Summoning Total War

Chapter 85: Preparations (Part 1)

Biquge, the fastest update calls for total war!

Chapter 85: Preparations (Part 1)

The existence of magicians is not known to ordinary people. They are rare in number and mostly live in seclusion, rarely appearing in the sight of ordinary people.

Therefore, in the mouths of ordinary people, magicians are called wizards.

However, in some major events related to the direction of human history, magicians can still be seen. After all, they still belong to human beings, and they are far more powerful than ordinary people. It is impossible for them to ignore everything.

Although the abilities of these magicians are still unclear, their arrival undoubtedly increased Murphy's bargaining chips a lot.

And from the mouths of these magicians, Murphy also found that the strength of the wolf man seemed to be stronger than he expected. He has always believed that the high-ranking gnolls in the battle at the former site of the town of Athens are already the top combat power in the entire Kazat gnoll tribe. Now it seems that this is not the case. It seems that some of them have special powers, like the high priest.

If this is the case, then Murphy's previously conceived plan will have to undergo some changes.

Governor's Mansion, at night.

Murphy circled a map with a quill. Two pure and charming maids stood behind him and fanned him. Bell, who was only fourteen years old, seemed to be a little sleepy, and yawned a little from time to time.

"Bingdang, if you're sleepy, go to bed first. It's fine with Angela here." Fourteen years old is when the body grows and develops, and the need for sleep is also increasing. Murphy looked sleepy at first glance, but he was a powerful bell, and said softly.

It is already past nine o'clock at night.

The entire Governor's Mansion was silent, only Murphy's room was still lit.

"No, Bell is not sleepy." The little girl was shocked when she heard this, she shook her little head, and fanned the fan vigorously in her hand.

Since she wanted to stay, Murphy didn't force it.

He continued to draw many data symbols on the map with a quill pen that others could not understand.

This map was copied by him through the "Total War" auxiliary system in his mind, and the terrain on it is much more detailed than that provided by Mrs. Elizabeth. The canyon connecting the Zangala Mountains and the Karazhan Mountains is about 500 meters long, which is nearly half a kilometer of defense line. He is now planning how to lay out the defense line to narrow the left and right holes. The 500-meter line of defense is quite large, and there is no problem in throwing thousands of people into battle. He had to find a way to create a narrow space to take advantage of the Greek pike phalanx.

Murphy didn't know much about military strategy.

Just dabbling, he basically didn't know anything about the classic strategies of his previous life. Relying on the advantages of the era of information explosion in later generations, he can only roughly come up with some relatively simple solutions.

Use your own strengths to attack the other's weaknesses!

This is the strategic center that Murphy is currently thinking about.

War, perhaps just by talking about it, anyone can tell some truths, but to actually do it, we must consider the background of the times, the degree of civilization, the geographical environment, weather factors, the quality of the army, the talents of generals, and so on.

How can several plans be able to decide?

Although the Greek heavy infantry and Spartan soldiers, the main battle force of our own side, are powerful, their numbers are too small, and they can only be used in decisive local wars. Other militias and the like, whose discipline and quality are not good, can be used as an auxiliary army, and they basically collapsed after receiving the impact of the jackals head-on. The first step Murphy did was to list his strengths in writing.

The powerful frontal force of the Greek infantry phalanx and the intensive shooting ability of 2,600 archers.

On a large-scale battlefield, the flexibility of the infantry phalanx is too low to give full play to its advantages, but in areas like the canyon, it is where the infantry phalanx is most powerful, so Murphy will take a risky game and put all his money on it. a handful!

The 500-meter defense line is still too long.

Murphy had to narrow the line of defense to about 300 meters, which meant that the 1,200 Greek heavy infantry could have a rest time under the impact of the enemy's wheel battle.

On the map, Murphy marked the length of Juma with small crosses.

Among the knowledge that Murphy has come into contact with so far, the first thing to be screened out is the repelling horses. Rows of repelling horses can stop the charge of the jackals, and the advantage of the attack distance of the Greek spear can also attack enemies beyond the repelling horses. The most important thing is that Juma is easy to build. It can be made by cutting down trees and sharpening them. However, the ability of this line of defense to withstand impact is average, and it loses its effect after two or three attacks at most.

Although there are still many ideas for the construction of defense facilities in his mind, there are really not many that can be used.

There is an unknown number of gnoll troops in the canyon.

