Super Electric Eel Avatar

Chapter 190: White python equals white-eyed wolf

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the super electric eel avatar!

The heart is the ultimate nirvana, that is, let the shipyard be a ball-shaped iron runner, he is stuffed into it and then tied it with a thin wire.

In this way, as long as the Taisui is tied to the bait, the python will blast and kill it as soon as it approaches.

To do so, in order to increase the killing effect, Chen Fan also deliberately put 20 fist-sized iron eggs on the iron shell with adhesive tape.

Iron egg! If you put on a bicycle steel ball, wouldn't it become an anti-infantry mine?

The next afternoon, at the same spot in the cave, he lay on the cliff motionlessly, aiming directly at the handmade bomb.

Bombs: Rolled paper on the outside of gunpowder is also a bomb. Atomic bombs that use concentrated sodium 2 stone to produce nuclear fission are also bombs. The difference is that the lethality is strong or weak. The lethality of this Taisui venom bomb is not yet known to be large, but it would not be a problem to blow up a scallop-sized head.

Bomb bomb, then you have to blow it up!

The electric wrinkle squatted on the cliff for two hours, and the smell of Tai Sui did not attract the white python.

, King Fabi

"Did the serious injury die?" Chen Fan thought maliciously.

"Roar". As if to prove that he did not die, under the calm water, a scaly mottled head suddenly appeared, and a burst of white gas spewed out of his mouth towards the electricity or demonstration on the cliff.

It's just that the image of this giant python is really a bit miserable. There is a big gap in the left mouth. Even the head and abdomen have a lot of huge scars. Let it be beautiful and fashionable. It is now very ugly.

The python was about 100 meters away from the location of the bomb. It stopped there and roared for a long time, just turning towards the location of the bomb and turning Chen Fanji around.

The anxious Chen Fan simply controlled Dian Jiang to sway the steel wire in his claws, trying to throw it next to the head of the python, and then blow it up.

But who knew that the bomb was only halfway down, the giant python "banged!" It retracted underwater. No more traces.

"Zhuo, is it like the white lady, is it fine?" After continuing to wait for half an hour, the electric mantle can only return to the stone tower without success.

This python must have eaten the hook of the fish hook, and then left a scene in his heart. When he sees a similar scene, it will judge it as dangerous.

Of course; the reason why people become the souls of all things is that people not only have strong learning ability and memory ability, but also more powerful creative ability.

If the wire hanging bomb doesn't work, then change the way.

"Rubling the electric eel ran to the lake, used a spear to chisel a small pit in the mica stone, plucked Tai Sui out and placed it 10 centimeters away, buried the bomb in the pit, and then hid himself in the lake wave to monitor.

But when the electric eel completed all the procedures and was about to run into the lake, the white python crawled quietly from the two hundred meters to the wall. Then staring at the electric eel motionlessly.

Next, the scene that made Chen Fan stunned was settled. The python opened his mouth and spit out a fist-sized blue stone on the ground. Then jumped under the cliff like Guo Jingjing diving, the splashing water and

For dementia and complete dementia, the electric eel froze for half a minute before struggling out of dementia.

What does this white python want to do?

The blue stones of the size of a fist of a human are as if they have been polished manually, round and round without any slight protrusions, just like the beautiful color of sapphire crystal clear.

After half an hour

Chen Fan was holding this unknown object, and at first he thought it was sapphire, but after taking it. Only now it is not a stone at all. If you put it in your hand and let it cool, let's squeeze it hard, and you will feel a slight elasticity.

Does it want to use this bribe to compensate itself?

Or to say; it wants to exchange this with itself too old?

But the key is that it is not a gem!

This thing is on the market, and others must think it is an artificial handicraft. It should be known that the hardness of sapphire is only one hardness lower than that of the hardest diamond in nature, and this thing; obviously it is ten thousand miles away from the sapphire standard.

