Super Dictator

Chapter 127 Confusing the real with the fake

Wei Jichen was frowning at the intelligence reported from various places. News came from Gaiping City that Nogi Nogi's mixed brigade was mobilizing troops and generals. It seemed that they wanted to support Ximu City. Wei Jichen didn't have the slightest fondness for Nogi Xidian. If Nogi Xidian fell into his hands, he would probably end up being buried alive. I don't know if Song Qing has gotten the information, so I'd better send him a message. If Nogi Nogi dares to move, Song Qing will blow his anus, Wei Jichen thought bitterly. "Sir, someone sent me a handkerchief." Wang Huaiqing came in at some point, raised the white handkerchief in his hand and said with a smile. Wei Jichen stretched his body and said impatiently: "It's not like the eldest lady from Haicheng has nothing to do, so she sent someone here." Who said that women in this era are all shy, Wei Jichen has not done anything in the past few days. I rarely receive handkerchiefs, silk scarves, or letters from ladies from wealthy families in the city. At first, he was a little smug. After all, so many beauties came to his door, which showed that he still had charm. But as more and more of them came, he didn't bother to deal with them. Wang Huaiqing blinked and said teasingly: "If it belongs to them, how dare I show it to you? Your acquaintance sent this to you." "Oh, who is it?" Wei Jichen asked curiously. "It's the proprietress of that wine shop, Li Que'er. It can be seen that she has never forgotten you, sir." Wang Huaiqing put the handkerchief on Wei Jichen's desk and stared at Wei Jichen's movements with a gossipy expression. Uh, it turned out to be sent by Li Queer. Wei Jichen ignored Wang Huaiqing's desire to watch the fun and opened it to see what she had written. Wang Huaiqing stretched his neck to take a look at the contents. After a moment, Wei Jichen put down his handkerchief with a strange expression. What, don’t forget the person you sleep with, a couple for one night? Wei Jichen put it down and picked it up and read it carefully. Li Queer would definitely not talk nonsense casually. There was obviously nothing between him and her, but why? Wei Jichen was puzzled and said, "Who sent this handkerchief?" Seeing the serious expression on Wei Jichen's face, Wang Huaiqing quickly suppressed his smile, thought for a while, and replied: "The soldier at the door said it was a "It was sent by a child." There is no way to guess anything from the person who sent the letter. This letter was too explicit. Although Li Queer was born in a brothel, judging from the time I spent with her, she was still very clean and self-possessed, and would never be so coquettish. It was indeed Li Queer who signed this letter, and invited her to come over tonight. What if this letter was not written by her herself, or she was forced to write it by others. Wei Jichen's mind immediately opened up. In this case, the reason why she wrote this must be to remind me. Li Que'er was in danger, and the matter was directed at him. Wei Jichen suddenly woke up and knew it in his heart. Someone must be doing harm to him, and he must be doing it in Li Queer's wine shop. "Huaiqing, go find Mengzi immediately and ask him to bring a few people over." Wei Jichen solemnly ordered Wang Huaiqing, who had been scratching his head at the side. No matter how likely this is, it will never go wrong to be careful. If Li Que'er is kidnapped, I can't stand by and watch, and if he wants to take my life, then I will let you take it. Wei Jichen suddenly had a flash of thought in his mind. The aura comes from the heart. Not long after, Mengzi, led by Wang Huaiqing, hurried over with four members of the fire brigade. Wei Jichen asked several people to sit down, then put the handkerchief on the table for everyone to watch. "Sir, this!" Mengzi looked a little embarrassed and didn't know what to say. Seeing that the other people looked embarrassed, Wei Jichen had to explain a little: "This Li Que'er and I just know each other, have never even held hands, and have no such messy relationship, but now she suddenly wrote With such a strange letter, I suspect that someone may be trying to harm me, but Li Que'er is very clever and can mislead me with falsehoods, so he wrote such a letter to remind me." When several people heard that Wei Jichen didn't seem to be joking, they immediately responded. He sat up straight and thought seriously. Mengzi said: "Sir, as you said, I think it would be best if you don't go to the appointment." Wei Jichen shook his head and said: "The enemy has been hiding in the dark, and only if I go to the appointment will their whereabouts be exposed. Therefore, we have to go to this appointment." "In that case, sir, why don't we let the soldiers from my fire brigade pretend to be you, and then go to the appointment with a few people, while we and others will quietly gather around and call. The thief has nowhere to hide." Mengzi touched his chin and came up with a good idea. Wei Jichen couldn't help but look at him differently. He didn't expect that this tough guy was more rough than rough, and he wasn't as honest as he looked. "So, just do what you said. One soldier will pretend to be me, the other three will pretend to be my personal soldiers, and I will follow slowly behind with my personal soldiers and horses. Once the situation arises, That's not right, the members of the fire brigade will be back right away, and the rest will be left to the soldiers." Wei Jichen rolled his eyes and immediately turned Mengzi's idea into a plan. "Okay, my subordinates will go down and prepare now." Wang Huaiqing and Mengzi immediately responded to the order. Wei Jichen raised his hand and said expressionlessly: "Go, don't have too many people, be careful not to disturb other people, so as not to scare others." "Yes!" Half an hour later, a few people from the Haicheng official office suddenly walked out, leading the way. One man was very young, well-dressed and well-mannered. When the soldiers at the door saw him, they all saluted immediately. The Japanese who were hiding in a dark corner and watching outside saw this situation and immediately judged that this young man was probably Wei Jichen. Afterwards, the group of people mounted their military horses and walked slowly towards Li Que'er's wine shop without any rush. The young man's mount was the one that Wei Jichen often rode.

