Super Electric Eel Avatar

Chapter 194: Python injured

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the super electric eel avatar!

In front of her was a low square table made of Zhang Xuu, and on the square table, the spot was covered with a long strip of cloth.

Unwrapping the parcels layer by layer, revealing the contents inside, is a simple, slender long knife.

Nakagawa slowly stood holding the long knife, laid the scabbard across her waist, and held the handle upside down in her right hand. Then she suddenly sipped, the long knife flashed in her hand, in a crisp symphony The pile on the left side of the boy's arm turned out to be broken.

The hand is still on the handle, the knife is still in the quaint scabbard.

This is an absolutely superb knife-drawing technique. ”It hasn't been practiced for many years. It's the same trick. In the face of the examiner of the New Yinliujian School, you can get the title directly, so you won't get it.

No need to preach, meaning that you have reached the level of a master and you can go to preach and teach.

"Nakagawa exhaled for a long time, grabbed the towel and wiped the fine sweat beads on her forehead, then she went outside.

, Wan

"How is things going?"

"Miss Nakagawa, please rest assured that we are a very powerful gang and want to investigate a person. Isn't that easy?" Outside the door, a man in a black trench coat smiled and said: "This afternoon we drop by The security system touched it again. I am afraid the only trouble is the dog in his yard. "

"Dog?" Nakagawa's head didn't turn around for a while, how could a dog become a trouble?

"Yes, Ms. Nakagawa. Strictly speaking, it was a Tibetan prize." The man in the trench coat handed her two digital photos: "I don't eat anything strange, and I am alert and conscious. It is almost impossible to enter the house without waking it up. "

The snow-white figure attracted Nakagawa's attention at once.

This is the largest dog that Nakagawa has seen. When he took the picture, the dog had already been taken by the photographer. It was frozen in the roar of the photo, and there was an awe-inspiring breath of ink.

The most special thing is its eyes. Nakagawa Echo looked at it for a long time. It can only be described as "sharp" after thinking about it. This Tibetan performance has a pair of sharp eyes.

"I want this dog!" Nakagawa Echo married as indestructible as an iron hammer.

"I'm afraid the man in the trench coat is helpless to break her wish:" There is only one master in Zang Zuo's life. If he leaves the master, it will go on a hunger strike until death. "

It was night, Chen Fan lying on the sand and watching TV with Yunmeng. Wang Bing sat attentively in front of the computer and played a new rush fighting game.

International news is on the TV, saying that last night, in Tanzania, in the small town of Ludlow on the border with Mozambique, the non-governmental armed forces of both sides shot and fired. By the morning of this draft, the situation had expanded to 57 people. Armed personnel died and more than 200 innocent people were injured.

Bored to change two stations, Chen Fan was suddenly interrupted by a miserable howl.

"Chen Fan was taken aback and turned his mind to the electric eel. He quickly controlled it to go up the cliff.

"The python yelled again, but the sound was weak as if it had been cut into two pieces, if the electric mantle had good ear strength. I couldn't feel it.

When the electric eel ran to the front, the scene in front of him almost scared him down.

I saw the white python floating on the water motionlessly. The originally dark seawater has completely turned into dazzling blood. On the left side of its abdomen. I do not know what made a gap of eight meters long and more than two meters deep, and the ribs are clearly visible inside.

Further down is a dozen round wounds the size of a water tank. The most ruthless one is directly in the abdomen, if it is not separated by a layer of mucosa. Can shake out the internal organs.


Miserable and miserable

It is difficult to describe the injury to the python in words, which is many times more serious than the electric eel was injured by the mine. Chen Fan even doubted it. This python is dead.

Without thinking too much, the electric eel quickly grabbed the scaled rock on the cliff and prepared to climb down.

"How to get it up later?" Chen Fan suddenly thought of this question. The electric eel climbed up and down by itself, and with a giant python, there was no possibility of coming up.

Five seconds later, the sound of the electric eel disappeared into the sight of the python, and the python, with its left eye above the water, stared weakly above the cliff.