"Forget it, how could a snake know that gemstones are not gemstones?" Put this blue stone away. Chen Fan lay on the yacht and meditated. If this python came up and started working, then Chen Fan would have no burden to kill it. But it is quite spiritual now to exchange things with itself "

Although this thing will not be worth much even if it is sold, we cannot use human values ​​to measure Python.


Still not killing?

Forget it, just watch it for a while and talk about it. If it maintains this mutual exchange attitude. Then Chen Fan decided to keep it. After all, this is no longer something that ordinary animals can do. It is smarter than orangutans.

If you do n’t kill it, you have to work hard to improve the fighting quality of the electric eel, and strive to increase the voltage to 100,000 volts, so that you can ignore the unparalleled degree of the python. When you want to kill it, it can't run away.

The next day, Chen Fan was using a flour mill to make ginseng nourishment for Tai Sui, curling up the electric eel sleeping in the lake, and hearing the roar of the giant python.

Opened his eyes, now it was entrenched on the edge of the cliff, and the big yellow cattle head stared straight at the electric eel.

"Roar!" Dian, who was disturbed by sleep, also raised his head and shook his mouth with a strong airflow. Although the sound was not as loud as the python, it was much thicker than it.

This is hard for those crocodile dragons. In front of two tyrannical creatures, the frightened group of crocodile dragons are scared to even show their heads.

Swimming not far away from the giant python, only a fist-sized blue stone was held on the ground.

But this time, instead of laying down the stone, it jumped into the water, but stared straight at the electric eel. Letter in Scarlet Mouth

"Halo, what is that too?" Chen Fan hesitated, guessing its meaning with his toes. Everyone knows that he is going to Tai Sui, but in case it comes up with this stone every day, wouldn't he want to send him Tai Sui every day?

A few tails swayed, and the electric eel swam back to the stone tower and continued to sleep.


Seeing that his friendly behavior had been ignored, the white python immediately screamed, the huge body crackled, and then it seemed to be a Scato bomber, diving down the surface like an electric eel. "

Electricity or blue light flashed all over, and the voltage of up to 45,000 volts was immediately 800 meters away. Help the barbarian giant python press the brakes.

Fighting against the python in the water?

Not to mention that it is a giant python, even if ten giant pythons are called, they will have to be beaten.

"The python snarled to the side, hurriedly hurriedly, with a hesitant expression that wanted to rush but didn't dare to rush.

Annoyed by its noise, the electric eel flicked its tail to near it, and then drove the voltage.

Like a kitten with its tail stomped on, the white python "bang!" Slammed from the surface of the water and rushed to the shore with a dazzling degree of Chen Fan.

Then; continue to roar.

"Forget it. Your boss!" After the electric eel threw the piece of Taisui that tempted it into failure, he came to see what was not bothering him. He stumbled to the entrance and went outside to find food.

When the seven or eight sharks were killed and returned to the stone tower, the white python had disappeared, but it left the blue stone quite humane.

This stone, exactly the same as the previous one, is almost equivalent to a carved one.

What the **** is this?

If there is only one piece, it can be said that it is a coincidence, but now there are two pieces, it cannot be formed naturally, unless this python has any hobby of polishing stones.

"If it takes this stone again tomorrow, let the electric eel drill under the cliff to dry it." After thinking about it, Chen Fan said ruthlessly.

Tai Sui is not a jelly bean, but a magic weapon to strengthen the physical quality of the skeleton. It is impossible to provide it every day.

After all, an animal walks an animal. It is impossible to be as intelligent as a human. Take the things just mentioned; when it is too old for it, it will be angry and angry to attack itself.

Electric eel squinted his eyes for a long time, and Chen Fan controlled it to swim to the dock again, preparing to feed him too old to strengthen it.

After these few days of cultivation, Tai Sui has absorbed 1,700 pounds of ginseng powder and consumed all his inventory.

