Summoning Mercenaries

Chapter 178 Ada Wang


After Kent arranged the two Spartans, he cleared his throat and said:

"Everyone, because we raided the London Police Station before, the Phantom will leave the atmosphere of LV-426 in the early morning and go to the other end of the Wolf 359 galaxy to stand by.

So I'm going to lead 141 to wait for the arrival of the navy on LV-426, and the rest of the branch will stay on the Phantom to wait for orders. Did you hear that? ! "

After hearing Kent's order, everyone stood up and saluted Kent: "Yes! Commander!"

"Yeah." Kent looked at the elite mercenaries, nodded in satisfaction, and waved his hand: "Okay, except for 141, everyone should disband."


When Kent finished speaking, Leon and Hudson led the paratroopers and marines out of the combat conference room, but the escort led by Leng Feng did not leave.

Irene asked with a questioning face: "Don't our guards stay with you at LV-426?"

"No need." Kent looked at Irene with a slight smile, and said softly: "The individual equipment of the guards, paratroopers, and marines is too advanced, and it would be bad for the navy to see.

The equipment of 141 seems to be more advanced than that of the special command, and the old guy in Sheffield probably won't care. "

"It's... okay." Irene said a little disappointed.

But Leng Feng took the words and said, "Are you sure you only let the Pelican and 141 stay here?"

"Well, don't worry." Kent walked up to Leng Feng, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Just help me take care of the girls!"

"Stinky boy!" Leng Feng was amused when he heard the words, so he kicked Kent lightly and forcefully, and then walked out of the combat conference room with Nova, Irene and Tanya.

At this time, Kent said to Simon, Price, John and Gary in a deep voice: "Everyone, are you ready to meet your old friends?"

"Hehe." Price pressed his benny hat and said with a deep smile, "I've been preparing for such a long time just to avenge 141, can you not be ready?

Tell me, what are your plans? "

"Ha~" Kent took a deep breath, and all the 141 who stayed in the meeting room were also attentively listening to what their leader had to say.

"Phew!" Kent said seriously after panting heavily, "Let him give us a commission of 20 million!"



When Kent said this, all 141 were taken aback, and even Simon, who was paralyzed, fell to the ground in fright at what he said.

Simon, who fell down, quickly got up, ran to Kent, stood on tiptoe and grabbed Kent's collar, and said 'scarcely': "You bastard, are you still joking at this time?!"

On the other hand, Gary persuaded: "Don't get excited, ghost, maybe our leader has already made some foresight?"



"Crack!" There was a slap in the face.

"Made!" Simon was really angry when he saw Kent's ugly face, he tripped and threw Kent to the ground, and shouted at all 141: "141!"


"Hit him!"

"Yes! Captain!"

Following Simon's order, all 141 members rolled up their sleeves and started punching and kicking Kent who was lying on the ground.

Even Gary, who was helping Kent with good words, became angry and became the main force in beating Kent, but Price and John shook their heads helplessly.

"That's enough! That's enough! I'm your group... Bah bah! Who took off his shoes! This smells sour, go wash your feet!"

At this time, Kent stopped playing around with the 141s. He got up and broke away from the 'siege' of 141, and then changed into a serious expression and said:

"That guy in Sheffield should not be underestimated, so we can't fight him hard, we must have his stone hammer evidence."

Hearing what Kent said, Price was immediately interested and said, "Oh? Do you have any ideas?"

"Of course." Kent looked at Price with a deep expression on his face, and then said loudly to the door: "Come in! Ada? Miss Wang!"

"Shua~" Only the sound of the automatic door opening of the combat meeting room was heard, and Ada also walked in wearing the exclusive uniform of the Marine Corps on the planet LV-426.

When Ada walked to Kent's side, Price asked with a questioning face: " the way you said?"

"That's right." Kent looked confident, and then said to Ada: "Miss Wang, tell me what your previous major was."

Hearing what Kent said, Ada smiled slightly and said, "I'm Umbrella's commercial spy. Detecting intelligence and recovering various evidence and samples are my specialties."

"You are from Umbrella!" Hearing what Ada said, Gary was about to go into a rage. After all, neither he nor Price was familiar with Ada.

On the contrary, Ada still greeted her with a smile, and said, "Hehe, if Umbrella didn't mean to kill me, I might still be their employee."

"So... that's how it is." Hearing Ada's explanation, Gary felt a little embarrassed, so he immediately apologized, "I'm sorry."

"It's okay." Ada was still smiling, unable to see her real thoughts at all.

After these small episodes, Kent continued: "Because of being abandoned by Sheffield, Major Johnny and other senior leaders of the LV-426 Marine Corps are preparing to choose to leave the army.

But before they quit or join our mercenary group, I asked Johnny to change Ms. Wang's identity to a member of the LV-426 Marine Corps, and give most of the credit to Ms. Wang.

In other words, when Sheffield came with a large number of marines, Miss Wang had the opportunity to sneak into the interior of Sheffield's troops.

Due to her superior performance, Sheffield is very likely to select Ms. Wang into the shadow army. In this case, we can grasp the direct evidence of Sheffield. "

Kent now believes 100% in the current Ida King. In terms of friendship, Kent's blue mercenary group saved one of her, and even Leon and her were actually engaged.

In terms of benefits, the blue mercenary group can guarantee Ada's personal safety, and there are quite a few subsidies every month.

In addition, Ada also has her unique skill, that is, a spy, who can investigate the details of other organizations, and the success rate of getting out of the body is 90%.

Therefore, Kent mixed Ada into the Marine Corps, and was able to dig out a lot of illegal evidence in Sheffield. In addition, Nova's father, Duke Russell Sears, was also investigating Sheffield and Umbrella.

Now Kent still has a video of "framing" Sheffield and Umbrella. At that time, there will be online public opinion, Ada's direct evidence, and the political pressure of Duke Russell Sears.

He believes that would put Sheffield and Umbrella on the opposite side of the government, if not completely.

After all, Sheffield and Umbrella are working together, and they are like parasites in the coalition army. Only by catching them first can they be wiped out.

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