"The angle of the python's mouth opened and closed slightly, and there was a tweet that he couldn't even hear.

"About 20 seconds after the electric eel disappeared, a violent rushing sound passed along the rock to the water, and then the light above the python's head dimmed, followed by a loud splash of splashing water.

It turned out that Chen Fan directly controlled the electric eel to jump off the cliff, thereby saving time in climbing.

In a metallic symphony, the electric mantle quickly entangled himself with the python with the 500-meter-long steel cable, and then bit the end of the steel cable with his mouth and climbed up the cliff.

Carrying the weight of a slender giant python, this has no pressure on the electric mantle. The problem is that the bearing capacity of the rock is too light. Three rocks were continuously damaged by the electric power before climbing to the shore.

"I'm going out!" Chen Fan hurried down the stairs after setting aside his words.

The python is injured like that, and the top priority is to help it stop bleeding. Although the electric eel can release low-frequency voltage to help it heal wound tissue. But that is to consume a lot of nutrients in it. For serious patients like it, it is estimated that the wound has not stopped hemostasis, and it hangs because of weakened internal organs.

So Chen Fan was going to go inside the stone tower and cut a piece of ginseng Taisui to help it die.

Driving is to concentrate all your attention. Chen Fan did not dare to distract himself from controlling the return of the electric eel. He could only secretly pray for the python to stay a while longer, and do n’t hang up halfway.

Running through two red lights, when Chen Fan got into the dock, the python had closed his eyes. He didn't know if he passed out or died.

Fifteen minutes later, Chen Fan "turned away the diving cabin, and several ran into the third floor of the stone tower, cut a piece of porcelain bowl-sized tissue from Ginseng Taisui, and then quickly flew down.

Control the electric wrinkle to pry open the mouth of the python, and then put Tai Sui into it, Chen Fan only has time to look at this white python!

Observing it from the perspective of the electric eel and the perspective of humans are completely different concepts!

The thick white body of the train, wrapped in a layer of shiny scale armor, has a triangular streamlined head, releasing the heroic posture of air pressure mountains and rivers. Of course; the **** smell is overwhelming.

"If it is not injured, it is estimated that it will kill you with a glance!" Chen Fan reached such a conclusion for a long time.

Indeed; if the electric eel will not discharge, it will not be able to kill this giant even if it is three times larger. "

Chen Fan's movements stiffened in vain, as if hit by Barrett's anti-equipment sniper rifle in the chest, even his heartbeat stopped.

Because this giant python opened his eyes under Taisui's medicinal use, and stared at Chen Fan with the eyes of the big water tank.

"Frighten the old man!" Chen Fan, struggling from fear, patted his chest, and then ran a few steps to the front of the power shortage, crawled along its paws to the forehead, and swore that he was the owner of this electric eel.

"Roar!" The electric eel opened his eyes and screamed at it while yelling.

"After Python's weak response, he closed his eyes again.

Running to the second floor of the stone tower and lying down, Chen Fan controlled the electric eel to come to the front of the python, and gently covered the python's wound as if bombed by the missile with his front claws.

It already contains a piece of ginseng Wang Taisui tissue, presumably it should have enough physical strength to support the consumption caused by the abnormal cell activity

The optimal stimulation frequency of electricity or one's own is 270 volts to 310 volts. The cell structure of the python should be similar to this.

Of course; electric eels can use their currents to stimulate their injuries, so they can go wherever they want. Stimulating other gadgets besides the main body will not work, and the current will not be controlled when it is released.

"After a slight electric arc struck, the wound of the white python suddenly shivered, not knowing whether it was painful or numb.

After there were no abnormalities, the electric eel put another paw on another wound and continued to stimulate with electric current.

After two hours,

The wound of the python has been covered with a layer of white cell fibrous tissue, and the blood has stopped permeating.

"Look, you guys killed my brother or you, or you would have gone to **** long ago." The electric mantle was tired and took back its claws. Since it is not dead yet, it means that it can't die. The effect of stimulation is not covered.

Until now, Chen Fan finally had time to think about a problem. That is: what was this python injured in the end?

