Summoner of Miracles

: 643 Ripper Jack Reincarnation

"Since last year, in this college, there have been people missing every once in a while."

In the beginning, Sigmund said such a thing.

"There is no connection between the missing people, not even men and women, even no signs of abnormality. Some even laughed and laughed with friends yesterday, and disappeared the next day."

Upon hearing this sentence, Luo Zhen and the night and night looked at each other.

Then, at night, I cautiously made a sound.

“Don't you drop out of school yourself? It’s not easy to hear about the college’s courses every night?”

This possibility is raised every night.

However, this is what Luo Zhen wants to say.

Just like yin and yang, the first grade is still a matter of time. When the second grade is over, the difficulty of the course will be improved several levels, which will make the students who are not qualified enough to be overwhelmed. In the end, it is only a matter of choosing to drop out. Wal-Mart's Royal Craftsmanship The college is the world's top magic school. The people who go out from here are almost all the talents of each team. Therefore, the course is naturally difficult, and there are not many people who can graduate smoothly.

In view of this, even if someone chooses to drop out of school, it is very normal to leave here.

As for the case of not applying for withdrawal, but suddenly disappearing, it should be due to tuition fees?

The tuition here is so expensive that it is basically impossible to provide it by family alone. If it is not a company, a famous door or even a government officer, it will not afford such expensive tuition.

For example, Luo Zhen, that is, the first flower of the bionic person's circle, Liu Liuzhai, sponsored by the back, to provide this tuition fee before they can enter the school smoothly. Otherwise, unless the Akabane family is still in the world, Luo Zhen may not be able to afford it. I can afford that fee.

And those companies, famous and military who are extremely eager for excellent dolls will also choose to be sponsors, find talented people in various channels, send them here for further study, and bear the cost for them. The cost, until these students graduate from here, then they must be loyal to them.

Under such circumstances, if the application is withdrawn, the sponsors behind them will not agree, and even ask the students to return the expensive tuition fees, and even more likely to ask for compensation or liquidated damages. Maybe you can't keep your life.

Therefore, it is not a strange thing for an overwhelmed student to choose to silently leave the college in order not to be threatened by the sponsors behind him.


"It's not impossible. It used to happen like this. But since the new school year last year, there has been a marked increase in this number of people. It is already a total of twenty-six people."

Sigmund had some serious openings.

“And, what has just been said is that there is no connection between the students’ background and identity. In fact, some of these missing people have a great commonality.”

What do you have in common?

"Their automatic dolls were all destroyed and left in college."

Sigmund said so.

"Automatic dolls are destroyed?"

The night suddenly disappeared.

"It turned out to be."

Luo Zhen understands it.

If the missing person really just doesn't want to be troubled by the sponsor behind him and chooses to sneak away, it should not destroy his automatic doll.

You must know that automatic dolls are the power of the dolls, and they are important tools for making money. If you don't want them, you can sell them. There is no reason to destroy them.

Not to mention, those students who choose to drop out of school are offended by the sponsors. It is almost impossible to return to the society in this life. They can only hide in the underground world, or earn money to live or simply become a crime. Those behaviors have to rely on their strength to complete, and the automatic dolls are damaged, which is simply not worth the loss.

In other words, there is obviously an abnormality behind this matter.

Coupled with the recent attack, Xia Lu blurted out the name of the name "Magic stalker"

“Is there a Jack the Ripper in this college?”

Luo Zhen muttered like this.

"It's really a good description."

Sigmund couldn't help but smile.

"Jack the Ripper".

That was the killing of at least five prostitutes in London, England, in the two months from August 31, 1888, and the sending of signed letters and organ fragments to the newspaper, which is known as the originator of theatrical crime. Character.

He is the world's most famous savage ghost, and a perfect sinner who has not left any conclusive evidence except the corpse. Until now, he has not been found out, no matter whether it is race or gender. Character.

The reason why Luo Zhen said that Jack in the college appeared, the reason is here.

"Except for the damaged automatic dolls left in the college, there are no traces or clues. Isn't this the equivalent of being killed by Jack the Ripper?"

Luo Zhen said this.

"And the Jack the Ripper who appears in this college should be the so-called "magic stalker"?"


The so-called "magic stalker" refers to attacking students in the college, leading to the whereabouts of the students, and their automatic dolls are the attackers of the mystery of destruction.

No one knows where the missing students eventually went.

Why the other party will do such a thing, it is also a public opinion.

There is only one thing that people know about it.

“The other party likes to eat automatic dolls.” Sigmund said: “The damaged auto dolls will not only leave traces of being eaten, but also the magic loop including the heart of Eve. It disappears directly, just like being eaten by a beast."

When the words came out, Luo Zhengu did not care, and night and night all froze.

"Eating automatic dolls"

The expression of the night is a bit unsightly.

Just as human beings can feel uncomfortable when they hear someone eating human flesh, as a robot, knowing that other dolls have been eaten, it must be quite uncomfortable.

"Is the mysterious attacker who eats the magic circuit, so it is called "Magic stalker"?" Luo Zhen touched his chin and looked at Sigmund, saying: "That is, you I think the so-called "magic murderer" attacked me?"

This answer is correct.

"Although it is not surprising that you are attacked by the current limelight, if you are an attacker of the "Thirteen People" class, the first thing that comes to mind is the "Magic Devil"." Sigmund clicked. Nod, this way: "The other party is a person who can't find a clue to follow up with the team members and the guards. It can be inferred that the strength is quite high, at least it must be the level of "Thirteen people."

If this is the case, then it is a bit intriguing.

Luo really thought it would be alive.

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