Summoning Mercenaries

Chapter 514 Meet for the first time, let's have a fight

"er, Doom Slayer?"

After hearing Kent's words, Horus also looked to the north, and saw the guy called Doom Slayer happily killing among the demons.

Involuntarily letting the hairs on his body stand on end, Horus thought he could do the same moves that would tear apart demons.


It's just that he can't be as crazy as that Doom Slayer. It seems that Doom Soldier only sees killing, endless killing.

Then Horus looked at Kent and asked, "How do you know that there is such a number one person in hell?"


After hearing Horus' question, Kent turned off the hyperopia system, looked at the other side without panting, and said, "Professor Quill told me these things through the records of the ruins on Mars.

You also know that the matter of a man breaking through hell is too unreal, so I didn't believe it, just a story made up by the ancients on Mars. "


It was said that although Horus had doubts about Kent, he dispelled his doubts when he thought of Quell Sears, a famous professor in the archaeological field.

After all, the Ark, the Martian zombie crisis, and other mysteries about ancient ruins were perfectly solved by Professor Quell Sears.

And what Horus admires the most is that this Professor Quell Sears is still very humble, until now he has not admitted that he solved these puzzles by himself.

"Then I'll just barely trust you."

Horus no longer wondered how the Doom Soldier appeared in hell, and then pointed the muzzle of the bolter towards the group of demons at the bottom of the cliff, and said:

"Since the Doom Slayer is below, we will also dispatch to fight through hell and join that man together."


Kent also nodded and stood up, replacing the full forty-two round drums for the bolt shotgun, and then jumped down immediately after holding the lightsaber on the left back.


Kent stepped on a demon's chest when he landed, and then waved his hand: "Spartans! Astartes! Charge with me!

Let the man who pierced through hell see that we are capable of making trouble in hell! "

"Yes! Commander!"

Following Kent's order and taking the lead, a group of Spartan and Astarte guards also took up guns in one hand and jumped off the cliff with a lightsaber or chainsword in the other, rushing into the group of demons.

"Hey, since this guy entered the Forbidden Army, it seems that he is the commander in chief..."

Seeing that the Astartes guards obeyed Kent's orders very well, Horus couldn't help but smiled wryly.

Complaining is nothing but complaining, but without any other thoughts, he took his gun and sword and jumped down to join the team of killing demons.

"Aw! Aww!"

The demons who were running away from the Doom Warriors completely collapsed when they saw the tall, tall human warriors in silver and white armor and gold armor coming from their seals.

Some demons even ran to the Astartes guards and Sparta in spite of themselves, begging for death on purpose.

After all, it would be more enjoyable to be dealt with with a knife or a gun, but if caught by the Doom Slayer, it would end up being torn apart, and it might even be disembowelled.

"Bang! Bang! Click!"


Kent used the bolt shotgun with one hand and shredded all the demons in front of him. After forty-two shotguns were empty, Kent did not change the ammunition, hung the gun behind his back and continued to open the way with the lightsaber.

As for the guards such as Horus who followed behind him, after the ammunition in their guns was emptied, they chopped up the demons blocking the way with their melee weapons.

Within a few minutes, Kent and the others made a real bloody road from the hillside just now to the Doom Slayer not far away.


Kent had just arrived in front of the Doom Slayer when he saw the latter punching a huge demon's abdomen with his fists, spreading his hands outward, and then tearing the demon into pieces with both arms.

Blood, internal organs, spilled everywhere.


Kent froze when he saw Doom's expression through the visor of the Archon's helmet.

Because he saw the Doom Slayer smiling contentedly after tearing up the demon.

This smile made Kent feel a little chilled.


While shocked, Kent didn't lose his vigilance. He lightly swung the lightsaber in his left hand and chopped off a demon that was about to sneak attack.

After Kent cleared the demons between him and the Doom Slayer, he put away the lightsaber and said respectfully:

"That... is that Mr. Doom Slayer? After all, your name is not recorded on the ruins."


However, the Doom Slayer just glanced at Kent, then chose to ignore it, and continued to walk towards the group of demons behind Kent.

If Doom hadn't seen Kent just slaying a demon with his lightsaber, he probably wouldn't have been standing there for a second.


Instead, Leng Feng, who had been following Kent, saw Doom Slayer ignoring Kent, and followed up to grab Doom Soldier's shoulders behind him.

Although Kent and Nova held a wedding a few years ago and made Nova his first wife, Leng Feng was very upset in his heart, and even thought about eunuching Kent himself.

However, after Leng Feng learned that Irene had always been the 'prime palace', he let Kent go, and now he has a grandson, who has long regarded Kent as a relative.

And the purpose of the group of them coming to hell was to close the gates of hell, but the Doom Slayer looked like no one was a bird.

This aroused Leng Feng's anger a lot, and he wanted to stop the other party to make it clear.



"Buzz!" The energy shield of Thor's Hammer power armor was instantly broken.

When Leng Feng wanted to reach out and grab the Doom Soldier to stop, he was kicked in the abdomen by the opponent.

After the energy shield was broken, the inertia caused Leng Feng to fly several meters away, killing groups of 'innocent' demons.

"Trap him!"

After seeing the Doom Soldier attacking Leng Feng, a group of Spartans surrounded the Doom Soldier one after another, and some extreme Spartans had already started swinging their lightsabers at the Doom Soldier.

"Boom! Boom!"

It's just that the fists of the Spartans didn't have any effect on the Archon's armor.

You must know that the Spartan wearing Thor's hammer can reach several tons of arm strength, and can destroy everything blocking the way with brute force.

It's just that the blows had no effect on Doom's Archon armor, not even making Doom take a step back.

"This?" Ares doubted himself for the first time. After all, before Sparta and the Astartes guards joined forces, there was no enemy that could be blocked.

It can be said that meeting gods kills gods, and Buddha blocks and kills Buddhas.


However, after the Doom Slayer showed an intriguing smile, he easily slapped away the hands of the Spartans, and then punched each other and kicked the nearest Sparta.

summon mercenaries

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