Its electric eel has been taught, and it is not an exaggeration to describe it as fast as lightning

And the waters under the cliffs are not big. It is already a very "fantasy" thing to say that a small python can't accommodate a giant python to survive, but now an unknown body even more powerful than the giant python pops out?

Chen Fan's first reaction was to shake his head. When the electric mantle jumped into the water and the giant python stopped it and was screamed by electricity, he had already used electromagnetics to detect the depth of the water below 630 meters.

And this data has been extended more than a thousand meters to the left and right, and there are no large creatures at all, even the milky white fish that was two meters long last time.

There are still thousands of kilometers of unproven areas left. Chen Fan did not dare to pack the tickets or go down to explore, or wait for the python to heal.

"At this time, the white python has woke up slowly, whimpering in his mouth, while staring at the electric eel with his eyes, his eyes kept turning.

"You said you can't read, and you can't speak. How can you tell me to understand what you mean?" The electric mantle stared at the python for a long time.

"Forget it, you take care of your wounds!" Diangan patted his head with his paws, then grabbed the diving cabin and returned to the dock.

When he returned home, it was already one o'clock in the morning, and Chen Fan was going to sleep.

At eleven o'clock the next morning, Chen Fan, who was lying in bed, opened his eyes and then shifted his mind to the electric eel without a word.

The white python was still lying on the mica stone stained with blood. When the electric wrinkle came to it, it could only open its eyes and whimpered.

"After watching for a while, Chen Fan controlled the electric eel to swim out of the cave and went back to catch a few sharks to prepare food for the giant python.

The electric eel brought only one shark when he returned, because he caught a 12-meter-long whale shark and came back.

Pull the whale shark over and tear it into pieces of minced meat to his mouth.

"Click!" In one sip, the python bit the whale meat in his mouth without hesitation, swallowed it without chewing, and then stared at the whale meat.

The "one piece" electric eel feeds 17 of them, which is about one-third of the size of a whale shark, so it has a big mouth and eats the remaining whale meat in a gruesome chewing sound.

"The giant red scarlet mouths fit one by one, and they really don't understand why the electric eel won't let it eat?

Chen Fan did this because it was good. Because the digestive system works, it will take up a lot of physical energy in the living body, and people or animals who have been seriously injured will also take up a lot of physical energy when recovering the wound. Therefore, during this period, once you are overeaten, you will be both robbed of energy in your body.

Bring the fish head to the pond to give the crocodiles to devour. Chen Fan withdrew his thoughts and got up from the bed to get dressed.

When he walked into the courtyard, Wang Bing was lying on the white iron fence, playing around.

, Wan

"What are you kid doing?" Chen Fan walked up to him and smashed a note behind him.

"Get a simple alarm. Wang Bing raised the eight-dollar transparent fishing line in his hand." Don't underestimate this thing. When we were in the wild, everyone had to prepare a few rolls of this stuff. , And is a special high-end goods. When you sleep, you only need to wrap around the surrounding plants or trunks, and then connect it with a main line, and tie it to something small and hold it in your palm. In this way, if someone or an animal approaches, we can quickly notice. "

"It can also do tricks of thunder, grenades, fishing, fishing, sewing, sewing, and wounding wounds with hooks. Fold back and forth a few times to increase the endurance, to do trap hunting, and tighten the neck," it is simply Murder and arson, a must-have for home travel. Wang Bing said more and more, his eyes narrowed.

"Then you go around the cabinet, how are you going to get it?" Chen Fan stared at him with interest: "You can't drag the main line all the way to the bedroom?"

"There are many ways, as long as you tie it in a hidden place. Or a place suitable for climbing, it works better than any other high-tech."

Defense: The Mid-Autumn Festival is here. Here I wish all readers a wealth of money, and Fengyuan on the left.

Full marks for exams, completion of picking up girls, buying lottery prizes, picking up banknotes, meeting beautiful women in cars,

I want to make things happen, happy and happy, happy family, good health, everything goes well, peace and security, the title of the gold list, the candle in the cave ...

Monthly ticket recommendation

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