Super Brain Telekinesis

Chapter 309: Anti-Gravity Technology


Kuncheng City, as the central city in the southwestern border of China, is very prosperous in terms of population and other aspects, especially the tourism industry here.

After Wu Hao drove his supercar to the sky above a certain place in the suburbs of Kuncheng City, he drove back to the road while there were no other vehicles nearby.

However, at this moment, Wu Hao felt more and more troublesome about having to find a place where no one was there for takeoff and landing.

"Well, maybe I should take out the anti-gravity technology and cooperate with the government, and then take the opportunity to launch a flying car, so that I don't have to always look for a sparsely populated place when I go anywhere."

In fact, Wu Hao's idea is not a decision he made on the spur of the moment. If it was the original Wu Hao, he might have many concerns, but now not only is his personal strength already strong, but he has surpassed any government agency in the country. The power has even developed its main black technology beyond the earth.

Now that I already possess such a powerful force and influence, some of the previous worries naturally no longer exist.

In addition, he has already had the experience of cooperating with the Huaxia government to trade certain technologies before, and the Huaxia government has maintained a friendly attitude and countermeasures towards him until now.

If he took out the anti-gravity technology at this time, it would definitely strengthen the relationship between them.

Although Wu Hao doesn't care much about this relationship, his parents and family have always lived on this land, and he is a son and daughter of China, so he should help his country appropriately without violating his own interests Being strong is also a good thing.

And if the several aircraft carriers currently being built by the Huaxia government use Wu Hao's anti-gravity device at this time, they will no longer be limited aircraft carriers.

Instead, it became a real 'aircraft carrier'. Although Wu Hao didn't pay special attention to the aircraft carrier currently being secretly built by the Chinese government's military, he still knew about it.

Even, this matter has long been no secret to the governments of the world, and they all know that China is secretly building its own aircraft carrier.


They don't know the specific performance and combat effectiveness of these aircraft carriers built by the Huaxia government.

Another World: The Story of the Fox

Compared with the most advanced Ford-class aircraft carrier in the US military, how big is the specific difference, is it stronger or weaker? Except for a few people in Huaxia who know about this, the outside world is still unclear about it.

Of course, Wu Hao, the technology provider, must be very clear about this.

"After this matter is over, let's have a good talk with the people in the Huaxia government when we go back!" Wu Hao thought for a while, and quickly made a decision in his mind.

The reason for his cooperation with the Huaxia government is also very simple, that is, to hand over this technology to the Huaxia military so that they can develop their military power.

As for the conditions, it is natural to provide Wu Hao with corresponding policies and authorize him to use this technology to develop various civilian products, such as flying cars.

At the same time, it is also necessary to ensure that after his company launches this technology product, it will not be spied on by some people and deliberately come to make trouble.

Although Wu Hao is not afraid of these troubles now, one more thing is worse than one less thing, and it would be great to be able to nip some unnecessary troubles in the cradle.

In this way, while Wu Hao was driving his super sports car, attracting the attention of all passers-by along the way, he soon came to the place where the target people were.

Through mental perception, Wu Hao quickly determined the exact location of these people.

"Old Lin, the Japanese offer such a high price this time, let us get another living ape-man to go there, do you think there will be fraud in this?" Several middle-aged men in the room were smoking and talking at the same time.

"The other party is actually willing to pay us 50 million to do this. They must have other ideas, because only we know where we found the ape-man."

"In this case, shall we still accept this business?"

"Accept, why not? This is 50 million! Do you know how much we usually buy each of the animals we get? Even if we get a tiger, we can only buy one or two million, and at most we can buy 300. to 4 million."

"And there is a risk of being discovered by people. Although the ape-man last time was even more peculiar, if you don't look carefully, it is similar to an ordinary orangutan. We only need to deal with it a little bit. It may attract the attention of those policemen. The sex is also much smaller.”

Dried up this bowl of Ganges water (across India)

And at this moment when the group of people were talking, Wu Hao, who was looking for their exact location with his mental perception in the distance, happened to hear their conversation.

After hearing what this person said, Wu Hao was completely sure that it was this group of people who were right.

So, Wu Hao immediately drove to the abandoned factory where the group was located.

Although this factory building has long been abandoned, it is the secret stronghold where this group has been staying for several years, and it is also a transfer station for all kinds of rare animals.

After Wu Hao drove to the road beside the factory building, he parked the car and walked in directly through the gate.

Since Wu Hao didn't have anything to hide, the people inside found him when he had just entered the gate of the factory or even parked the car.

"Someone is here, alone, in a sports car."

"He came in a sports car? Or is he alone? Go, go out and have a look." After hearing the report from their companions, they didn't panic when they saw that it wasn't a policeman.

Immediately, several people came to the outside of the courtyard very quickly, and at this time Wu Hao had just entered the courtyard.

"That's right, they're all here." Wu Hao said lightly after watching everyone in the factory come out.

And when these people heard Wu Hao's words, they knew that Wu Hao didn't come to them to buy goods out of admiration, but to find fault. Immediately, several people signaled to each other.

"Boss, it doesn't look like you're here to discuss business with us?" One of the middle-aged men, who looked like the leader, squinted his eyes and said tepidly.

Since they saw that Wu Hao came alone, even though they could see that Wu Hao was looking for trouble, they were not in a hurry and did not act first.

After all, there are 11 of them here, and Wu Hao is only one person, why should they be afraid.

"Now I'll give you a chance to tell me about the last time you traded the ape-man and the buyer's information." Wu Hao didn't have time to chat with them, so he directly got to the point and asked them.



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