Strange Life of a Cat

Chapter 315 Young Master Xiao

At the end of the year, Fang Shaokang is very busy. Although he is usually busy, he will take a day out every week to relax. Now he has no time at all. Even when calling Fang Mengmeng, he is in a hurry of. Fang Shaokang arranged for someone to send Zheng Tan back to Chuhua, and the specific date was also confirmed, because of some temporary matters, it was moved two days later than originally expected. However, it was only two days, Zheng Tan could afford to wait.

Zheng Tan lay on the sofa and yawned, looking at the date on the calendar, um, it's okay, I can go back the day after tomorrow.

For the past few days, Zheng Tan ate and slept indoors, did not go out, one was because it was too cold outside, and the other was what Er Mao said, so Zheng Tan stayed indoors to avoid trouble thing.

In the afternoon, Fang Mengmeng came home from school. After dinner, she told her mother and went out. There was a model competition in her school, and she was discussing with two students in her class recently. Fang Mengmeng's two classmates also lived in this villa area, so they were so close together that it was convenient to form a group to discuss matters.

Rice went out with Fang Mengmeng, and every day when he came back, there would always be a few short dog hairs on his paws. The pug Zheng Tan saw that night that was being chased by Rice was the target of Rice's bullying.

"Heitan, let's go out together. It's time for some activities. You have gained a lot of weight these days." Fang Mengmeng said to Zheng Tan who was on the sofa before going out.

Fat? Have it? muscle?

Zheng Tan looked down and didn't think he was getting fatter, but compared to the days when he was filming the documentary, he did look a little better. The main reason is that I was quite tired during the few days of filming the documentary, and I ran around with the filming crew afterward, so I lost some weight. After the filming was over, I didn’t have to do anything at Fang Mengmeng’s house and only cared about eating and sleeping. The lost flesh immediately grew back. .

However, it is true that there is not much activity.

After thinking about it, Zheng Tan decided to go out for a walk with Fang Mengmeng and Rice, just to digest food, just take a walk in this villa area, it should be fine, and let's see how these children make models.

This time, he didn't wear the polar bear costume that Ermao and Qin Tao laughed at. Anyway, if he was not traveling far away, if he was nearby, Zheng Tan didn't want to wear it again, otherwise he would be laughed at by others.

After going out, Zheng Tan couldn't help shaking due to the temperature difference between indoors and outdoors. Looking at the unaffected rice next to him, Zheng Tan sighed inwardly. Compared with summer, the fur on Rice's body in winter is obviously much thicker. It was much stronger than other cats, but now it looks stronger, and its strength is still strong. No wonder there are a few cats in this residential area that see Rice. Running quickly, they must have been bullied.

Fang Mengmeng wrapped her scarf and walked to her classmate's house with Zheng Tan and Rice. After walking for less than five minutes, they came to a European-style villa. Instead of ringing the doorbell, they stood below and shouted.

"Chu Laiya!"

When Zheng Tan heard this name for the first time, he thought it was to tell others to "come out", but later he found out that it was the name of a little girl of mixed race, who was Fang Mengmeng's classmate and one of the model team members.

After Fang Mengmeng yelled twice, Chu Laiya came out with a small bag.

"Eh? Whose family is this black cat?" Chu Laiya asked Zheng Tan who was standing next to Fang Mengmeng and Rice.

"My dad's friend's cat, my family's rice...well, elder." Fang Mengmeng heard Fang Shaokang say the word "elder" when she was on the phone with Fang Shaokang, so she introduced Zheng Tan later. , Fang Mengmeng would add such a sentence.

"Elder?" Chu Laiya looked at Zheng Tan curiously while walking, "But it is not as tall as rice."

Zheng Tan: "..." I felt a sword in my chest.

"The two are not related by blood, and they are of different breeds. They cannot be compared," Fang Mengmeng explained.

"Oh, that's right." Chu Laiya nodded, and didn't make up for Zheng Tan.

The two walked along the road for about ten minutes, and came to a villa. This time, Fang Mengmeng did not shout directly from below, but went to the door with Chu Laiya and rang the doorbell.

"Wow woof woof woof!"

Because the doorbell rang, the dog inside barked, and from the sound Zheng Tan knew it was the pug who was always being bullied by Rice.

Soon the door was opened, and a boy who was about the same age as Fang Mengmeng and Chu Laiya opened the door with a biscuit in his mouth.

This should be another member of Fang Mengmeng's group, a boy named Hou Junyi.

"It's late."

Hou Junyi opened the door. When he opened the door, Maodou, his pug, had already approached the door. When Rice came in, he ran away immediately, and then hid beside Hou Junyi and yelled at Rice.

The three of them have long been accustomed to this cat-dog way of getting along. Speaking of it, these two can be regarded as young. They have been fighting since childhood, and Maodou has been bullied by Rice since childhood. Don't think that Rice is always aggressive towards Maodou, but if Maodou fights with other dogs or cats, Rice will definitely rush to help Maodou.

"Monkey, your Maodou has fought and failed repeatedly, repeatedly defeated and defeated." Fang Mengmeng laughed.

Hou Junyi's nickname is "Monkey". This surname has caused him a lot of trouble, and the nickname is just one of the small troubles. Hearing Fang Mengmeng's words, Hou Junyi "hummed" and didn't comment on the words.

"Hey, there's a black cat!" Hou Junyi exclaimed after seeing Zheng Tan. He has only two impressions of cats: the type that runs when seeing a dog, and the type that fights when seeing a dog.

