Super Dictator

Chapter 222 Ace

"Oh, I'm really exhausted today." A sergeant fell heavily on the bed, not even wanting to move a finger.

After the training was over and the meal was over, the sergeant had to be busy making the bed as the reorganization had just happened today. After finishing these tasks, it was already late at night.

The surrounding soldiers were also wailing.

"The days ahead are going to be tough. The intensity of the training in the past few days alone is several times that of where I was before. There are still winds coming from above. We need to continue to increase the intensity." Another soldier agreed.

"I haven't asked yet. Who were you before?" The sergeant who spoke out first asked curiously. Most of them had just met today and were not very familiar with each other.

"It's easy to say that I was personally recruited by the marshal from Tianjin. You know, I defeated several opponents before joining our Dingliao Army." The sergeant said with a proud face.

The other sergeants in the camp gathered around him curiously and asked him to talk about the selection of the Ding Liao Army in Tianjin. The sergeant also talked about it proudly and exaggeratedly, focusing on how powerful he was. He only boasted and attracted the attention of the onlookers. The sergeant let out a burst of exclamations.

"Look, what is that boy doing?" During the conversation, a soldier suddenly found an unsociable colleague sitting motionless on his bed in the camp.

Under the faint moonlight, he looked like an old monk in meditation.

"Meditate? Practice internal energy?" A soldier replied uncertainly. After looking at it, he added: "I remember, his name is Huo Yuanjia. He was standing in front of me during training today. That boy is practicing Jia Zi is always the first person to arrive at our post, and even after practicing for a whole day, he doesn’t look tired at all.”

"No, it's so powerful!" The surrounding soldiers looked in disbelief. Today, they were trained to the point where one life was lost and half of their lives were lost. There was no pause or rest in between, and they kept running.

"Shh, someone is coming. Go to sleep." A soldier on the periphery was the first to hear the footsteps outside and whispered quickly.

The soldiers quickly lay down on the bed quietly. Huo Yuanjia had actually heard the footsteps outside for a long time. He lay down calmly and covered himself with the quilt.

Huo Yuanjia and other soldiers recruited from Wei Jichen's hometown were all new soldiers. Wei Jichen naturally wanted to let them get familiar with the army, so they were also separated and trained in various armies. After they were trained properly in the future, Wei Jichen would consider starting from the army first. These people supplement their own soldiers.

After Huo Yuanjia entered the army, apart from being constrained by military laws and regulations, he adapted quickly to other aspects. These trainings couldn't be easier for him who has been practicing martial arts since he was a child.

Not long after, a sentry officer led several shed leaders in.

"You bastards, don't think I don't know you are pretending to sleep. Get up quickly, something big is going to be announced." The leader of the shed shouted loudly.

The soldier who had just been lying down heard the voice of his shed leader and immediately got up.

"Captain, what's the big deal?" the soldiers asked curiously. When they saw the sentry in front of the commander, they couldn't help but flinch.

This sentry officer is from an authentic Wei Zijun background. He has a straight face today and never speaks more than three sentences. If anyone makes a mistake, this sentry officer's sharp glance will make someone tremble in fear. .

Only those veterans knew that this sentry officer definitely crawled out of the dead.

"Okay, you guys really haven't slept yet. If you have something serious to do today, I'll spare you a break." The shed leader hummed, then turned to the sentry officer and said: "Li sentry, please announce the news."

All the sergeants, including Huo Yuanjia, looked at the sentry officer. The sentry officer said in a hoarse voice: "Let me make a long story short, the special force is recruiting people. As long as you have the ability, just sign up. Sun Liu, you stay and explain to them clearly. "

After the sentry officer left the shed chief who had just spoken behind, he quickly headed to the next tent with several other shed chiefs.

Special teams? This was the first time that Huo Yuanjia heard this name.

"Okay, everyone, listen up." Seeing the curious expressions on all the sergeants' faces, Commander Sun Peng couldn't help but clapped his hands and said, "The special operations team is the former Sharpshooter Team. I only need to talk about their records and you will know. They are so powerful. During the Sino-Japanese War, at least half of the Japanese generals were lost in their hands. Needless to say, the veteran soldiers in the special forces are definitely top-notch, with superb skills and outstanding marksmanship. This time the special forces recruit new members. Members, I don’t know exactly how many people will be recruited, but it must be very few, and the number of people who signed up will definitely exceed 5,000 people. There are no twos and threes, don’t even think about going to Liangshan, everyone thinks clearly in their own hearts, and consider it tonight. Report to me tomorrow.”