The Japanese who were following him were even more certain that it was Wei Jichen. Although they couldn't see clearly in the dark, the man was dressed the same as Wei Jichen on weekdays, and his body shape was the same. The Japanese in the darkness left quickly and ran away. Not long after, the Japanese who were following him took the lead and went to the wine shop to inform Fujisaki Hide. "Your Excellency, Wei Jichen is coming here with a few soldiers." Although the Japanese who were following him were panting, they could not stop the excitement in their voices. Wei Jichen, that is the God of Death, he will die at their hands tonight. Fujisaki Hide was also very excited. He touched Li Que'er's face at any time and said with a smile: "Miss Que'er, it seems that you are really charming. Even Wei Jichen was fascinated by you. Sure enough, Come and accept the appointment." Li Que'er was anxious and his eyes were full of anxiety. He had given enough reminders as to why Wei Jichen still came. "Everyone is ready to welcome Wei Jichen. As soon as Wei Jichen steps into the wine shop, there is an earth-shaking loud noise, and then the God of Death really goes down to become the God of Death." Fujisaki Hide said proudly. "You, you planted explosives at the door?" Li Que'er said in horror. "Don't worry, beauty, as soon as we see Wei Jichen being blown away, we will take you away from here quickly. We have lost a loving brother and we have such loving brothers." Fujisaki Hide made up his mind and revealed The essence of the outstanding ghost comes. "You, I will never let you go even if I'm a ghost." Li Que'er was up and down, biting Hide Fujisaki's shoulder bitterly. "You bitch, you're looking for death." Hide Fujisaki felt the pain and slapped Li Que'er on the face with his backhand, and then said angrily: "Tie her up and gagged her. After it's done, you all can enjoy it together." "Haha. "Yamazaki Kaisaburo's eyes were lustful, he wished he could take off Li Que'er's clothes right now, and then ravage her all over again. Fortunately, he knew that big things were not decided yet, so it was not the time to enjoy, so he could only tie Li Que'er unwillingly. Que'er threw it aside. Fujisaki Hide continued to receive reports that Wei Jichen and his party were there. Seeing Wei Jichen getting closer and closer, he became more and more excited. The waiting time was long. In just ten minutes, Hide Fujisaki felt as if he had been waiting for a century. Finally, when Fujisaki Hide waited until he was impatient, Wei Jichen and his party slowly appeared at the intersection. "Yamazaki, go check the explosives again." Fujisaki Hide opened a small hole in the window, just enough to see what was going on outside the door. Seeing that Wei Jichen was about to step into the trap, his hands couldn't help but tremble. Yamazaki had already checked it several times, but after hearing Fujisaki Hide's order, he had to check it again. Several Japanese people held their breaths, waiting for Wei Jichen's arrival. The area of ​​​​the explosives was around the front door. As long as they ignited it and hid in the back room, they would be safe. "Sir, we've arrived at the wine shop, why didn't Miss Que'er open the door?" The members of the fire brigade pretending to be Wei Jichen's personal soldiers said while looking around with a pair of eyes, trying to find any loopholes. Unfortunately, the Japanese had been preparing for many days, and they did not notice the explosives buried at the door. The member of the fire brigade pretending to be Wei Jichen was a little nervous. He was the main target now, but when Mengzi handed the matter over to him, he didn't hesitate at all. "Well, maybe she's waiting inside, and we can just go in." Fake Wei Jichen tried his best to imitate Wei Jichen's tone of voice and said. Several people were secretly on guard, pacing and slowly approaching the store door. A 'private soldier' ​​stepped forward and knocked lightly on the door. Seeing no one answered, he had no choice but to push it open, and the door opened in response. "Sir, the door is open." The 'private soldier' ​​was stunned and then said. "Let's go in." Fake Wei Jichen calmly touched the rifle on his crotch and walked cautiously inside. In the wine shop, a ray of light came from the back room, making the room outside look a little dark, like before a man-eating beast was about to attack, and the inside seemed quiet and dull.

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