Zheng Tan was a special case that Hou Junyi had seen. He ignored Maodou and didn't fight, as if he had no interest in Maodou at all.

Fang Mengmeng briefly explained Zheng Tan's background again.

Hou Junyi's home has a "workroom" specially organized for him. Fang Mengmeng and the three design their works in this "workroom".

Zheng Tan watched the three children making handmade models. The rice and edamame were already running around the room. Hou Junyi's parents didn't say anything, they were used to it.

After the three of them worked hard for an hour, there was a break. Hou Junyi's mother brought in a stack of desserts and some snacks.

The three children talked about TV dramas and talked about their favorite stars.

Hou Junyi is not at all interested in the stars mentioned by Fang Mengmeng and Chu Laiya. He is not a star chaser, but admires some great talents in engineering. His grandfather is from the Engineering Academy, and his father is also a talent in this field , The things he has been exposed to since childhood made him more interested in things in this field. As for chasing stars, is there someone to chase?

Zheng Tan curled his lips, this kid doesn't even have full hair, so he naturally doesn't know why some female stars and some XX actresses are so popular with men. As for the male stars mentioned by Fang Mengmeng and Chu Laiya, hey, Zheng Tan expressed that he was only interested in things like X Zhaomen.

Because Hou Junyi's facial expression was too obvious, Fang Mengmeng asked Hou Junyi after saying the names of a few idol stars: "What expression do you have? Don't you like them?"

"I don't like it!" Hou Junyi affirmed.

"A jealous man is the ugliest!" Chu Laiya scoffed.

Zheng Tan: "..." It feels so awkward to say these words from a girl who is younger than Xiaoyouzi.

Hou Junyi's face turned red, "I'm not jealous, they have nothing to admire, just like the chick next door, it's not pleasing to the eye!"

"Xiao?" Fang Mengmeng and Chu Laiya looked at Hou Junyi at the same time, "Isn't there a company next door to yours?"

"No, how long has it been? The house was transferred to Xiao Xiao three years ago." Hou Junyi said.

"What the hell is Xiao?"

"...Young Master Xiao is something." Hou Junyi thought for a while and said.

"Young Master Xiao?!"

Zheng Tan felt that the eyes of these two little girls started to light up when they heard "Gong Zi Xiao", which made Zheng Tan and Hou Junyi couldn't help but move back.

Knowing that Young Master Xiao lives next door, it’s rare that they could still be at home today, the two little girls couldn’t bear it anymore, and got up immediately, let’s talk about the model tomorrow, Young Master Xiao is not so easy to meet, otherwise they have not been in the past three years. Do you know that Young Master Xiao lives next door to Hou Junyi.

The two reckoned that Hou Junyi was not loyal enough, and Hou Junyi only said it after his son Xiao lived here for three years. Hou Junyi is also aggrieved, he doesn't like those celebrities, and besides, that young man is often not at home, and he just happened to see it today when he was out walking his dog.

The two little girls were going to visit Young Master Xiao, and Hou Junyi, who was full of displeasure, was dragged there together. Zheng Tan also followed them.

Speaking of Young Master Xiao, Zheng Tan is quite familiar with this person. This person has become popular in the past two years. "Gongzi Xiao" is the name of a character that this person has played. In addition, this person's name originally had the word "Xiao", so he was called "Gongzi Xiao" by fans later. . This person has filmed several good serials, including ancient costumes and modern ones. Zheng Tan and Jiao's mother watched the TV series played by this son Xiao when they were in Jiao's house. Many people think that Xiao Xiao is a good-looking, good-natured, considerate, humorous and handsome boy who can do things. It can be said that fans range from an eight-year-old girl to an eighty-year-old There are old ladies, such as the very popular costume drama broadcast in the first half of this year. Mother Jiao would sit on the sofa and stare at the TV every night after washing the dishes and sweeping the floor.

Since the two children were going to ask for autographs, Zheng Tan thought about asking for an autograph if he had the chance, and gave it to Jiao Mama when he returned to Chuhua City. Made Mommy Jiao happy for a long time. It's a rare trip to the capital, and it's not in vain.

In fact, Zheng Tan felt that for people like Fang Mengmeng, autograph photos and the like were just a matter of what her father said. But obviously, these children may not realize this now.

When he went downstairs, Hou Junyi's father saw that the three of them were going out, so he asked, "Going out?"

"Well, go out for a while, and take them home later." Hou Junyi said.

Hou Junyi's father nodded, and didn't say any more, just said "don't go far at night".

"Know it!"

Hou Junyi really didn't want to tell his parents about the embarrassing thing about asking an idol star for an autograph.

When Maodou saw the little master going out, she immediately squeezed out before the door was closed. Rice also moved quickly, one step ahead of Maodou.

Three people, two cats and one dog stood at the door of Gong Zixiao's house, and Hou Junyi was pushed forward to ring the doorbell. There is a room upstairs with a light on, and there are people in the house.

After waiting for a minute, he didn't hear any movement inside, and pressed again, but still no one came to open the door. Hou Junyi turned around and was about to let the two of them give up, but seeing the disappointment in their eyes, he pressed the doorbell again for a while.

Just when Fang Mengmeng was about to give up, the door opened. The person who opened the door was a good-looking young man in his twenties, wearing a sweatshirt, with sweat on his forehead, as if he had just finished exercising.

That's right, it's Young Master Xiao, Zheng Tan has seen this face on TV.

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