Summoner of Miracles

: 607 is just getting started

The earth gate will be reincarnation and become the son of the contemporary Tujiamen.

This is a rumor that has been circulating in the curse for more than a decade.

The source of the rumors was Tuyumen Taichun himself. When he was still in the yin and yang hall, his awakening of the star-gazing ability made him peep into the future, and he was informed by the company who was also present at the time.

As a result, this rumor spread thoroughly, causing Luo Zhen to become a scapegoat, pushed to the bright side by the Tuyumentai pure, reincarnation of the night, and the eyes of the world.

As for the real reincarnation of the night light, that is, the real son of Tuyumentai, in fact, was sealed by him and handed over to the family to raise.

In other words, Chunhu is actually the true son of Tuyumentai, and the son of the Tuyumen, who is uncompromising, both in the past and in this life, has the most orthodox blood of the Tujiamen. It is not a An ordinary person who does not even have a ghost.

The reason why Chunhu did not go to **** was because Tuyumentai Pure imposed a seal on his birth.

Therefore, Chunhu can live as a normal teenager for more than a decade.

Now, Chunhu’s seal has been broken.

The cause was the arrival of Jinwu and Yutu.

"Because I have some origins with Jinwu and Yutu, they have imitated them to develop the crows and the moon. After the spirit of the body came to this world, the seal on my body was immediately affected, and my memory was slightly restored. Then I noticed that there was a seal on my body and tried to break it."

In the face of the ghost, the Chunhu smiled a little, and answered like this.

"Perhaps the way to break the seal is a bit messy. After all, the memory has only recovered some of the time. The result is that my awakening is directly triggered, and the memory is restored, but it is also mixed with the memory of this world. Chaos, even the personality has signs of confusion, so even I don't know if I should be Chunhu or Luminous."

The Chunhu, which is said to be so confusing, can be seen from the way it is practiced and spoken. This person is too daring to do so.

"I actually recovered some memories. I noticed that there was a seal on my body and I immediately broke it. I didn't even do the investigation. You are still in the same mess as before."

The corner of the ghost will sigh like this.

On the contrary, it was cold and early, and she made this analysis very calmly.

"Only this time, you should be grateful for your personality that you like to mess around. If it is not for you to break the seal decisively, perhaps the memory you just recovered will be re-sealed and the stupid boy who is back to the Tumen Gate will be restored. ”

Then again, the seal on Chunhu’s body was only affected by the rising spirit of Jinwu and Yutu, even though the cause was that Chunhu had the relationship between the crow and the moonwheel made by the imitation of Jinwu and Yutu, but at that time the tiger was The place is not only far from the Jinwu and Yutu rabbits that came to Tokyo, but the seals of the two are only slightly interfered. If it is not the looseness of the seal, the memories of the previous life of the Spring Tigers will be restored, thus making them aware of the existence of the seal. Then directly began to break, wait until the spirit of Jinwu and Yutu stabilized, and the seal resumed. At that time, the memory of Chunhu could be sealed, and the awakening of Chunhu became far away.

Therefore, chaos comes with the benefits of chaos.

"I think so too." Chunhu’s big admittance was acknowledged, but before the early B-girl’s cool gaze, the smile on her face suddenly became a little sad, making it like this: “Although, Maybe it will become better like that."

This sentence, so that the early B girl closed her mouth, the corner of the ghost is also silent, no longer say.

Both of them know what kind of sin and pain the past tigers have suffered.

The current awakening, I really don't know whether it is good or bad.

However, if you can choose, Chunhu will naturally choose to wake up.


"I just chose to reincarnate in this era to make up for the sins I made in the past."

Chunhu’s voice became cold and turned and looked in the direction of the Yinyang Hall.

"This time, I must defeat the goddess of the horse."

Chunhu is very determined to say such things.

It is precisely because of this that Chunhu will break the seal and completely awaken, and he will not hesitate to leave the home of the Tuyumen, come to Tokyo, or even enter the Yinyang Hall, attacking the Soma.

Now, Chunhu’s attack failed, but he did not give up.

"The opponents have been in the same league as the biggest organization in the art world. If you want to resist them, you must be prepared for a long-term war."

The Chunhu who said this turned to look at the two major laws of the past.

"In the meantime, I will try to find the moon wheel and prepare for it. How are you planning?"

Chunhu made a decisive question.

As the arms of the former luminous, facing the returning master, do the two people’s responses still need to be considered?

"Although it is very troublesome, but there is no other thing to do, let me stay with you."

The early B-girl is cool and indifferent to say such a thing.

"...the life that has been displaced is also almost the same. If so, it seems to be good to return to the front line."

The corner ghost is also silent for a long time, then there is no such thing as a helpless voice.

At this point, the arms of the luminous also officially returned.

"Please, please."

Chunhu accepted this as a matter of course and nodded to the two.

"So..." The morning girl looked down to the side, saying: "What about girls and girls over there?"

A closer look, on the edge of the roof, there are actually two girls lying there, falling into a drowsiness.

It is Natsume and Suzuka.

The person who rescued Natsume and Suzuka from the yin and yang hall is a spring tiger.

However, the Chunhu was prepared to retreat after the failure of the attack on the multi-track, and accidentally broke into the curse search department. When the Tianhai Dashan was met, the two were rescued.

Now, looking at these two girls, Chunhu has some complicated responses.

"Reassured, I have already informed my family to pick them up."

After that, the Spring Tiger is like trying to break the emotions and speaking to the two big guards.

"Okay, let's go."

The Chunhu that said this quickly found one thing.

"The corner ghost?"

Chunhu’s doubts.

I saw that the ghosts were staring at the two girls.

No, it should be said that it is right to stare at one of the girls.

The person who was pegged by him was Suzuka.

More accurately, it is not a Suzuka, but a certain existence of Suzuka.

The corner ghosts go straight up and take out one thing from the Suzuka's body with the only one arm.

It was a group of dark and deep, but stupid.

"this is..."

The early E-girls could not help but be one of them.

Chunhu also bowed, but after a while, it was a sigh of relief and horror.

“Although the breath is very weak, but I can feel the fearful spirit, is that...!?”

Chunhu seems to think of something.

The corner ghosts are closely watching the group of arrogance in their hands. There are shakes and nostalgia in their eyes, as well as bitterness and a little joy, almost all kinds of feelings.

Immediately, the horns will put them back on the Suzuka.

"Since you have a relationship with this little girl, then follow her well and finally resurrect. Don't be crusted as before."

With such words, the corner ghosts got up and turned to Chunhu.

Looking at the corners of the ghost, Chunhu’s eyes showed hesitation, and then he became helpless.

"It is a blessing that is not a curse. It is a curse. But I don't have to worry about it. If it is a blessing or a curse, look at herself."

With such words, Chunhu also turned around.


At this time, it seems that I was thinking of something, and I said it.

"When I first came, I saw a creature downstairs. It seems that I want to find you. Because I don’t know if it is an enemy or a friend, I will hypnotize him. How to deal with him?"

When the early B-girl is cool, the spring tiger's footsteps are suddenly stiff, and the complexion becomes gloomy again.

After a while, Chunhu only sighed.

"Take him away too."

It’s said that the early B-girl’s cool doesn’t matter.

Thus, the rare genius who once known as the curse world left Tokyo with two great guardians and a teenager who had a relationship with this life.

As for Natsume and Suzuka, it was picked up by the three behind-the-scenes people who came later. They also left Tokyo and disappeared.

After that, the Yinyang Hall officially issued a notice to all the people of Luo Zhen and his family.

The chaos of the curse world has just begun.

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