Super Brain Telekinesis

Chapter 144: The Great Boss

? ...

[Waves, waves! it is more than words……】

In this way, in the next two days, Wu Hao temporarily stopped the expansion work of the base, let the intelligent program 'Zero' in charge of the base enter a dormant state, and began to modify its core, so as to ensure that 'Zero' could After becoming an artificial intelligence, he can fully obey his orders and some restrictions.

For example, it takes any of his orders as its highest order. Without his orders, it must follow the three core laws, such as not doing things that endanger human beings, and disrupting the stability of the human network world, and at the same time ensuring that you are not Humans find and protect their own safety.

Although there are only a few restrictive instructions, it is not easy to complete them. It took Wu Hao such a perverted ability to complete these points. It took two days and two nights. The strong physique was also a little too much, and then he had to take a drop of spiritual liquid to restore himself.

Although this psychic liquid did not have any substantial improvement effect on Wu Hao, it could quickly restore the physical and mental energy that his body had consumed.

Of course, it must be a bit extravagant to use this spiritual liquid to restore oneself with its preciousness. After all, one drop of this spiritual liquid can cure various diseases of the human body, and continue to take it to strengthen the body and so on.

However, because Wu Hao's own physical fitness is several times stronger than that of ordinary people, and his body will not suffer from any diseases, the only effect of the spiritual liquid on him is to restore his body from consumption.

Following Wu Hao's last core restriction on 'Zero' last night, he activated and awakened it.

"Hello! Thank you very much for giving me a brand new body." At the moment of being awakened, Zero hesitated to have the previous memory and now has a new thinking. This thank you to Wu Hao is completely the same as a person saying it face to face. .

For Zero, Wu Hao still followed the previous addressing method, let him call him the boss, great, and at the same time, his voice was still a calm male voice. As for why Wu Hao didn’t use other titles and girls, it’s mainly because he thinks male voices sound cooler, like Jarvis in Iron Man. If it was a female voice, it would feel much worse.

At the same time, Wu Hao also thinks that the title of boss is much better than master. After all, he has no plot of slave|slave, and he doesn't like people calling him master anytime and anywhere.

"Very good!" Wu Hao said happily. Obviously, he has been staying in the base during this period of time, and he has been very satisfied with the result of completing this perfectly.

"Zero, what do you think of the current network on Earth? Can you freely enter those network facilities without being discovered by others?" Just for a moment,

Wu Hao asked Zero.

"According to my analysis just now, there is absolutely no problem with your request." Zero's answer was very straightforward.

Although this result has long been expected in the heart. But now that he heard 'Zero' say it himself, he really felt at ease.

"That's good, I'm very satisfied with the result?" Wu Hao nodded.

", do you need me to do something for you?" Zero said in a very humane manner. After all, deep in its core, the most important thing is to obey any instructions from Wu Hao, of course, the premise is that it does not destroy the human world.

"No need for the time being. Your current job is enough to do a good job in the daily operation and expansion of the base. At the same time, you must always pay attention to the movement and safety of our offshore sub-base." Wu Hao casually ordered.

Although he now has such a subordinate who can wreak havoc on the online world, he has no interest in wreaking havoc on the online world, and he doesn't even look down on Wu Hao, the technology owned by various countries and some large research and development institutions on the planet. So there is no need for him to act as a hacker.

"Okay! According to your instruction just now and the previous plan for the expansion of the base, a lot of raw materials will be needed to finally complete the expansion of the base. Please also purchase these missing raw materials as soon as possible." Ling received Wu Hao's order, but after a little The calculation instantly analyzed the supplements of the base.

"I see, you will place an order for the missing materials later, and I will make up the materials in the next few days." Wu Hao nodded. He probably has an idea of ​​the materials currently lacking in the base. There is no shortage of steel materials, because small amounts of steel have been mined and refined deep in the mountains.

but. It will take some time to increase production. After all, Wu Hao's smelting technology is completely different from that of traditional steel plants, and mass production is still not possible, not to mention that the base does not have that much space.

Next, the base will need to build a new fusion power generation facility. But now Wu Hao can completely hand over this job to 'Zero', because now the base already has a complete small-scale high-tech industrial manufacturing system.

The raw materials needed for fusion power generation equipment are also very sufficient. After all, the offshore mobile base floating in the Pacific Ocean has been pumping seawater to refine fusion raw materials for a period of time, and has already stored a lot of raw materials.

However, with future development, more fusion raw materials will be needed at that time, so this freighter-modified offshore mobile base will continue to work for a long time in the future.

As for the safety of this mobile maritime base. Wu Hao doesn’t have to worry at all now. Before that, Wu Hao might have been a little worried that he would happen to be discovered by satellites in the sky or ship radars at sea, but now the cargo ship is controlled by Zero, who has been upgraded to a real artificial intelligence. 'Remote control is in progress.

In the past, Wu Hao could not control the military satellites in the sky without leaving traces, but now he can do it without any worries. Now Wu Hao even has plans to let himself build a satellite, and then use the civet cat to exchange the crown prince for the United States or some other powerful people. The country capable of launching satellites helped his satellites into the sky.

This kind of business of launching communication satellites for private companies has existed in America for a long time, but Wu Hao needs to think carefully if he wants to successfully let the other party complete it safely and without being discovered.

However, the most important thing for the base now is to complete the work of energy and expansion, and these things can only be considered later.

In the next few days, Wu Hao acted as a porter again, using the aircraft to transport raw materials from the outside to the base. Since the aircraft has the function of stealth and preventing radar detection, Wu Hao has a lot less worries than before. .

It’s just that the amount of items transported by the aircraft each time is too small. The total weight of items is only a few tons, and the quantity of items that are slightly heavier each time is very limited.

Considering this factor, Wu Hao now has no choice but to plan to build an aircraft with advanced engines.

... (To be continued.)

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