Summoning Total War

Chapter 55 Charge! (Down)

Chapter 55 Charge! (Down)

The Psiah warriors who entered a violent state using some ancient secret method suppressed the gnolls on the frontal battlefield for the first time!

Almost all the gnolls were fooled by these tactics of suddenly becoming crazy, giving up defense completely, and just charging forward in one breath! In just a few minutes, twenty or thirty jackals fell to their weapons. But strength in numbers is also beginning to take effect. Under the command of a significantly taller male Jackal, the Jackal's encirclement began to shrink, trying to ease the charge of the violent warriors by relying on numerical suppression. As long as they were trapped in place, they could be killed with a pile of heads!

But at this time, the sound of galloping horse hooves sounded again!

There is a trace of mutation in Murphy's retina!

He saw traces of clouds emerging from the warriors in the center of the battlefield who were obviously stronger than the other Pusaians. These clouds gathered together, and the color gradually changed, eventually turning into the color of blood.

Above the clouds and mist, a man wearing animal skin and holding a giant ax appeared!

He has a resolute face, like muscles made of steel, and his beard is angry. He holds a giant ax in one hand and roars to the sky!

At that moment, Murphy actually had the illusion of looking up to ancient heroes!

The furious Psyan warriors began to suffer casualties. A Psyan warrior using a mace was hugged by two gnolls, and then a male gnoll holding a mace smashed his head.

On the retina, the blood mist in mid-air suddenly became thicker.

A blurry dark red figure appeared in the blood mist. It struggled for a moment, then slowly stood up, walked towards the giant figure holding a giant ax and roaring towards the sky, and finally merged together!

What's this?

Murphy was full of surprise and questions at this moment.

However, time did not allow him to think too much. If he doesn't launch an attack, I'm afraid those Pusaias will be dead in a few minutes!

There was no time to observe the changes in mid-air. Murphy pulled out the sharp sword from his waist, roared and led the general's guards to charge! The sound of galloping horse hooves resounded behind the gnolls, and almost as soon as the Psiah Berserker was intercepted, the cavalry also launched a charge.

The direction of the cavalry charge was exactly the direction in which the violent warriors of Pusaiya charged. The two groups of people attacked a point in the gnoll encirclement from front to back.

Almost instantly, this point of the encirclement collapsed!

Uthols panted violently, his chest sounding like a bellows. Even if he awakens the power of his ancestors, it will put a huge burden on his body during the fierce and high-intensity battle. However, at the moment when the horse's hooves sounded, a force seemed to appear in his body again, flowing out from the blood in his heart and spreading throughout his body!

He knew that he just had to hold on a little longer!

Just win.

He grabbed a decapitated male Gnoll corpse on the ground, held its foot with one hand, then spun it and smashed it at the Gnolls gathered around him, heading towards the most muscular Gnoll wearing a half-body armor. The leader rushed forward.

The violent power awakened from his ancestors can still last for a while, and he must find a way to kill the jackal leader!

The huge flesh-and-blood weapons were no less lethal than heavy weapons. Under the power that multiplied after the violent rage, the jackal's corpse became a large-scale sweeping attack mode. The howling wind almost scared the surrounding female jackals. Dare to step forward. The surviving Psiah Berserker warriors followed suit and threw away a curled-edged weapon in their hands. Instead, they grabbed a gnoll corpse and used it as a club to smash around.

The gnolls dispersed.

They did not collapse when facing the violent warriors of Pusaiya, but they collapsed when facing the cavalry galloping in the night.

Although the Psiah Berserkers are powerful, they believe that as long as they can surround them, it is only a matter of time before they are killed. But when faced with the galloping cavalry, they were frightened. They did not dare to meet the charging cavalry with their flesh and blood, because they knew that if they encountered them, they would not only die but also be crippled. In the age of cold weapons, the momentum and pressure generated by cavalry charges were unparalleled!

Even if it is charging towards the Greek spear phalanx!

Once the cavalry enters the charging state, it is unstoppable!

Although the cavalry will eventually fail when facing the pike phalanx, at the moment of charge contact, it can be said that the pikemen in the first and second rows are almost certain to die! ! !

When hit by a high-speed horse, the impact can break a person's ribs and pierce his lungs.

This kind of injury was almost difficult to treat in the cold weapon era.

Therefore, regardless of whether the spear phalanx can restrain the cavalry, at the moment of contact, it means that many variables exist! The two parties in the first batch of contact can almost be said to be infinitely close to death! At this time, the only thing that can sustain victory is courage!

No matter which side retreats out of fear first, victory will fall to the other side.

This is one of the reasons why cavalry has always been on the rise in the cold weapon era! Facing the galloping cavalry, he was able to hold his position and never retreat even though he knew he was almost certain to die! Only soldiers supported by faith can do that!

At this point, the cavalry has an inherent advantage.

Because they can't stop, there are thousands of troops behind them. If they stop, the final result can only be to be trampled to death alive! At this time, the choice is given to the infantry. It depends on whether they can hold on to their position with the belief that they will die! In the final battle of "The Lord of the Rings", the fear of the orcs when facing the cavalry charge is a good proof of this. Once the first line collapsed, the cavalry would not give the enemy a chance to regroup. Then what's left is just a great rout and massacre!

It must be mentioned here that when the cavalry enters the charge, there is one very important thing to do, and that is - tie the horse's eyes!

When the cavalry charged into the gnoll formation in a triangle formation, more than ten gnolls were harvested on the spot.

Then, the cavalry passed through the weak encirclement of the Jackals, turned their horses' heads and started the second charge!

Finally, as Murphy prepared for his third charge.

The jackals were completely defeated.

Their leader fell to the weapons of Pusaiya's violent warriors, and without the leader's command, the gnolls also completely lost the courage to fight against the cavalry!

As a race that lacks weapons and equipment, without long weapons, they have little chance of winning against cavalry.

The battle is over.

The air was filled with a strong smell of blood.

Both sides began to treat the wounded, and applied finishing blows to the gnolls who were still alive. As for the escaped gnolls, Murphy was no longer interested in chasing them.

The losses of the General's Guard were not serious.

Six knights were slightly injured, and there were no casualties. However, eight horses died, and almost half of them were injured.

This is the flaw of light cavalry. If the horses are not equipped with armor, the losses will be huge.

This loss can even be greater than the human cost.

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