Artificially grown ginseng is also ginseng, with harsh growth conditions and a long maturity cycle. All greatly limit it can not mass production like radish. For this reason, Chen Fan can only focus on ganoderma lucidum, red ginseng, panax notoginseng, He Wu, safflower, etc., these precious herbs that can be planted in large quantities.

As for the herbal medicine of Gouqi grade, it is not that Chen Fan does not want to use it, but the consumption is so large that he cannot spend all day on the process of grinding and delivering medicinal herbs, right?

"Qian Chenfan couldn't help but feel heartache; from the time he was training for Tai Sui, he spent a total of nearly 13 million. If it comes down in a year, its funds must be at least 200 million yuan.

200 million

Once upon a time; I was still struggling with the price difference between Master Kang and Fumanduo, and now. The money in the card directly reaches eleven digits.

"Money is simply the greatest and the most **** bright of mankind!" After saying a few words to himself, Chen Fan pulled out the Kunwu dagger from his waist and cut off the bowl-sized tissue on seven Taisui in turn.

Seven pieces are too old, and Chen Fan measured it with an electronic scale, a total of nine pounds and six two, which is heavier than the old ones.

After throwing into the mouth of the electric eel. It's still the feeling of being lazy and floating like a fairy. After a night, that feeling became itchy. It seems that there are tens of millions of invisible little hands, scratching in the bones of the electric eel and on the skin.

Chen Fan, who had experienced molting once, knew that electric eels were about to begin molting again.

Sure enough; when it was noon, this itchiness gradually concentrated on the skin, making people wish to record the whole scale armor to relieve this itchiness.


Dianji swam to the rocky reef, his huge body rubbing back and forth on the rock.

Electricity or molting is slightly different from snake molting. Snakes shed their entire skin as if they were undressed. Electric eels are about to peel off necrotic cuticles one by one. And not the same as the snake. It grows in a circle after molting once.

The tail part is the first to fall off. The buffalo-sized scales were recorded behind, revealing the tender, black scales inside.

Even the scars of horror that had been injured by the mines were removed together, and there was no trace of the new skin.

After a lot of effort from the boss, the electric eel could not be lifted lazily, as if all his energy was used up, so he simply ate a few sharks and returned to the lake in the cave to rest.

This time the effect of strengthening was very obvious. Not only did the electric eel greatly improve its defense power, but even its eyesight followed. The main voltage is soaring to 55,000 volts, and the output current is 700 amps.

What is an output concept of more than 50,000 volts and seven hundred amps?

If it is converted to an electric motor, it can drive a huge ship of 10,000 tons to run to 30 voyages. If it was an electrician, it would only take 0.5 seconds to turn it into a simmered steak.


When Chen Fanzheng was in a imaginary state, the giant python hiding under the cliff swam to the shore and roared.

"This is what forced you to kill you!" The electric eel glared, staring at the giant python in the distance, trying to breathe fire. There is no end to it, just too old is jelly bean


The electric eel “swimmed in front of it, and then took a mouthful; the thick dark green venom, like the bow and arrow shot by the Olympic champion, was fast, accurate, and fierce, and hit the python.

"Roar!" The python is not a vegetarian. Once his head is crooked, he avoids this friend's fluid gorgeously, and then opens his scarlet mouth, snarling frantically at the electric eel.

"and many more!"

The electric eel blinked quickly and blinked his eyes. He now found that the body of this python seemed to be fat, and the ugly wounds on the cheeks, forehead, abdomen and tail were all wiped out completely .

"I'm dizzy, no reason!" Chen Fan was so jealous in his heart, as can be seen from its delicate snow-like scale armor, it must have just shed its skin.

Normal snakes, if they want to shed their skin once, it will take more than ten days to slowly shed the skin, and it takes only two days for this python to be full. Could it be that eating too old, and then add molt?

Due to the continuous division of the stratum cells, the snake body forms a new living cell layer and cuticle. Under the action of the enzyme, the old cell layer is dissolved, so that the old epidermal cuticle can be separated from the new cell layer.

