When Zheng Tan went back, he was still thinking about what was going on.


Zheng Tan has never seen someone so hypnotized. However, there were so many people at that time, why did something wrong with "Brother Yu"?

From the beginning to the end, Boss Huang just took out a cigarette and said a few words.

Zheng Tan also wondered if there was something wrong with the cigarette, or something like a deceptive drug, but the cigarette was no different from what Boss Huang smoked during lunch in the afternoon.

Just as he was thinking, Zheng Tan heard Ermao beside him say, "Heitian, do you know why that guy's nickname is Weasel?"

They entered the school through the side entrance of the campus, and it took about ten minutes to walk from this side entrance to the East District compound. At this time, there was no one on the trail, and no one heard what Ermao said.

Zheng Tan glanced at Er Mao, and listened with his ears open.

"His name is Huang Shu. According to folklore, the weasel has the ability to confuse people. Of course, that guy may not be as evil as in those folktales. He just knows some tricks passed down from his ancestors, because he has fooled many people. In addition, the name sounded very similar to 'Weasel', so everyone called him Weasel. Many people knew who the nicknamed Weasel was, but they didn't know his real name. The nickname was much more famous than the name. "


Zheng Tan was very interested in that little trick.

"It can be regarded as a relatively special kind of hypnotism, and it may also involve some spiritual things. It is a kind of extension technique that was once popular in the theocracy era. Using your cat father and their scientific explanation, it should be attributed to neuroscience Category, of course, some things are difficult to explain with current science and technology.

Some people used to call these tricks heretics or even heretics, but we call them folk art. Every skill that has been passed down for hundreds of years always has its reason and value. But don't be afraid, generally he won't use that kind of trick indiscriminately, especially when dealing with people. He rarely used it when he was doing business. I told him not to use that kind of tactics against you. "

While Er Mao was talking about Boss Huang, Zheng Tan was thinking, even if he was a hypnotist, he was fine with people. Could it be that even cats, dogs and even mice could be hypnotized? What are you doing with a small grocery store at that level?

However, Zheng Tan has seen a lot of people with bad tempers, just like when Ermao didn't live in a high-end elevator room and didn't buy a villa, he rented a house in the East District compound and lived in a small place of about 70 square meters to enjoy himself , everyone has their own ideas, and Zheng Tan can't use his own way of thinking to figure out the minds of those freaks.

Being able to see Boss Huang's special side, Zheng Tan's trip in the afternoon was worthwhile.

The next day, Zheng Tan went to the grocery store again.

Originally, Zheng Tan wanted to observe more about the "little tricks" of that boss Huang. Zheng Tan was more curious than afraid of the tricks similar to "hypnosis" that Er Mao said.

Seeing Zheng Tan again, the clerk smiled and greeted him.

What happened last night made the clerk still a little dizzy. I don’t know why those people came here in a hurry, and left after saying a few words to the boss. He asked the boss, and the boss only replied, "Probably they I'm bored" was perfunctory.

Thinking of not sleeping in the middle of the night, the clerk kept thinking about what happened at that time, and suddenly realized, did that Ermao have expected such a situation a long time ago, so he calmly went out to watch?

It seems that my boss still has a lot of secrets.

Young people always have infinite curiosity, but it's a pity that Boss Huang didn't have anything to say.

When Zheng Tan came over, there was no one in the store. The clerk was bored and went to Boss Huang to play poker. The simplest kind is to see who draws the most points. The winner will be determined in five rounds. Clean up the sanitation in the shop that day.

Zheng Tan jumped up to take a look, and found that on the paper next to the score record, the clerk lost from beginning to end.

Every time it was a best-of-five game, the clerk couldn't win even if he won two games in a row.

Zheng Tan thinks that this kind of simple comparison should depend on the probability, right? But this clerk didn't win once, and later marked from "shelf 1" to shelf "6", which means that today the clerk has to be responsible for the sanitation of shelves 1 to 6 alone, and now the game is still going on, But the clerk's bad luck did not improve.

"No, no, boss, you can shuffle the cards again." The clerk said. He was the one who shuffled the cards just now, but he didn't expect to lose from the beginning to the end. This time, the boss shuffled the cards. He had seen the boss shuffling the cards, and the shuffling technique was scumbag. After the boss's scumbag skills are shuffled, his luck should be better, right?

Boss Huang didn't care, picked up the cards and began to shuffle.

Zheng Tan has seen Ermao playing poker. Ermao used to play fancy cards on the street to fool female students. Looking at his record just now, Zheng Tan felt that this person should be in the same category as Ermao.

"Okay." Boss Huang didn't care, picked up the cards and began to shuffle.

The card shuffling technique...it's really a scumbag, like a kindergarten child, and when shuffling the cards, Zheng Tan clearly saw a king of spades at the bottom.

Zheng Tan could see it, and so could the clerk.

So, after Boss Huang shuffled the cards in this childish way, the clerk said he would choose first.

"Okay." Boss Huang replied indifferently.

Sure enough, the clerk drew the bottom card and turned it over with a grin. Then, the smile froze.

Originally thought it was a king of spades, but it turned out to be a 3 of hearts.

Boss Huang randomly drew a card from the middle, K of Spades.

