Super Card System

Chapter 314 Kureha and Chopper

In order to thank Ian for curing the sick people in the village, the people in the village opened a banquet to entertain Ian, and Ian did not refuse, and sat down to eat and drink.

However, during the conversation with the bald village chief, Ian also learned that there is indeed not much food in this village.

The Drum Island Kingdom is now under the rule of King Valbo, but the problem is that Valbo is a selfish, ** and cruel king. He not only imposes heavy taxes in his country, but also introduces a "hunting doctor". The decree brought all the famous doctors in the country under his hands. Without his orders, these doctors are not allowed to give any medical treatment or medical treatment.

Drum Island was originally a big medical country, and the medical technology on the island was very advanced, but Valbo relied on this method to loot the money of the people. On his head, only by offering a large amount of money can he obtain Valbo's permission to let the doctor see a doctor for him.

Most of the residents on the island are ordinary people, and living in the climate of Winter Island, how could they not get sick? And at this time, families with patients should be ready to go bankrupt.

Now all the citizens of Drum Island are mad at Walbo. Walbo is the ruler of the Kingdom of Drum Island recognized by the world government. He is a frequent visitor to the world conference. It is a devil fruit capable person. In the absence of leadership, how can ordinary citizens have the ability to resist Valbo?

So the people who live on this island now pray the most every day, that it is best not to get sick...

"Apart from those doctors gathered by the king, are there no other doctors on the island?" Ian couldn't help asking.

"Also!" The bald village chief sighed: "In fact, there is a doctor on the island called a 'witch'. Her medical skills are good, but the problem is that she has a weird personality, and the asking price is also very high. Because it is said that she lives on the Magnetic Drum Mountain, and when it is moonlit, she will ride a sleigh pulled by a reindeer and gallop from the sky..."

As soon as Ian heard it, he understood that the bald village chief was talking about the dr Kureha, and as for the reindeer pulling the sled, it was undoubtedly Tony Tony Chopper!

Thinking of this, Ian couldn't help but smile knowingly. In fact, when he was in the Drum Island Kingdom, he was thinking about meeting Chopper, the blue-nosed reindeer, but he didn't expect to hear about him first. .

The bald village chief sighed and said, "Actually, if you didn't show up, we would all be wondering if we asked the witch for help...because in fact, tonight, on the night of the full moon, the witch will come down the mountain on a sleigh to see the doctor."

Ian raised his head and looked at the sky, and found that the sky was covered by thick clouds, the snow did not stop, and naturally he couldn't see the moon, so he couldn't help but wonder: "Will she also appear in such weather?"

"Yes!" The bald village chief nodded and said, "There is no exception!"

Ian rubbed his chin and thought for a while, but didn't speak. He continued to eat and drink. It was already night. Maybe he could wait here until Chopper and the others came. After all, there was an infectious disease in this village, and Kureha already knew .

Ian's guess was right. When the time came to around 1:00 pm, in the snowstorm, there was a faint sound of bells.

This voice was not only heard by Ian, but also by the people in the village, so they rushed out of the house and looked in the direction of Cigu Mountain in the distance.

The sound of the bell is getting closer and closer, and a vigorous reindeer can be seen in the air in the snowstorm. This reindeer is pulling a sleigh and galloping in the air.

"Witch! It's the witch!" The people in the village shouted in horror.

Although many people know that dr. Kureha is actually a doctor with high medical skills, but the way this person appears is such a strange one. Ordinary people have never seen a sleigh that can fly in the air, so I have always suspected dr. Cureha was actually a witch who knew magic, and she was more feared than respected.

Only Ian knew that the sleigh that Chobala was running was actually running on an iron rope, which was just a ropeway from the mountain where dr Kureha lived to the ground of the island, but because the iron rope was very thin, the island It is often snowy and windy, so few people can see it clearly, which leads people to misunderstand and think that the sled really flew down.