"Captain, where is the special force you mentioned? During the drill today, there was an engineering team and an artillery team, but I didn't see any special force." A soldier asked what he was thinking.

Chief Sun Sheng looked a little embarrassed and reprimanded: "Why are you asking so many questions? If I knew, I would be a member of the special force. They are a mystery in our Dingliao Army. They are like dragons that see the beginning but fail to see the end. Don't say It’s me. Even if you ask the battalion officers and commanders, they probably won’t know.”

"So mysterious!" a sergeant muttered.

"Chief Sun, let me report one." At this time, Huo Yuanjia, who had never spoken a word, suddenly said.

"You!" Chief Sun glanced at Huo Yuanjia suspiciously and said softly: "Usually only veterans who have been in the field for several years dare to sign up."

"Don't worry, I won't embarrass our shed." Huo Yuanjia picked up a piece of wood from the ground, squeezed it gently, and the wood turned into dust and scattered all over the floor.

All the sergeants' expressions changed and they quietly took a few steps back. This guy was simply too fierce.

The next day, when Wei Jichen came to the training ground again, the sergeants were already standing neatly and looked good. Wei Jichen couldn't help but nodded secretly in his heart, people still need pressure.

My dear, there will be more after this chapter^.^,

There are Chinese and German coaches training here, and officers at all levels work together, and they will gradually get back on the normal track. You don't have to worry too much, just come and visit from time to time and strengthen your ideological education.

How to strengthen ideological education and keep this army firmly in his hands? Wei Jichen couldn't do it too blatantly, so he had to do it step by step.

First of all, when the rations are distributed, you must be present in person to distribute them. Secondly, on weekdays, you should have more contact with the soldiers, care about their lives, think about their thoughts, and worry about their worries.

Another important point is that Wei Jichen has asked Wang Shizhen to compile a history of the development of the Ding Liao Army. An army is indispensable for its military soul. This military soul is forged by a series of victories and a series of blood and tears. After this book was compiled, It will be distributed and discussed in the camp school and among the sergeants.

In order for all Dingliao Army officers and soldiers to clearly understand where their own army came from, to create cohesion, centripetal force, and a sense of sharing weal and woe, this book will inevitably mention themselves in large sections, and I will It is the centripetal force of the sergeant.

Talking like this day and night is like brainwashing. The sergeant will naturally develop a mentality of worship and awe. When he gives the order, everyone will follow him.

Wei Jichen didn't need to worry about ordinary troops, so he focused on Troop A.

What surprised Wei Jichen and Mengzi was that the number of people who signed up reached more than 7,000. It seemed that everyone thought they were talents.

Thinking about it, these soldiers were originally elites from other armies, so they naturally became a little arrogant. This time, they heard that more elite soldiers were selected, so of course they would come to challenge.

Wei Jichen, who was selected in the first round, did not host it himself, but was hosted by Mengzi. They were all physical tests, such as completing a 4-kilometer long-distance run in 15 minutes.

After the first round of selection, 5,000 people were eliminated at once. The remaining 2,000 people were because Wei Jichen felt that the total number of applicants was too high. In order not to miss out on good talents, he increased the number of people who entered the training and elimination from 1,000 to 2,000. , of course, only five hundred people will be left in the end.

As night fell, Huo Yuanjia just entered the camp and saw a strange sergeant staying inside. Huo Yuanjia was secretly vigilant because this was the first time he had seen such a uniform in the army.

"Are you Huo Yuanjia?" the sergeant asked without any emotion in his voice.

"Yes, I am." Huo Yuanjia replied.

The sergeant didn't give him any time to think, and said quickly: "Bring your basic equipment and meet at the west end of the playground in ten minutes. We will not wait if you are late."

"Excuse me, who are you?"

"Special Forces!" After the sergeant finished speaking, he turned around and left the camp without giving Huo Yuanjia a chance to ask again.

Huo Yuanjia was overjoyed. It seemed that he had passed the last test, but he knew that this was just a small test, and there would definitely be more stringent requirements later.