And even more so: the snake will shed three to eight times a year, and each time it sheds its skin, it will grow in size.

"Roar!" The python saw the electric mantle staring at it instantaneously without movement, and then roared violently to remind himself of its existence.

However, its movements were a bit overdone, and the white cold air was almost hit on the electric wrinkled head.

What surprised Chen Fan more was that this time the python did not bring that blue stone, but brought a two-meter long; the whole body looked like jelly-like scaleless fish.

"Bribe to pay the old man?" The electric eel grabbed the strange fish without hesitation, and then turned around and left.

"Roar!" Looking at the leaving black back; the giant python screamed back to the sky and staged a freestyle diving action again.

"According to the way!" The electric mantle looked at the jelly-like strange fish with a smile, and the python was asked to be too old again, which made Chen Fan feel a little proud.

The only flaw, I am afraid, is that the python's attitude is really too manic. But looking at its non-human identity, it is too lazy to bother.

This strange fish is slender; except for the two fins on the tail, the rest are smooth and jelly. At a glance, the index finger of the electric eel moves, and the saliva flows.

Can't wait to take a bite, electric eel liking this taste. Cool and smooth, the entrance is soft and sweet like lychee.

"Crunch, quack. After the two-meter-long fish was bitten off its tail and head by the electric eel, it swallowed the whole mouth, and it took a long time to swallow.

After eating this delicious fish, he recalled in vain. The python seemed to have no organs to catch things, only his mouth. In other words, this fish was held by its mouth.

"Oh, he's an electric eel with a cleansing habit, as long as he looks ugly at ordinary times; or the frail old fish don't eat it at all, but he made this mistake this time?

However, the fish has been eaten, and regret is too late. Chen Fan can only recognize the plant. Who makes this fish look so appetizing?

It was at this juncture that the white python swam up again, and there was a silver sparkling white fish hanging on the calf-sized head.

The fish is still the same as the one just now. Chen Fan sees it right now. The python is biting the tail of the fish, and the electric mantle, which is quite picky, never eats the tail and head.

After the python dropped the white fish, it began to roar loudly again.

"The electric eel rushed to it, and then its tail hit the white fish on the ground and smashed it.


Completely angry!

The roar of the python suddenly became low and aimed at the electric eel with two murderous eyeballs, with a barbed up and down and back and forth, as if it would attack the electric eel in the next moment.

The electric eel suddenly changed its dark scales, and the dark blue arc of countless arms jumped on it and exploded. The intense high temperature generated by the arc even heats the water molecules in the surrounding air to a boil, turning into a large mist of air around the electric wrinkle.

"Roar!" The giant python, who knew the interest, quickly backed away a dozen meters, and then continued to stare at the electric eel with angry eyes.

Two giant monsters of similar size, one black and one white, face each other in this way, one eye is full of provocation; one eye is full of anger.

Five seconds later, the python stared fiercely at the electric eel, then jumped into the cliff.

"White-eyed wolf, free-eyed white-eyed wolf!" Chen Fan murmured at the fish meat sauce on the ground. But he was too old to nurture him by giving him two big prices. He even wanted to attack himself because of this fish?

Chen Fan admitted that the previous move was indeed excessive, but who made him angry?

"Forget it, what am I going to do with a python?" Shaking his head, the electric eel went back to sleep next to the stone tower.


Defense: This python is probably a little bit more described, but in my conception, this python is just as important as Tai Sui, and it has an inspiring role in the future.

Many readers in the book review area told me not to kill it. In fact, when I first wrote this white eel when I saw this white eel, I did n’t plan to kill it, but constructed it as a critical role.

Up to now, there are many plots that people don't like, and many readers in the book review area say that my emotional drama is bad.

The test is lacking and the fire is not enough.

If you can be tolerant, just tolerate it, just look at the growth history of a rookie author! ,

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