Summoning Total War

Chapter 2 Sparta!

Biquge, the fastest update calls for total war!

Chapter 2 Sparta! ()

The morning sun woke up Murphy who was sleeping. Just as he opened his eyes and got dressed under the service of the maid, the cold and emotionless electronic synthesizer sounded in his ear.

"Ding! You got a follower."

The sudden sound from this auxiliary system made Murphy baffled, but just as the maid opened the shutters, the voice of the herald came from outside the governor's mansion.

"Your Excellency, there is a man outside who claims to be an agronomist who wants to see you." The herald is a middle-aged man with a beard and a tall body. He is the earliest follower Murphy had. command, the additional effect is to increase the general's command by one point.

When Murphy heard it, he suddenly understood. He put on his clothes and ordered, "Take him to the lobby, and I'll be right over."

Thinking about the character attributes in his heart, sure enough, at this moment, he has an extra follower in the character attributes in the auxiliary system of "Total War", which is the farmer.

Name: Murphy-Spartan. (A great last name can do you a lot of good.)

Commander: ★★ (Increase the morale of leading the army.)

Management: ★ (Increase administrative management ability, increase city income.)

Influence: ★★★ (Increase law and order, increase the number of guards, slightly increase morale.)


Handsome (Your appearance is always easy to get close to, influence +2)

Physically strong (you have an exceptionally strong physique, vitality +6)

Agility (you are born with quick thinking, commander +1, management +1, influence +1)


Herald (each qualified ruler needs a herald, commander +1)

Farmer (Scholar who is proficient in agriculture, farming income +1)

If Murphy remembers correctly, the commander determines the morale, roughly two commanders equals one morale.

In the era of cold weapons, the army collapsed very quickly. Generally speaking, even if it is a regular army, more than 2 to 30% of the casualties in a head-on confrontation have already begun to collapse. Therefore, morale is very important, and the commander-in-chief of generals is the key to determining the combat effectiveness of the army.

Management ability This is a bonus to the city's income, and people with strong management ability are easy to convince.

As for influence, it is a comprehensive attribute.

People with high influence can make people not ignore your existence, can increase public security, improve people's hearts, indirectly affect tax revenue and population growth, and so on. In battle, influence can also affect the morale of the army, but the value is relatively low, about four points of influence equals one point of morale. Influence can basically be understood as reputation, and reputation is a very useful thing.

Among the many attributes, the only one that puzzled Murphy was the surname behind his name - Sparta.

A great surname can do you a lot of good?

what good?

Murphy couldn't guess what this benefit was.

The communication with the farmers is very smooth, and the pragmatic scholar is always not sloppy.

When the farmer named Hanmenia saw Murphy, he said that now that the town has established defensive measures, it is urgent to reclaim the farmland and plant spring wheat. Afterwards, the agronomist volunteered to tell Murphy that he could handle these things properly.

Murphy immediately decided to ask him to arrange for manpower to plant spring wheat.

With experts in this field, he naturally did not intervene. He really didn't know much about growing wheat.

Agricultural experts dispatched a thousand people to arrange the sowing of seeds and the digging of ditches.

And Murphy is commanding the remaining idle population to start building the temple of Athena, the goddess of wisdom.

In fact, all he had to do was issue orders.

Naturally, some of the idle thousand people will arrange for the division of labor to build temples, carve statues and so on.

The auxiliary system indicated that the population required to build the leadership temple was 300, but Murphy directly increased the number to 800. The sooner the temple is prepared, the better.

And the remaining 200 people were arranged by him to repair the burned and damaged houses, including cleaning the street floor, refurbishing the drains, and so on.

In the game, it is obvious that private houses are not on the construction list. But since this is the real world, you have to seriously consider it. The town is dilapidated, but there is still a lot that is usable. Murphy's plan is to build some simple wooden houses in the north of the town as a place for townspeople to live.

To the west is the Nidolia River. After the port is built, the west can be used as a commercial area.

To the east is the military camp, to the south is the Governor's Mansion, and the center of the square is used to build a temple. Here is Murphy's current plan for the city.

The current population is not very large, and Murphy does not plan to build life-style buildings such as drains, public baths, etc. for the time being. His focus now is food and troops.

Although he wanted to recruit two more teams of Greek infantry, he finally gave up.

Because recruiting troops needs to consume the population of cities and towns, and the construction of cities and towns is urgent, the number of people is quite critical.

Two teams of Greek infantry were drawn out to protect the townspeople, while Murphy led the general guard and the unusually cool Spartan heavy infantry towards a hillside not far away.

