Super Electric Eel Avatar

Chapter 174: Chen Fan's bad water

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the super electric eel avatar!

Jiang ’s submarine is certainly not crazy, because it is not a submarine at all. An electric eel that can release a high volt voltage at a long distance. The eleven mines affected by that voltage. All exploded and produced shock waves He simply flew more than 30 nearby mines to a predetermined location.

Of course, the electric eel radiated by this shock wave is also uncomfortable. The whole back is hot, as if it has been polished by a grinding wheel. "Bah!" When the explosion returned to calm, the electric eel shook off the mud attached to it and crawled out of the cave.

The anti-submarine net has been torn to a big mouth of more than nine hundred meters. Chen Fan is not hesitating, grabbing the spear and rushing to the damage.

After two husbands!

Zhongyun City, 10pm local time!

The long-distance electric eel finally returned to the big pit in the rocky reef, while Chen Fan was lying in bed and could not sleep!

For nearly four days!

Not to mention the fear, the electric eel was also injured by a mine, in order to find a safe place to cultivate. Almost fell over because of excessive bleeding. Now that the electric eel has come back from the blockade. It must be carefully pondering how to retaliate against each other. Otherwise, how can this resentment in my heart get vented?

French naval base in Djibouti! Chen Fan understood the identity of the other party as early as the second day of the blockade. Now, the only thing to consider is how to be the other party's pain and mercy!

I don't think about sinking their ships. The warship's waterline armor, which is more than half a meter thick and made of messy alloy steel, weighs less than five hundred pounds of high-energy explosives. Don't even think about breaking it.

Even if a large hole is made, the dense drainage system on the ship, and the cabin separated by countless waterproof doors can still remain unsinked when the hull is damaged by 20%.

However, there are many ways to retaliate against the other party, and it is not necessary to sink the other party's warship. That is a thankless thing.

Thinking about for most of the day. Suddenly, a fan Chen thought that a brilliant idea came to his mind, and then he was so happy to roll straight on the bed, he could not stop for a long time!

Early the next morning, Chen Fan, who was still in his dreams, was suddenly awakened by a whimper from the living room.

"Fuck! Do you still let people live?" Chen Fanqi's fist hit the pillow.

Obviously: that whimper will not stop because of Chen Fan's anger, there was still a slightly whispering tweet, which grew larger and larger with the passage of time, and finally almost became a "wolf howl"!

"Bang!" Chen Fan pushed open the door, and then the one lying in the living room, which had grown to more than fifty kilograms of snow, immediately stopped howling and spread his feet and ran to Chen Fan.

"Fuck you!" The flat-faced Chen Fan kicked it with a kick, and he wailed early in the morning, would he die if he ate less?

"Although Huxue was yelled by kicking, but he kept pushing towards Chen Fan's feet, he almost wrote" I'm a poisonous skin dog "on his face.

Feeding Xiaoxue with liquid and beef soaked in Tai Sui, Chen Fan smashed his mouth and closed it in the courtyard cage, then moved the car, ready to buy some equipment for the French Navy!

"Chen Fan!" Before the car got out of the door, it was blocked by a pretty beauty. I saw her hurriedly stepped forward: "Where have you been this week? I kept shutting down when I called you, and asked Yunmeng, she said you were on a business trip!"

Du Ruoyu's slender legs were hidden by white corset trousers, with an elegant women's jacket on her upper body, and a golden show plate behind her head, but there were still a few wisps of mischief that jumped mischievously.

"Ah! Hey Chen Fan accosted and pressed the window:" I went out on a business trip and went to a foreign country, but I forgot to bring my phone

The fact that the electric eel was blocked by the French navy in Djibouti a few days ago has caused his head to explode, how can there be time to manage the others? He simply turned his hand and told Yunmeng that someone was looking for himself. I said I went on a business trip. Of course, there is only one person who is looking for him. After all, the house of the two is so close, and the relationship is still in a hot period.

"Cheater, why didn't you bring your mobile phone abroad?" Gao Ruoyu's fingers twisted around his belly: "Even if you really don't have a mobile phone, why would it be turned off? And Yunmeng's vomiting, he hasn't learned how to lie. "" Really, I really went abroad. I went to the Red Sea, and the oil tanker had something to do! "Chen Fan wiped his forehead cold sweat, Yunmeng this little nizi is still too tender, even such a simple lie So failed!

