Strange Worlds: The Sequence

Chapter 113 No taboo

At that time, the bright moon was in the sky, the breeze was blowing the leaves, and the crows were singing on the top of the tree.

Chen Yuyan stood at the entrance of the Sifang Martial Arts Hall, cupped his hands to say goodbye, and said loudly: "Brother Li, please stay, we will meet again in the rivers and lakes, and we will have a drink and talk together, let's just say goodbye."

"Brother Chen, have a good trip."

Li Wen also cupped his hands and watched as Chen Yuyan's back gradually disappeared from his sight.

Although he lost to Chen Yuyan, Li Wen didn't feel any resentment or jealousy in his heart.

Martial arts schools are quite different from other martial arts sects. What they pay attention to is to be inclusive of all rivers and lakes, and learn from the strengths of all families to improve themselves.

This month alone, there were no less than a dozen martial arts heroes who came to Li Wen to compete, but Chen Yuyan was the only one who defeated him.

Warriors should be magnificent, bold and unrestrained.

The mere defeat in the battle was nothing more than a small turmoil in his life, not to mention that with the help of Chen Yuyan, he broke through the shackles of martial arts that had troubled him for a long time.

From Li Wen's point of view, Chen Yuyan and him are people of the same path, pursuing the ultimate in martial arts.

So when he exchanged martial arts insights with Chen Yuyan later, he formally invited the latter to join the Sifang Martial Arts Hall, but Chen Yuyan declined politely, which made Li Wen feel a little regretful.

Looking up at the dark sky, Chen Yuyan stepped out of Heluo County.

At this time, two or three days had passed since the rainy night fight. Although the fight was fierce at that time, Li Wen and Jiang Wenyu were not injured, and Chen Yuyan used skillful force when striking.

The two of them looked miserable, but in fact, they could recover as before after taking some pills for half a day.

The reason why Li Wen and the two fainted was only because they were exhausted from the battle, both physically and mentally exhausted and under too much pressure, there was nothing serious about it.

After all, Chen Yuyan was just sparring with them, and they were still on their territory. If something happened, he probably wouldn't be able to get out of Changnan Mansion alive.

This kind of door-to-door asking for advice can easily offend people.

It was good to meet Li Wen who was so open-minded, and later Chen Yuyan could feel that Li Wen didn't have any resentment because he lost to him.

But among the people Chen Yuyan defeated before, several of them looked at him with undisguised disgust.

They think that Chen Yuyan is a person who seeks fame and reputation. With this level of strength, they don't directly compete with the higher-ranked warriors on the Qingyun Ranking, but insist on stepping on their heads to climb up one by one.

But Chen Yuyan didn't bother to explain.

The ceremony of drinking Vientiane's blood, defeating the same level, or leapfrogging the battle, winning a hundred games in a row.

He is victorious in all battles and unparalleled in bravery.

After defeating Li Wen and Jiang Wenyu, the number of matches has reached the 62nd match.

The moon rose from the edge of the woods, shining a cold brilliance, illuminating the open field, and it became extraordinarily white, making people feel colder.

In the woods, there are mostly bare branches, black like charcoal, standing coldly and quietly, without any vitality.

Xingzi in the blue sky blinked uneasily as if afraid of the cold.

There was no wind, but the chill was stinging.

Chen Yuyan walked alone on the barren mountain road, her back was a little lonely.

In fact, when Li Wen invited him to join the Sifang Martial Arts School, he was a little moved, because the world is too big and there are too many disturbances.

It's good to have a rest.

But as soon as this idea came out, it was stifled by Chen Yuyan.

If he really just wanted to stay away from the rivers and lakes, he should have followed Bai Guanlan back to Pudu Mountain.

At least in this life, there is no need to worry about food and clothing, and there is no need to worry about being killed by some evil monster one day and used as a sacrifice.

But how can a real man live in the world, how can he live in depression for a long time.

Chen Yuyan didn't like being sent under the fence.

Chen Yuyan is unwilling to do nothing.

Since she was lucky enough to come to this wonderful and soul-stirring world, Chen Yuyan did not intend to be mediocre.

If you can't eat five tripods in life, you should also cook with five tripods in death.

If you don't have martial arts, go find it; if you don't have enough qualifications, go improve it; if you don't have enough resources, go snatch it.

There is no other goal, only to become stronger.

He, Chen Yuyan, wants to come to the top of the rivers and lakes, see the prosperity of the world, and taste all the ways of the world.

He, Chen Yuyan, must not be checked and balanced by others, act without scruples, and do what he wants.

No one can force him to do something.

Ever since Chen Yuyan chose the characteristic "Heavenly Demon" for the deep pollution of [Moving Sequence], there was no turning back when he opened his bow. He had to walk down this most difficult road.

The characteristic "Heavenly Demon", the starting point of the immortal god's inheritance of "Great Free God".

The so-called "immortal god" is a respectful title for those who come to the end of the sequence and look down on the powerful existence of all beings.

On this road, there are no friends, no others, only yourself.

The shadow is hanging from each other, standing alone.

But for Chen Yuyan, in his opinion, there is no need to be afraid of loneliness.

That was the moment when his soul was freest.

The night road is vast.


between heaven and earth.

Only one person, one long knife.


Half a month later.

At night, it was as dark as a bottomless abyss, there was no light in the surrounding fields, and there was silence all around, only the branches that had lost their leaves made a cold sound in the north wind.

However, there were several black shadows whose figures were like electricity, like phantom ghosts, erratic, like shadows, circling Chen Yuyan with a knife in the east, a sword in the west, a punch in the front, and a violent attack with the back leg.

For a moment, the shadows of palms were flying, the shadows of fists were vertical and horizontal, and the strong wind was fierce.

Chen Yuyan's clothes fluttered, his beard and hair fluttered, and he looked mighty. He was surrounded, but he seemed calm and calm, and his moves were quick and slow, appearing orderly.

Qiu Shui Knife was held in his hand, and every knife he swung was handled extremely skillfully, and he neutralized all the fierce and unparalleled attacks impartially.

He was originally planning to go to the Tianmen Sword Sect in the Eastern Hunan Province to compete with "Tianliuyun Sword" Yanbei for the last time.

Ever victorious, Chen Yuyan has completed ninety-nine games.

There is only one last game left before the ceremony is completed.

Yuelu Mountain is the only way to go to Tianmen Sword Sect.

"Dead man? Who sent you here?"

Swinging away the stabbing long sword, Chen Yuyan asked coldly with burning eyes.

Unfortunately, no one responded to him.

These people are not sword slaves, they have their own consciousness, and the weapons they use are quite different, but they are not afraid of life and death, even if more than half of them are killed or injured, they have no intention of retreating.

This is like the congregants of Baimei's teaching, they have been completely brainwashed.

Chen Yuyan's empty sleeves fluttered, his expression was indifferent, only attacking but not defending, with a shake of his right arm, Qiushui Dao slowly rushed up, and with a sound, he deftly parried the fierce and fierce sword flying from his back.

His moves may seem heavy and clumsy, but in fact they are fast and agile.

Suddenly, Chen Yuyan let out a long roar, slammed his right arm, and struck out thirteen knives in one breath, changing thirteen directions, but seeing the shadow of the knives flickering, a moment later, the head fell to the ground.

A brilliant knife light bloomed.

This knife was so brilliant that it seemed that even the night was completely illuminated by it, and the cold knife energy filled the entire dense forest in an instant.

In the eyes of those dead men, only a pair of swords could not be concealed.

Eyes shining brightly with fiery light.

There are two more chapters tonight, the last chapter may get early morning, you can watch it tomorrow

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