"No, boss, how could this happen? I just saw that the bottom one should be a K of spades, how could it become a 3 of hearts?" The clerk wondered.

Boss Huang laughed and wrote "Shelf 7" in the notebook next to him, and then said, "Eyes can be deceiving."

"You cheated!" the clerk complained.

"On the contrary, talk about the evidence. Don't talk nonsense without evidence. This is called losing." Boss Huang pointed out as if he had experienced it.

"Stop playing! It's too bullying!" The clerk put away the cards and planned to buy a box lunch. If this continues, he will lose to death. Although the shop is not too big, cleaning so many shelves by one person is tiring work, and it is summer now, so every move makes you sweat.

It's almost time, so Zheng Tan went to Feng Bojin's place for dinner.

When Zheng Tan walked away, Boss Huang looked through the credits from this morning. After seeing the white cat jumping on the counter again, Boss Huang stared at the oil-stained spot on the white cat's body for a moment, and took out a one-yuan coin.

The white cat thought Boss Huang was going to play with it, so he came over.

Boss Huang put the one-yuan coin on the counter, moved it in front of the white cat, then stood up the coin, flicked the edge of the coin with his fingers, and the coin started to spin.

The white cat looked down at the spinning coins, and the tip of its tail, which was still wagging, slowly stopped moving.

Boss Huang took out a square towel, wet it with water, and then wiped off the oily stains on the white cat's head, which should have been accidentally made during breakfast in the morning. conspicuous.

In addition to wiping the oil stains, Boss Huang also gently wiped the white cat's ears. Usually white cats are squatting on the shelves, and the shelves are generally cleaned and wiped once a week or a few weeks. The grocery store on the side of the road is like this. There is a lot of dust outside, and the air flow driven by the passing vehicles makes the shelves a layer of dust if they are not wiped for a day. Give it a bath and wipe it every few days.

However, the white cat didn't cooperate, and it resisted as if its life was threatened by wiping its fur and ears. Therefore, in many cases, Boss Huang used some other methods, such as the current situation.

After wiping the cat's ears, Boss Huang rummaged through the white cat's fur. Today, he saw a fat mouse in his mouth. He wondered if he had fleas.

Cats need to be stroked with their fur, and they will feel uncomfortable when they fluff their fur. Many cats will resist, including the white cat. However, now they are letting Boss Huang toss them without moving.

After looking through, no fleas were found. Boss Huang felt relieved for the time being, and did not plan to bathe the cat or buy flea medicine.

Putting down the towel, Boss Huang raised his fingers and flicked the white cat's nose.

The white cat trembled, as if shivering, then looked at Boss Huang, then at the coin next to its paw, and picked it up, looking like it didn't know what happened just now.

Seeing the white cat carelessly flipping coins, Boss Huang thought of the black cat that came over this morning.

Is that black cat a male or a female?

Ermao didn't seem to have said that, did he?

Boss Huang wondered, the white cat in his shop was a female cat, and that black cat always came this way. If it was a male cat, could it be that he fell in love with the white cat in his shop?

Not sure either. The black cat always hangs its tail slantly when it walks, and it is not known whether it is a male or a female.

Boss Huang thought, if he sees the black cat again later, he will see if it is a male or a female. Although Ermao said not to play tricks on this cat, but... just to see if it is male or female, it will not cause any harm to the cat.

Picking up the coin that was about to be pulled out of the counter by the white cat, Boss Huang played with it in his hand, and stopped reading the newspaper. After lunch, he looked outside the store to see if the black cat would come again .

Zheng Tan had lunch at Feng Bojin's place, and after watching Feng Bojin play a new game, he jumped onto a willow tree by the lake and took a nap before heading back.

Originally, Zheng Tan didn't intend to go into that grocery store, but just passed by. Unexpectedly, Boss Huang, who had been paying attention to the outside of the store, stopped Zheng Tan.

"Coal! Coal, come here!" Boss Huang waved there.

Zheng Tan: "..." This person learned from Ermao, right? But it's even worse than Ermao, and even the word "black" is omitted.

Not knowing what this boss Huang was going to do, Zheng Tan still walked over.

Boss Huang ordered the counter, "Come on, Coal, let's play a game."

As he said that, Boss Huang also hung a hemp rope by the counter and moved it with his hands. Usually he uses this to tease cats.

Zheng Tan glanced at him like a fool, didn't touch the hemp rope, and jumped directly onto the counter to see what this boss Huang was up to.

Seeing Zheng Tan jumping up, Boss Huang didn't care why Zheng Tan didn't play with the hemp rope, took out the coin just now, and flicked the coin just like he did with the white cat before.

Seeing the black cat in front of him looking down at the coin without moving or moving its tail, Boss Huang thought it was almost done, so he planned to grab Zheng Tan's tail and lift it up to see if it was a male or a female.

As a result, as soon as his hand touched the tail, Boss Huang's eyelids twitched, and he suddenly felt that something was wrong. A black figure flashed in front of him, and he only had time to raise his hand to block it, but he still couldn't block Zheng Tan's kick.

Boss Huang, who was kicked in the face and almost fell off the chair, didn't care about the pain on his face, he was stunned.

invalid? !

How could this cat not be affected at all? ! !

I came back from my hometown, and I will try to advance the update time in the future.

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