"Where are you going to secretly date someone?" For a while, she sighed. Then I felt that this sentence was inexplicable, even faintly smelling of old vinegar, a little shy, and a little angry, Liang Tuo Yin Hong suddenly began to render from the eyelid to the two cheeks, and then spread to the neck sign.

Three points of shame, three points of thin anger, the rest, the net is amazing.

Chen Fan seemed to have returned to the moment when he first met Ruoyu, and it was so shy, so thin and angry.

"Fool you are puppies!" Chen Fan's eyes rolled. Pointing to the small snowy road in the courtyard, I added a sentence to my heart: It is my mind that controls the electric eel!

After he finished, he immediately regretted that he wanted to punch himself with a fist. How can it be so boneless?

As a successful big husband, you should come up with the demeanor of a king, and accommodating a woman is something that a man would do.

The man-husband husband must raise the spirit of the male lion, do not learn to let the lioness go hunting, you must learn that imperial style alone?

"Poof!" Hearing this, Bu Ruoyu didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He definitely didn't go to a foreign country. But she is not the kind of person who likes to linger on a problem. Seeing Chen Fan not saying, she did not want to ask more.

Although I do not intend to pursue this issue. But Shi Ruoru, who Shi Shiran stood still felt a little wronged. All the bargains were taken up by him. Also sloppy to myself.

Therefore, what I said was a bitter struggle with the abandoned daughter-in-law.

"Then why didn't you come back and tell me

"Did you get out of the plane at three o'clock last night? Wouldn't it be better to get up from the net?" Chen Fan could feel her grievance and even grievance, and reached out and patted on her slim waist. Waiting for dinner in the evening to indemnify you! "

Du Ruoyu's face was as red as blood and a little annoyed, reaching for Chen Fan's tiger paw.

"Hey, wait for me to call at night!" Chen Fan accosted her hands, throwing a thief's eyes, and then toe lightly on the accelerator.

"Hey!" Seeing him run away, the tears almost rolled out if it rained: "Chen Fan, you bastard!"

Grievously grabbed his small mouth and was about to leave, but now that this guy left the door without closing, and suddenly felt hot, his toes kicked the iron door.

"Oh!" Then Ruoyu squatted down with a pain, Xiu's eyebrows straightened. Like a kitten. Hem for a long time before standing up again.

In the end, "bang" helped him close the iron gate. All Ruoyu's mouth can tie a donkey.

"You? What is the most professional portable recording device?"

In a large store called "Aihua Electronic Imaging Equipment Monopoly", Chen Fan asked the salesperson immediately.

"Boss, we have several brands of professional recording equipment. Which one do you want?" The salesperson here is a pretty girl. There are a few freckles on his face, with ponytails.

"The best kind!" Chen Fan took the opportunity to sit on the side chair, tilting Erlang's legs Billy: "If there is any cutting-edge configuration, I will have it all ready. Anyway, take the best equipment you have here come out!"

"I" The best brand we have here is produced by Lacock Company of the United States. If you want to pursue a higher recording effect, you can also match a pair of large diaphragm condenser microphones, Kay three-pin dual-core shielded cable, Low frequency recording processor. The "microphone amplifier" salesperson blanched Chen Fan's face in a dull, utterly stuttering manner. She thought this young man in a beautiful car wanted to buy these things for eavesdropping on the neighbor's little crush. "

"Yes, all! What microphone? I want the biggest one here. It's good to record the sound of ants chewing things!"

"Then, that's good, I'll help you get the goods!" The salesman ran to the warehouse behind.

After about five minutes, the salesperson pulled a half-height cardboard box out of the warehouse. Drag to Chen Fan and point to the equipment inside: "Sir, if you enable all of these devices, the recorder's own power supply can only last for one hour, so I suggest you connect it to the power supply!"

"Oh!" Chen Fan crouched down and looked at the messy equipment inside: "Can these things be recorded by the ants?"

"The salesperson suddenly had black lines on his face. Shouldn't he encounter a lunatic with some quirks?

"Generally speaking, these devices are combined to record sounds with a minimum of decibels. In terms of hertz, you can record frequencies that are not captured by the human ear, with a minimum of 5 Hz and a maximum of 4300 Hz! The sound of ants, Should be able to catch it

"That's good!" Chen Fan nodded with satisfaction: "Can this condenser microphone be increased by one. Waterproof enclosure, I want to use it underwater".