The infantry of the Dingliao Army has a lot of basic equipment, including a set of military uniforms, military blankets, backpacks, water bottles, shovels, bandages, painkillers, cotton, etc.

Fortunately, Huo Yuanjia had already put it in his backpack. After looking at the spade, Huo Yuanjia finally took it.

When the other sergeants who returned to the camp came in and saw his appearance, they were all envious.

"Don't embarrass our shed." One of the old sergeants stepped forward and patted Huo Yuanjia on the shoulder and said with a smile.

"I will go all out." Huo Yuanjia glanced at everyone and walked out without even thinking.

Arriving at the west end of the playground, Huo Yuanjia saw that it was crowded, about two hundred people.

Standing at the front were two sergeants with cold faces, one of whom was the person who had just informed him.

"Okay, eight minutes have passed and the last one has arrived. We are ready to go." When the sergeant saw Huo Yuanjia approaching, he raised his hand and ordered. Huo Yuanjia was the last one he notified, two hundred people. No one in the team failed to arrive on time.

"No need to ask more, no need to say more, just follow us. The last fifty of you to reach the destination will be eliminated. Also, each person should get a sky cannon from the box. If you get lost, "If you can't find the way, fire the cannon tomorrow and someone will come to search and rescue you," the sergeant said minding his own business.

One by one, the soldiers stepped forward and took one as ordered.

More than two thousand sergeants to be selected were divided into ten teams of two hundred people each, led by two veteran special forces members, and set off in batches towards their destinations.

This time it was a long-distance attack and night march, and the test was to test the physical fitness and physical endurance of the sergeants.

"Now, let's go!" Huo Yuanjia and others, led by two veteran team members, left the military base.

There were nine other teams leaving at the same time, but their marching routes were different.

Huo Yuanjia originally thought it was an easy thing, but soon he discovered that the two special operations team members in front seemed to be specially torturing himself and others.

Wherever they passed, there were not only mountains and jungles, but also rugged trails. I don’t know how the special operations team found them. There was also a waist-deep river. After crossing the river, my clothes were soaked, adding a lot of weight. There are still several kilometers of swampland. Once you step down, the mud and water will reach your knees.

It was difficult to see clearly when walking at night. Many people staggered and fell to the ground from time to time. Everyone was immersed in walking for an unknown amount of time.

Huo Yuanjia felt that his feet were getting heavier and heavier. What was depressing was that he was the only one in the team who brought a spade, which added a lot of weight.

Even Huo Yuanjia couldn't bear it, and some other sergeants couldn't bear it even more. From the moment they crossed the river, some sergeants kept sitting on the ground and refused to get up again. They must have given up.

The team of 200 people suddenly lost more than 20 people, but the two members of the special team in front seemed to be fine, neither urging the crowd nor slowing down, and kept running forward as usual.

It seemed that they would not stop unless they ran all night. Huo Yuanjia secretly adjusted his breath and prepared himself for a long run.

The crisp chirping of birds sounded everywhere, and the sun had not yet risen from the top of the mountain. In the mountain forest about a hundred kilometers away from Haicheng, Wei Jichen was holding a cigar in his mouth and looking at the road in the distance. Mengzi was greedily breathing in the fresh air. Air.

A large open space has been cleared in this mountain forest. On the open space, there are several temporary tents with some firearms and military rations placed inside. The preparatory special operations team members will live and train here for a while.

More than 20 veteran special operations team members were on guard everywhere. This was a base they carefully selected to train new recruits. They spent a lot of effort to transport guns, ammunition, and military rations here. They didn't want to be discovered by others.

"Commander, are we a little too strict? Even our old special operations team members, after all the troubles, don't know if they can get here on time." Seeing Wei Jichen's relaxed look, Mengzi couldn't help but ask. road.

"If you can't even do the most basic march, you are not qualified to join the special operations team. The biggest difference between the special operations team and the sharpshooter team is that each special operations team member must be a sharpshooter, not every sharpshooter can become a special operations team Team member." Wei Jichen said calmly.

"Someone is coming!" Mengzi smiled and pointed into the distance, looked at them for a while, and then said, "It's No. 5 and No. 6."

Among the special forces, there are no names, only code names. Today, the number of the special forces has reached 65. There are actually 60 people, and 5 people died in the war.

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