion. He knew how to deal with it and continued his words loudly: "Everyone evacuates and leaves this area. I will stop the enemy here. Don't expect that the enemy will let us go. Support is on the way!" "

He held up the communicator in his hand, "A Pope from the Theocracy is rushing here. I allow you to evacuate and join the support team instead of causing meaningless sacrifices here!"

But it was Cassia who put down the second generation holy sword and let it be inserted into the skull of the polluted dragon. She clapped her hands quite movedly: "I couldn't agree with what Mr. Solvasli said! If you stay here, it will only cause chaos. Meaningful sacrifice, I will kill you with each swing of this sword. Even if there is an accident, it is just a matter of adding another sword."

"Oh... it's very troublesome." He sighed, "I just want to strike Mr. Solvasli with every sword. I sincerely hope you will give me this opportunity."

"Now, both I and Mr. Solvasli have given you extremely reasonable reasons to leave. But I want to remind you one thing, just one thing!"

"Support is indeed on the way. Well, it's not very far away from us. It's just that the Pope of the Theocracy in Solvasli's mouth..." Cassia spread her hands, "You know, for the six stages of life, As a whole, their actions are always under investigation.”

"By the way, do you think that in that direction," Cassia tilted her head and looked at the location of Empire Manoma, "are there also six-stage life forms of the Empire looking at us with a smile?"

"Well, you have less than half a minute." Several more polluted dragons fled away. At the same time, in the cloudless sky of this area, a large lens made of condensed energy of frozen air was taking shape, without any cover. , clearly displayed in the eyes of the enemy. So much so that in the process of their condensation, the light of the red star converged and went to Cassia as the focus.

"Don't waste Mr. Solvasli's kindness and lose your life. You really won't be able to come back to save him later!" Cassia suddenly yelled, pulled out the second-generation holy sword and raised it high, and the red star light was activated. Lisuman, who was already approaching, cooperated in synchronization, and the freezing energy fell, and ice more than ten centimeters thick covered the ground, and also covered all the enemies except Solvasli!

So after taking a breath, it was unclear who moved the body first. Due to an invisible tacit understanding, the other enemies around Solvasli turned around almost at the same time, followed by the fleeing polluted dragons, and left this place at an extremely fast speed. In a few seconds, they were already three to four thousand meters away. Outside.

It wasn't until he was truly alone that Solvasli's face darkened.

"Actually, within the empire, such situations often happen, Mr. Solvasli. Don't feel sad or regretful, just get used to it." Cassia comforted her in time, and in the distance, Li Suman's running figure could already be seen. was captured.

"We try not to cause you pain." Cassia smiled, never forgetting to launch his own attacks from all aspects.

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