"You, you wait, I'm going to call the boss" the little girl the salesperson bit her lip frantically. Stammer!

With a large stack of weird equipment stuffed into the trunk, Chen Fan turned his head and drove to the shipyard by the sea. If he wanted to overcast the French Navy, he had to put these things in a waterproof shell.

The employees of the shipyard have been numb to these strange requirements of Chen Fan. At one time, they built submarines without power systems, and at the same time built a titanium alloy shell that can withstand more than 1,000 meters of water pressure. Does he want to record the courtship of dolphins?

The waterproof case is easy to make, but this power supply problem takes a little effort. Chen Fan requires the power supply to work continuously for 24 hours. Several technicians in charge of the ship's lines studied the power consumption of the entire recording equipment. Decided to use nickel-metal hydride batteries as the power supply system, and made a large rubber push switch on the waterproof casing, so that the recording device can not only work continuously for 24 hours, but also use the switch to control the opening and closing of the recording device.

Things are relatively simple, tell Chen Fan the water, and it will be done in the evening or so.

"Well, after you get it done, call me and send it to the dock!" Chen Fan patted his shoulder and then turned away.

Back home, Chen Fan turned on his computer and began to look up various information about French nuclear-powered submarines.

France is one of the five permanent members. His nuclear submarine; in terms of technology and quantity is still very good, currently has a total of six strategic nuclear submarines, four triumph class, two old awesome class, six ruby ​​class nuclear-powered attack submarines.

Of the six attacking nuclear submarines, one was deployed at the Djibouti naval base and the other two were. A strategic nuclear submarine accompanied by combat readiness swims in the ocean. The remaining three ships should be at the French naval base.

The submarine performing the combat readiness mission. There is no way to pay attention for the time being. After all, the combat readiness route is one of the top secrets of any country. The vast sea wants to find its location, it is no less than five million.

So Chen Fan stared at several attacking nuclear submarines, as long as they recorded their submarine voiceprints with recording equipment,


Make sure to let them ask Grandpa to sue Grandma, and let them flatten and round!

"It's too evil." Chen Fan drooled while reading the photos of those nuclear submarines. What a great thing it is to blackmail a country? It can definitely be included in the history of that country. Of course: the bad side!

But being a villain is better than being a good person, isn't it? Anyway, extortion of foreign countries is equivalent to dedication to the motherland. Why not do it?

At 6:30 in the afternoon, I called the water and said that things had been done, and I was sending them to the dock. Hang up the phone, when Chen Fancai wanted to go to the courtyard, the phone rang again!

Looking at the shoes and horses, Chen Fan suddenly felt big. It turned out that it was Du Ruoyu, it must be about the matter that he said in the morning that he would invite her to dinner to make a guilt.

Of course, it is important to quickly control the electric eel to record the voiceprint of the submarine. How can children love the national events?

Thinking of this, Chen Fan gritted his teeth and then pressed the connect button. "That," that "sorry!" Chen Fan said embarrassingly: "I'm in a meeting now. I may not have time at night. I'll invite you to dinner next time."

"Your rain seems to be poured into a basin of cold water in the cold winter twelfth month, from head to toe." Chen Fan "she gritted her teeth:" You, rogue, bastard

She didn't want to eat that meal, but she was cheated by others. She was very uncomfortable, especially now she was standing on her balcony, looking at the family member who said she was in a meeting!

"After two or two Chen Fan hit a haha:" That, hang up first! "

"You, you, you Ruoyu feel that there is no heat in your heart.

With a shrug, he didn't think about the Ministry's thoughts. It was the key to quickly control the electric eel to go to the naval base to take revenge.

But Du Ruoyu's eyes were wet, and she held back the tears. She hurried back to her bedroom.

"You **** bastard, I have kissed and kissed, and I have touched and touched now, and now I have eaten and wiped it out, not acknowledging it, woo,"

Falling on the bed, those who hold a pillow are rainy. Crying like he was about to breathe out, it seemed that he would not be able to breathe at any time if he choked with a breath under his throat.

Bi: A new month, the guaranteed monthly pass has been produced again!

Dear judges, do n’t hesitate, do n’t linger, do n’t get confused, and vote for me is definitely the worst, oh no, the best way!

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