Electricity is LV3, this level of super power can already show considerable power, but only talking about power, he really can't keep up with muddy water mines.

"What's the matter, my lord.]

Although Barr didn't want to talk to Evan very much, it was impossible to do so. Who let Evan be the master, the face still had to be given.

"Do you have a way to cultivate magic power there?

Evan asked.

[Ah? How to cultivate magic power?

Baal was dazzled, and now he had to learn!

"Yes, how about you?


As a demon god, he is a master of magic power and can naturally control magic power. He does not use this method of cultivating magic power, but after raiding the labyrinth, the demon god has a master. If he wants to release his power, the master's magic power is a prerequisite. .

In order to increase the master's magic power, many demon gods will also pass on the method to increase the magic power to the master.

And Barr's method.

"My lord, I have a meditation here for you to try].]

Meditation is always the only way to increase magic.

If the idea of ​​​​Balguan 24 meditating on the god of magic reaches the ears of the wizards in this world, it will definitely be snapped up.

Thinking of Barr's thoughts on meditation, Owen closed the window, went back to bed, and began to meditate.

The stronger the mental strength, the better the effect of meditation.

Soon, Owen entered a state of meditation.

In his mind, Owen saw a figure similar to himself, and he also performed spiritual meditation while kneeling. Behind this figure, the figure of the demon god Bara gradually appeared, and his blue body glowed to help this figure meditate.

"Quack quack."

After a while, a golden scarf appeared on the wall beside Evan, and sporadic magic came from it and entered Evan's body.

five minutes later!


A golden Rufus river appeared around Evan! A large number of golden Rufus provided Evan with magical power! Closing his eyes and meditating, Evan felt the golden light in his mind getting stronger and stronger! The magic started!

And Baal in his armor was already stunned, and he opened his mouth wide. This is the first time he has meditated to achieve such a level? Could this master be the new sorcerer?

The next morning, Evan woke up from meditation and was startled by the sight in front of him!

"Damn it! Give me a qiaojiao!


The hall is full of people who can barely see anything else, and everything is shrouded in golden rings, all of which are rubbed in their hands! Save money and feed Owen with magic!

"what the hell!"

Evan waved his hand, and just then, the Rufus began to spread out, leaving the room through the wall; it was difficult for ordinary people to see these little guys, so there was no panic.

"My lord! You are awake!

Barr looked at Owen who woke up and said immediately.

"Ah, I'm awake, it's Rufus? Damn it, I almost got away with it!

Evan was helpless, when he opened his eyes, he was startled, these little guys were everywhere, and the walls couldn't stop them.

"Yes, they were Rufus' magic spirits just now! Your lord, you see, they already have magic!].]

Barr hurriedly said his worst fears.

Evan stared blankly, then raised his hand.


A golden ball of light merged into a golden ball in Evan's hands! The light shone, filled with a lot of magic.

"Is this the magic power?

Owen felt his new power...the night of meditation worked great!

"Yes, my master! This is magic! Hahaha! With so much magic! I can finally use my power! Don't worry, my master! If anyone dares to threaten you again! Summon me! Destroy him !!]

Baal had the feeling of turning the serf over, and after enduring his pain, he raised his eyebrows.

And at the moment when Baal's words fell.

"Bang! Boom! Boom!"

There was a sudden knock on the door, and then!

"Guest, guest! There are many soldiers here! It looks like they are coming for you! You must run!

Bridesmaid Tina's voice came from outside the door, Owen frowned...

"This ball... It turns out that you have the attributes of a crow's mouth..."


Chapter 135 The Demon God Comes Down to Earth!

"Guest? A guest? Can you hear me?

Tingting still screamed, but her voice was very low, the soldiers were all downstairs, and her loud voice would be heard.

Owen got out of bed and went to open the door. At this time, his "vision buster" opened! In an instant, Owen's halo enveloped half of the town, and all kinds of voices filled Owen's ears.

"Fuck me!"

He hurriedly narrowed the halo, covering only the area around the inn, eliminating the noise, and by feeling, he saw that the inn was surrounded by soldiers, and the soldiers in the hall were dragged by the master, but obviously the soldiers were impatient.


Owen removed the seal from the door and opened it. Tina's anxious eyes lit up when she saw Owen open the door.

"Guest"! Soldiers are looking for a strangely dressed resident below! Must be you? Come with me! I know a way out!

Tina stretched out her hand and took Evan's hand to take him away, but Tina tried her best, and Evan didn't move.

"Ah, thanks for your warning, it's alright, I'll be fine."

Evan took Tina's hand away and shoved some gold coins into her hand, then to Tina's surprise, Evan turned to the window and opened it to reveal the front door of the hotel below, and behind it was... .

"I jump~

Owen jumped straight off!

The bearded soldier was terrified by Owen yesterday, but he received an order to arrest Owen, so he had to bring someone to chase.

This town is the closest to the direction Owen came from, and the mustache soldier guesses that Owen is likely to land in this town.

Sure enough, when he asked when he entered the town in the morning after a day of chasing, he did see Owen entering the town.

In fact, the moustache soldier's best hope is that he can't find Owen, but he can't beat Owen, so he plans to try, but this morning, the court mage came! He said: "I don't know.

The court mage is the strongest soldier in the Baltimore Empire. Everyone is a strong mage. The appearance of this court mage gave the bearded soldiers infinite courage.

"Hey! You're a nuisance. Get out of the way and let's go in and search! What a nuisance! Is there anything indecent!"

The moustache soldier grabbed the boss's clothes and shouted angrily, the spittle splashed everywhere, and the cloaked figure not far behind also showed a disgusted look.

And just when the mustache soldier pushed the boss to the ground and was about to start the search.


Suddenly there was a loud noise behind the door, followed by a pitiful scream from the soldier guarding the door!

"Go! What the hell!!!"

The soldier with the beard panicked instantly! With a terrified expression, he pulled out his machete. He looked at the seemingly peaceful court mage, and calmed down a little.

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