His most important task now is to draw a map!

Although he was not a professional, Murphy had learned painting in his previous life. He couldn't draw a standard-scale map, but he could still draw a rough topographic map. When you come to this world and you are not familiar with the place, it is necessary to figure out the surrounding terrain, what kind of creatures are there, whether it is an enemy or a friend. In addition, there are still many details that need to be solved by him. Only when he became a general, he understood how difficult it is to be a general who is caught by the regime.

In the past few days, Murphy went out to draw a map, and encountered a few scattered gnolls.

This kind of creature seemed to like to attack humans very much. Even when they saw that there were many guards around Murphy, they still rushed forward with a wolf howl.

However, they rushed up only to die. As the most powerful infantry Spartan red pants in "Rome: Total War", the combat effectiveness of these gnolls is obviously not that important.

It was only now that Murphy discovered that the creatures from other worlds were not so perverted.

They also hurt and bleed, and their limbs will be crippled if they are pierced by a weapon, and they will die immediately if their heart is pierced.

Maybe there are really some great people with all-powerful power, but what Murphy sees now are some real creatures. They may be powerful, but they are not invincible.

Jackals are very powerful, but not stronger than Spartan heavy infantry. As "perfect fighters", lifelong professional soldiers, Spartan heavy infantry can completely torture these jackals even if they are used one-on-one. And the Spartan heavy infantry, which formed a spear formation to cooperate with each other, was almost crushed when dealing with these jackals.

But this is not surprising.

As a Spartan heavy infantry who has won more than lost in frontal one-on-one battles against Germanic berserkers, one-on-one group battles and Roman urban management brigades (elite urban garrison regiments), it can be said that they are the most elite soldiers on the entire earth in that era! Top fighting power!

Arms: Spartan Heavy Infantry

Recruitment Rounds: (2)

Soldier size (80), experience (0).

Attack (16), Charge Bonus (4), Weapon Type (Long Arms).

Total Defense (17), Armor (3), Defense Skills (9), Shields (5).

vitality (2).

Morale (14).

Recruitment fee (1220), maintenance fee (460).

Ability: High morale, can hide in the forest, can form a phalanx, has a lot of physical strength, can dig tunnels.

Description: Super elite! have discipline! Very strong! Can form a phalanx! Can dig tunnels!

Spartan heavy infantry received education and training from an early age to become soldiers. They are "perfect fighters". The whole life of the Spartans was training for war. Weak people are weeded out soon after birth; children are made to steal and harass slaves to hone themselves; young people are taught war-related things - even music and dance are for marching and military orders use. This creates a man who only thinks of winning, expects it and scares his opponents. The Spartans fought in the traditional manner of hoplites, carrying a lance and large buckler, and could attack in phalanx formation: a group of interdependent soldiers, working together to bring down the enemy. Their weakness is that they are extremely traditional people, and the once powerful city-state of Sparta has not progressed with the times.

In the few battles in Xingling, Murphy roughly estimated the fighting power of the wolf man.

Individual combat power is stronger than that of Greek infantry, but in legion battles, as long as they are commanded properly, they can completely torture gnolls.

These jackals only had some simple weapons, and they basically didn't have any equipment on them. The best thing was that they wore a piece of leather armor. With this level of defense, basically a barrel of spears would kill one.

Generally speaking, the wolf man's combat effectiveness is slightly higher than that of ordinary soldiers, but he has no discipline and a strong sense of individuality.

It has a ferocious face, its strength is much greater than that of an adult man, and its movements are sensitive, but its persistent combat power will not be much stronger than that of humans. After being pierced by a spear, he will basically lose his combat effectiveness due to blood loss and pain. Generally speaking, it is just a relatively strong creature. Judging the fighting power of the wolf man, and then based on the fact that the humans who originally lived here would migrate because of the wolf man, Murphy deduced that the level of human civilization in this world is not too high.

At the very least, the level of basic civilization will never be higher than that of the Middle Ages.

With the fighting power of the wolf man, if the factor of psychological fear is excluded. Murphy estimated that even with the combat power of the Han and Tang corps, they could completely crush them!

After all, they are nothing more than a group of wild beasts with a little more intelligence and strength.

I don't know anything else, but what Murphy can be sure of is that the Modao Formation can definitely deal with these gnolls head-on.

Now, the only thing that makes Murphy uncertain is whether there will be more powerful and perverted individuals among these gnolls, as well as some powerful creatures that can use the legendary magic!

Even, there are giant dragons in western legends...

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