Strange Life of a Cat

Chapter 242 Field Internship

Yi Xin and the others had been on tenterhooks, but they found that Associate Professor Jiao had never said anything directly about what they should do after coming back. They held a group meeting to ask Yi Xin, Su Qu and Zeng Jing to report on the results of their work over the past year. , and then let the newcomers Ke Heng and Dai Tong introduce themselves.

Dai Tong is from the main department of our school. Associate Professor Jiao has an impression of her. Generally speaking, this child is not bad and hardworking enough. At first, she was planning to go abroad directly. Later, due to delays in things, she took the postgraduate entrance examination with other people and passed the exam with Jiao. Associate Professor. Because she came from this college, she has a better understanding of the teachers in the college, and it can be seen that she really wants to make some achievements.

Although Ke Heng went to university in other provinces, he was from Chuhua City himself. He came back directly from the postgraduate entrance examination this time. Among the few people in the group, he was the only one who didn’t know Associate Professor Jiao. Therefore, the others in Yixin were worried about being When Associate Professor Jiao called him over to talk, he was also on tenterhooks, fearing that he would leave a bad impression.

At the end of the group meeting, Associate Professor Jiao asked them when they had time to go home for a meal and the teacher's mother would cook. Several students discussed it and decided on a Saturday.

In fact, Mother Jiao was planning to ask Father Jiao to invite the students to eat out, but Father Jiao didn't think it was necessary to go out. There were just a few people there. Although the place in the house was not big, it could accommodate five more people. If it couldn't be crowded, just Well, you can save money by eating at home, so there’s no need to talk about nonsense.

It’s six o’clock on Saturday afternoon. The sun is not so hot at this time, and there are many shades of trees on the ground. At this time, many people gradually go out to eat.

Not far from the East District compound, a group of five people went to the compound. Three of them were riding bicycles, and the other two were riding on the bicycle. However, Yi Xin, the leader, had no one on his bicycle and had a few bags of fruit hanging on his bicycle. You have to buy something when you go to the boss’s house for dinner, and the most affordable thing is fruit.

"Hey, senior brother, you said last time that our master's wife is a good person. What about the other people in Teacher Jiao's family? For example, the children and the elderly." Ke Heng asked.

Yi Xin briefly talked about the two children of the Jiao family, "Actually, Teacher Jiao's family is very nice. Oh, I almost forgot, who of you two is afraid of cats? Teacher Jiao's family has a black cat named Hei Tan."

Ke Heng and Dai Tong shook their heads. Not many people in their profession were afraid of small animals, and they didn't know how many white mice had died under their hands.

"Speaking of Teacher Jiao's cat, let me tell you..." When talking about this, Su Qu talked a lot. He felt the most that he was selected because of the cat.

"Hey, look ahead." Zeng Jing, who was riding a bicycle, interrupted Su Qu, raised her chin and nodded in one direction.

Several people looked in the direction Zeng Jing pointed, and saw a black cat walking slowly along the shade of the trees next to the sidewalk.

"That's the black charcoal from Teacher Jiao's house," Yi Xin said.

"Can it respond when I call it?" Ke Heng asked.

"That's not necessarily true. This cat is a bit special." Yi Xin didn't say anything, but he thought to himself: He probably wouldn't respond.

"Black coal!" Ke Heng shouted.

They were riding faster than walking, and they were getting closer to the cat in front. Although Ke Heng's meow was not loud, the cat in front could definitely hear it.

Unfortunately, none of the cats and birds in front of him were interested in Ke Heng, so he still walked slowly towards the courtyard without even pausing.

"Senior Brother, are you sure that cat is the one from Teacher Jiao's house?" Ke Heng was confused. If the cat in his house calls you the right cat name, although it may not pay attention to you, it will always react in some way, such as stopping and looking around. But the one in front seemed not to hear it at all.

"Absolutely, the cat sign on its neck can prove it." Yi Xin confirmed.

Zheng Tan only took off his cat tag when he was wandering around the school. He had just gone for a walk around the compound, thinking that Jiao's mother said he would have dinner at 6:30, so he came back at this time. Of course Zheng Tan heard the person who called him just now, but when he usually walked in the school, there were people who knew Zheng Tan, and he was called a lot. Zheng Tan didn't bother to pay attention to those people who were not on good terms with each other and called him "Wanwan". Not to mention the sounds he had never heard before, he was even more lazy to pay attention to them.

When Yi Xin and others rode into the compound, they were already walking in front of Zheng Tan. After parking the car, Yi Xin took several junior brothers and sisters to Building B and once again told them what they should pay attention to. , "Listen more and speak less. There are many important people in this building. It will be bad to leave a bad impression on others. In addition to losing the instructor's face, we ourselves will not feel better."

When he came to the door control, Yi Xin was not in a hurry to ring the bell. He waited next to the door control and made way for the card swiping area.

Ke Heng and the others watched the black cat just walk slowly to the entrance guard, glanced at them casually, then came to the place where the card was swiped and jumped up.


The iron gate opened.

"Come in quickly, why are you stunned!" Yi Xin pulled Ke Heng and Dai Tong who were stunned there, and followed the black cat in front of them into the building.

"I'll go! As expected of the boss's cat." Ke Heng sighed.

Yi Xin made a "shh" gesture. When he walked to the third floor, he saw Professor Lan's door open and felt uneasy. Fortunately, he didn't see Professor Lan coming out until he got to the fifth floor. It's not easy to come to the boss's house. This little heart is always pounding, worrying about this and that.

