Super Dimension Raiders: Start with Batman

Chapter sixty-eighth crazy Titans

Heard the words, Iron Man fiercely rubbed his mouth: "The madman turned out to be a scientist?!

Spider-man God complaining, said: "mad scientist intent to destroy the world, it is the classic plot."

The Flash is rare statement: "If he really is a scientist, then you can not pass a more accurate mathematical model told him that he is wrong."

"Even if he destroyed half of life, but ethnic survival is threatened, in order to continue the race, will start life crazy children, exponential growth, it will soon grow to the original extent."

He is not a militant faction, his most hated fights, he felt that, if reason makes sense, then, the best reason!

Thanos is a scientist, or speak the truth?

Keisha scientists do not think that Thanos is very strange, super-god in the world like her are strong scientists.

She shook her head and said: "If Thanos really is such a powerful scientist, that this approach does not work.

"I do not know how he reached this conclusion, he certainly has his own theory to support."

"Such a genius scientist, inevitably rigorous, he must own mathematical model for the checking numerous times."

Green Giant 13 people is not heard by the nodded: "If from the point of view of scientists is certainly the case.

Video began to appear in the picture!

Chitauri sky flying warships, and some have not seen alien race!

They crazy open ground toward the fire, wanton slaughter!

On the ground is a group of aliens have green skin, like wheat as they fell to the ground, and soon they were conquered!

Then they will begin this alien population in half.

A mother holding a little green alien girl said:. "We'll be all right, rest assured, we'll be fine."

But the mother will soon be pulled into the crowd.

Green little girl at a loss.

Thanos suddenly appeared, he walked in front of her, took her to the side, his face actually emerged faint glimmer of compassion look.

He took out a seven on the huge amounts of himself on the finger, said: see "yet perfect balance, all things that so?."

Then, he was holding the little green girl to her head turned to one side, and his men were assigned to the other side against the alien race fire.

This side of the aliens in full fall.



The audience began to curse them!

Even if the dead are not human, they also see Grievance falling apart!

Even this Mutant supremacist Magneto is true, Thanos's behavior reminded him of the Holocaust when he was going through.

He said bitterly: "This madman, he damn.

Wonder Woman nodded and said: "Absolutely Damn!"

Doctor Strange sighed: "I think he should go to him which is typical of psychiatric mental illness.!"

The screen switches again.

Thanos dragging a woman stand on the edge of the green.

That green woman laughed: "This is retribution, Thanos!"

Soul "Gem need to sacrifice in order to get their favorite people, no blood, no tears you this monster, you do not love anyone, you love yourself, you can not get Soul Gem.

Thanos picture of his face a look of sad, actually shed tears: "My daughter, you would look at me?"

That green woman Yie, like to think of terrible things: "No, impossible.

Thanos will be the green woman pushed down the cliff, mouth, said: "! I'm sorry my daughter."

Then continue to switch the screen.

There seems to be a spaceship, screen Thanos, looking at a virtual projection.

In the virtual projection, he was a luminous body of a woman, according to the ground, he was covered with wounds, but the mouth full of disdain: "I fulfilled his destiny!

Then Thor fierce appearance, a ax at his head, said: "! This time I cut his head."

Inside the spacecraft, Thanos quietly watching it all!

Touches his men Ebony Maw was furious and said: "Your honor"

Thanos unmoved, gently raising his hand to prevent him to go on.

He said lightly: "Relax, indicating the future I finished my mission, that death is nothing to fear of."

All the audience feel creepy!

They all guessed, was pushed down a cliff before Thanos that green alien child!

Thanos adopted her, like love, like daughter loved her.

But, even so, Thanos or pushed her down!

Even see myself dead, Thanos is also a little care, he only cares that they have not completed their own destiny, ""!

It is actually true!

To this end he is really willing to give up everything.

Including his daughter really loves, including his own life!

This is just a few pictures, most people know that he would never stop him this crazy plan!

But these videos, there are some places not understand.

Someone finally could not resist, Thor said: "?? Well, this is how it how he will see that he was killed my screen"

"Do I killed his substitute it?"

Batman's greatest detective shook his head and said: "Unlike.

"Either he is the person through time and space, or he is the ability to meet the future."


"He might even invented a time machine."

This is the moment everyone feel even more a big head.

If Thanos really invented a time machine, it is also playing an egg ah!

Even Keisha, too, as strong as she could not interfere with cosmic time.

Even if time is known as God, fear can not do this.

At this time, rarely spoke of Cyborg said: "I am half-human, half biomechanical beings, I am extremely sensitive to a variety of high-tech goods!"

"I feel like an instrument of that projection, Thanos is invented or future observation instruments.

Everyone could not help breathe.

Fortunately, not through time, if only to see the future, Iron Man and now they know the future, so be evened each other.

NARRATOR continued: "Thanos clear objectives, strong-willed and unwavering, but the most terrible thing his strength.

Switching to another screen outside a deserted planet.

It is this Raiders beginning of the video that scene, Thanos being and future of Doctor Strange, Spider-man, Iron Man, as well as Guardians of Galaxy battle.

Suddenly, Thanos clenched his fists, hand glove lit up, he was pulling a planet far away in the sky.

planet surface chipping begins, for many of the meteorite, toward a pedestrian hit to Iron Man.

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