It didn't take long for Chobala to take the sled to the sky above the village, and then I saw that he jumped out of the air with all his strength, and landed with the sled.

dr. Kureha was wearing a stylish short jacket, and the sunglasses were pushed up on her forehead. The first thing she did after getting off the sled was to pour her head up and drink the bottle of plum wine she was holding, and then she was happy. Wiping the wine stain on her lips, she said to the people in the village who were staring at her: "I heard that there is an infectious disease here? Where is the patient?"

Although Kureha looked old, her spirit was comparable to that of a young man. Ian had never seen an old woman dressed like a fashionable girl before, so she couldn't help but look at her a few more times.

After he landed, Chopper with the hat didn't say a word. He was now in the form of a beast, so what people saw was just a blue-nosed reindeer pulling a sleigh.

Kureha asked a question, but no one answered her now, so she couldn't help being a little annoyed, and scolded arrogantly, "Bastards, didn't you hear what I said?"

At this time, the bald village chief finally came to his senses, and cautiously stepped forward and said to Kureha, "It is true that there was an infectious disease, but... but it has been cured now!"

Kureha was stunned for a moment and asked, "Is it cured? Did you go to ask Valbona bastard king again? Really, it's because of your mentality that fueled that guy's arrogance!"

"No, it's not!" The bald village chief quickly waved his hand and said, "We didn't go to the king, it was this young man from outside who was cured of the infectious disease!"

While speaking, the village chief pointed to Ian.

Kureha looked at Ian with some surprise, and found that he was dressed so thinly, but he didn't mean to be cold at all, and immediately believed what the village chief said and understood that Ian came from outside.

However, her reaction was somewhat unexpected to Ian, Kureha stepped forward, and when she came to Ian, she grabbed Ian by the collar and stared at him in a bad tone: "Boy! Where did you come from as a doctor? How dare you compete with the old lady!?"

Ian was speechless for a while, grabbing business! ? This old woman, Kureha, actually treats sickness and saving people as a business?

Of course, Ian also understands that this is probably Kureha's means of survival. After all, she and Chopper live on a mountain so far away, and their life is inconvenient, so it is understandable to save people by treating diseases in exchange for living materials.

However, according to her frequency of appearing once a month, Ian somewhat understands why she asks for such a high price. This old woman simply doesn't open for a month, and she opens for a month!

"Beauty!" Ian was not angry when Kureha grabbed the collar, and said with a smile, "I'm not a doctor, don't be a weirdo!"

The bald village chief and the villagers were stunned when they heard Ian's name for Kureha. They always called the old witch Kureha a witch, but they didn't expect this young man to dare to use "beauty" to call her! ?

The villagers were very surprised, but it was obvious that Ian's name was very useful to Kureha. Hearing this, Kureha immediately laughed, patted Ian on the shoulder and said, "Haha, kid, You are so funny! I like you!"

Ian smiled and didn't speak. Now that he met Dr. Kureha and Chopper, Ian was also thinking, should I get some of her medical notes from her and bring them back to Erlanger, after all Kurei Hako is a doctor with high medical skills, and she is also Chopper's medical teacher. For such a person, the research in her medical notes is probably very good, right?

dr. Kureha is an old-fashioned person. Ian's flattery made her very comfortable, but she did not immediately forgive Ian for robbing business. After laughing, she asked Ian seriously. : "You said that you are not a doctor, so how did you cure those infectious patients? I got news that the infectious disease here is very similar to lupus, which is a disease with a very high fatality rate!"

"I just have a little special ability!" Ian did not answer directly, but explained directly with this excuse.

Kleiha wanted to ask something, but at this moment, Chopper, who turned into a reindeer, suddenly sniffed his nose, and with a panicked expression on his face, he leaned over and bit Kleiha's mouth with his mouth. The corner of his clothes was pulled a few times, and he stamped his hoof vigorously at the same time.

He asked if there was a smell that he hated! But Chopper didn't dare to reveal the fact that he could speak in front of people, so he could only remind Kureha in this way. 8

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