From capturing the canyon to being discovered by the Wolf man and sending troops to come, there was only one night at most to build defenses for Murphy. And this night, most of the time is free for the soldiers to rest and maintain their combat effectiveness. After a night of hard work, I am afraid that no matter how powerful the system is, it will be out of energy the next day. So what can really be used is only half of the night.

This time it was destined to be an urgent march, and apart from the necessary luggage, there would not be too many things that could be brought.

Then the construction of the defense line must be based on local materials.

After thinking hard, Murphy came up with a stupid solution.

It's a sack!

As long as there are enough sacks and filled with soil, an earth wall can be built in one night.

It should be no problem for 8,000 people to use sacks to pile up a small earthen wall two hundred meters long, five meters high, and four meters wide in one night. Although the jackals are powerful with such a thick earth wall, it is not so easy to tear it down without siege facilities. And behind the earth wall, a slope can also be stacked, allowing archers to stand on the earth wall and shoot. This line of defense can be reinforced and heightened with the corpses of jackals at the back, and the reserve militiamen are placed behind the earthen wall to deal with jackals who cross the line of defense or to support the frontal battlefield at any time.

Five meters, about the height of one and a half floors, which meant that the jackals who didn't have many long-range weapons had to climb up the dirt wall first if they wanted to attack.

Stabilize the flanks, then the key to victory or defeat is the frontal battlefield.

After thinking hard for a long time, Murphy found helplessly that due to the level of civilization, many ideas could not be realized at all.

For example, the fire attack, the wolf man has lush hair, and the lethality of the fire attack is quite terrible.

But the oils used by civilization in this era are all animal oils, which are very expensive, and other vegetable oils are very rare, and the open-air graphite ink Fei can't be found at all.

You can't expect oil to suddenly emerge from the ground, can you?

Murphy produced a batch of rockets, but he couldn't make up the oil needed for large-scale use of fire attacks in a short period of time.

In such an era, before the development of "arms", what is fought in war is still the will and combat effectiveness of soldiers, as well as the fighting methods used.

Tricks are basically useless against creatures like gnolls who can't communicate.

The only thing that can be used is the tactical arrangement.

this night.

Murphy has been looking for something useful to him from the fragments of past life memories.

Then record them, look for the essence of them to incorporate details, and list them one by one.

He was busy until one or two o'clock in the morning before he made a preliminary plan for everything. I plan to take it out tomorrow and discuss it with everyone to see if there is a better way and if there are any loopholes.

When he put away the map, Bell had already fallen asleep on the table.

Raising his hand to signal Angela not to wake her up, Murphy gently picked up the girl's delicate and light body and placed it on his bed.

Then, he took the girl priest's hand and lay down on the bed together with all clothes on.

The bed is big enough to sleep three people without being crowded.


Murphy fell into a deep sleep.

Woke up early the next morning.

The girl sleeping next to her was no longer there.

However, there were washing tools neatly placed on the table. Murphy rubbed his drowsy head from sleeping too late, picked up a towel and wiped his face.

"Your Excellency, the army sent by the noble council has arrived fifty miles away." The herald's resounding voice sounded outside the door.

Already here?

Hearing this, Murphy regained consciousness a lot. He straightened his clothes and said in a deep voice, "Let them camp ten miles away from the city."

"Yes." The herald left in response.

Since Murphy required more archers, the army sent by the human city-state was slower than the luggage.

Because skilled archers have to be recruited from Orions, it will take a while.

"Wait a minute, and pass this to the high priest by the way." Murphy took a document and handed it to the herald outside the door.

By this time, the two maids had returned.

They walked into the room cautiously with a rich breakfast. For some reason, the girls' cheeks were slightly flushed.

After a simple breakfast, Murphy took General Leo Dalie to the barracks.

All the troops sent by these noble councils have to be retrained, at least let them understand how to fight with the Greek phalanx. Murphy's plan is to hand them over to the priests of the God of War Kratos for training, and then Murphy himself will lead several military trainings. The initial run-in will inevitably have some problems, and these problems can easily cause conflicts if Murphy solves them. This requires the priests of the Temple of War to act as the executioner to deal with those soldiers who rebelliously disobeyed orders.

Although he has the power to execute soldiers who do not obey orders.

But the meaning of execution by oneself is different from that of execution by subordinates.

Murphy didn't have too long to tame these soldiers, so he had to grab a few targets with iron and blood.

At the very least, let these aborigines understand that the military discipline of the Greeks is far stricter than theirs!

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