Although they were nervous at first, they gradually felt relieved after seeing that the Jiao family was indeed as kind as Yi Xin said.

The living room is not big. Every time guests come, the two children will set up a small table in Jiao Yuan's room. Zheng Tan does not join in the fun in the living room and goes to the room to join the two children.

During the meal, Dad Jiao did not talk about the experiments of several students, nor did he ask too many questions. Instead, he told a few people about his feelings about participating in a research project abroad, and also talked about foreign research with a few people. Standards and laboratory situations. Outside, although the remuneration is very rich, the competition and pressure are also quite high. As many young professors who have returned to China say after drinking too much: It is possible to get by at home, but it is difficult to get along outside. It is also one of the reasons why many people return to China for development. Speaking out is naturally to repay their alma mater and repay the country. Of course, the country does hire back some people with real skills at high salaries and creates good development conditions for them, but not everyone can have such awesome skills. Since you have chosen this path, you must use what you have learned. Knowledge comes to open the way for oneself. Under the pressure of survival, many things will drift away from the original intention.

Why do those who study this field want to go abroad? Even if they go out for a gold-plated trip and come back, they can make their files look better. Nowadays, the competition pressure for domestic jobs is increasing. Many colleges and universities add a "requirement" when hiring teachers. "Have experience of going abroad", it is not easy to judge professional titles, grab seats and get projects. The most obvious point is that there are more and more young professors in China, but their gold content is plummeting. Although it sounds hard to put it bluntly, it is indeed true.

Another example is the evaluation of professional titles. Nowadays, it has gradually become a "power-study transaction" and a "money-study transaction", and has even become a game of competing for projects to show off funds. Every year during the evaluation season for college teachers' professional titles, you can always hear some evaluations just because of scientific research funding. Various complaints about not getting a senior professional title. Therefore, to continue on this road, to climb up, and to adapt to the rules here is not a simple and simple matter. Many people only understand this truth after they have reached that point.

Father Jiao said many things selectively, because he was afraid that these students would lose their enthusiasm if they were too clear. Father Jiao also asked a few students about their summer arrangements. In fact, graduate students in many majors do not have summer vacation. Even if the school website lists summer vacation time, in fact everyone knows that summer vacation basically does not exist, especially for people like Chu Hua A school like the university, a major like Yi Xin's.

Father Jiao is kind to his students. If the students want to go home, they can just write a note asking for leave and specify the time. After all, the students are in school, and he, the tutor, has to be responsible to the end.

Zheng Tan listened to the conversation of several people in the living room with his ears open in the room. Zheng Tan was not interested in the things talked about earlier, but what the master and apprentice sat there talking after the meal aroused Zheng Tan's curiosity.

Not only Zheng Tan, but also Jiao Yuan and Xiao Yuzi in the room heard it.

Dad Jiao will go out with this year's group of people who go for field internships in the summer. Chuhua University College of Science and Technology will be taken out to participate in field internships every summer during the first semester of freshman year.

Before little Youzi came to Jiao's house, Jiao Yuan was still young, and Jiao's father took Jiao Yuan out with his students at the internship base. Jiao Yuan was always thinking about when he would go out again. Until now, when I heard Dad Jiao say that he was going to the field internship base again, my heart started to itch, and I was wondering what to bring with me.

After Yi Xin and the others left, Jiao Yuan couldn't wait to go over and ask Jiao's father if he would also take them out to play this summer vacation.

Dad Jiao only replied one sentence - it depends on your performance.

The so-called "performance", Jiao Yuan and Xiao Youzi knew in their hearts, it probably depends on the final exam results. Even if they can't get into the top few, it shouldn't be too bad.

As a result, the few magazines with hot girl covers and a few thick novels with yellow covers that were in the corner under Jiao Yuan's bed disappeared. Zheng Tan also planned to look through it while there was no one at home and couldn't surf the Internet, but he came up empty.

Although Jiao Yuan is a child with all the restlessness of adolescence, if he really decides to do something well, he will definitely take it seriously and eliminate all sources of interference. If Zheng Tan wants to read those magazines and novels, he must at least wait until Jiao Yuan finishes his exam.

Zheng Tan was really curious about the field internship, but unfortunately Jiao Yuan and Xiao Youzi were busy preparing for the final exam recently, and they didn't talk much about other topics. Zheng Tan could only listen to the corner of the master bedroom at night to understand some things.

Dad Jiao is not the teacher leading the team this time. He just wants to take this opportunity to take his family out for a walk. Anyway, Chuhua City is very hot during the summer vacation, and the children can’t do much if they stay at home. It’s better to take them out to play. , although it will definitely be very hard to follow the internship army, but this is one of the reasons why Dad Jiao let the two children go, they always have to exercise more and increase their knowledge.

The field internship organized by the hospital is from mid-July to the end of July. Including the time spent traveling back and forth, it lasts about two weeks. There were several buses chartered by the courtyard. Since Jiao's father wanted to take his whole family and a cat with him, he simply didn't take the bus with the others and drove himself to follow. There were also other teachers from the school who drove themselves to follow. After all, there were some people from other schools in the team. They, the teachers of the school, had to be careful not to take advantage of others.

Among the teachers who followed by car, one brought a golden retriever. In the past, teachers also brought pet dogs with them, but the Jiao family was the only one who brought cats since the practice base was established.

(5.10) To explain, there is basically one update from Monday to Friday, and additional updates will be added on weekends depending on the situation. You can fatten them up before killing them.

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