Super Electric Eel Avatar

Chapter 211: Libyan waters incident

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22nd and crowded Tokyo. Did not leave any impression on Chen Ji, only ... lived. Only Dai Yu; this girl with a goose egg face, not only stunning, but quite eye-catching!

At six o'clock in the evening, when the Chinese lanterns first came on.

Standing in the parking lot of the hotel, Chen Fanruo patted the car door casually, facing Dai Yudao aside: "I'm going back, how about you? When will you return home?"

"Why should I tell you?" She also learned Chen Fan to sell Guanzi very carefully.

"Do not say pull down." Chen Fan was choked, and then he laughed heartlessly: "Let's go, let them send you back, I can't use the car". Having finished speaking, Chen Fan walked across the road carrying the only leather bag he brought with him on his trip to Japan.

"Hey, hey, hey!" When he walked more than ten meters, Dai Yu stomped his feet and shouted twice, but it was a pity drowned in the sound of traffic.

Others go abroad by plane. He took a submarine.

Zhongyun was just over 800 nautical miles from Tokyo, and it took only three and a half hours for Chen Fan to stand in the cave from the reef. If you count the waiting time, takeoff and landing time, he is faster than flying.

Twelve days before the first crude oil delivery, Chen Fan had to do it within these twelve days. Some of the oil wells of the other party cannot be produced normally.

The seven offshore oil wells are all self-elevating drilling platforms, and the three self-elevating legs are pressurized to the bottom by the hydraulic system. If it stops working. The hydraulic column can be retracted to float the entire platform on the sea surface, and then dragged to a new well with a large tug.

Although this platform is limited by water depth. It cannot work in deep water, but it can be moved freely and reused, which is very popular with small and medium-sized oil wells. You can shoot a shot for another place. Don't worry about the reserves of oil wells being too low. But it is impossible to build high fixed oil wells, like China's offshore, this jack-up drilling platform is often used.

The next morning. When Chen Fan woke up from his sleep. He then controlled the electric eel to swim in the Libyan and Galaf economic zone.

After the electric eel arrived, he had ten days left.

Of course; what he is doing on his own is also to be done, otherwise people will see that you do n’t even have a boat at that time, and then take another bite and say you are in breach of contract?

Five oil tankers; all of them are registered Panamanians and hang under the cruiser offshore company. They are now heading to Saudi Arabia to fill crude oil. They have passed India and can reach Saudi Arabia in three days.

Chen Fan called last night and asked them to separate a 60,000-ton and 50,000-ton tanker and head directly to Egypt, then through the Suez Canal to the Mediterranean Sea, and then drive in the direction of Libya.

At that time the two giant ships stopped there. What do they do?

No way to load oil, just wait for huge compensation!

It doesn't matter if it's installed, it's a big deal and then sold. Just a trip in vain, no money to make.

It takes six and a half days for the giant ship to reach the Galaaf Economic Zone, and two days for the electric mantle.

Two days, he said fast or not, slow or slow. When the electric eel arrived, Chen Fan, who had been accustomed to long journeys, did not get bored with this boring journey.

It may be that God favors Chen Fan when he finds a place to let the electric eel fans stare at twelve o'clock in the evening. The calm sea was already filled with mist. The white billows of water made the visibility less than fifty meters. I could only vaguely see a large yellow flame burning on the drilling platform.

In order to avoid selecting the wrong object, the electric eel came close to the drilling platform to identify it,

Then one. Mengzi pierced to the seabed 120 meters deep. Come and study how to destroy the oil well.

In subsea drilling, a drill pipe is used to drive into the production layer, which is the crude oil storage zone, and then introduced into the oil production pipe, and then a large valve is installed on the seabed to control the flow of crude oil and gas.

The oil field here is a shallow self-spraying oil field. The pressure inside is higher than that of the outside world. Without manual extraction, it can be injected into the drilling platform along the pipeline.

It is a breeze to destroy here. The electric eel only needs to use this large valve that stands on the bottom of the sea and is five meters high. It will stop the drilling platform above completely.

At 12:25 in the morning, rows of monitoring equipment were working day and night in the main control room of the No. 3 drilling platform. They faithfully recorded any parameters related to oil wells and oil recovery. And according to the data changes, various instructions will be issued.

This is a fully automatic control room condensed with Japan's highest technology. In theory, no one needs to operate, and the oil production can be successfully completed here.

Of course; this is only in theory. In practice, no one will be assured that such things related to the safety of the company will be handed over to the machine.

Normally, two technicians were on duty here, but today the technician named Uchida Toei Daixiang went on sick leave, and only 33-year-old Ji Ciliang was on duty alone.

"Anfina, I have three days to go on vacation. By that time I want to go to Tripoli to buy some warm clothes. Do you have any good place to push the stubble?" On the flashing instrument, the eyes on the wall are intoxicated, while using fluent and gentle Arabic. Talk to a Libyan girl.

The Libyan girl was the daughter of a small vendor he met when he went to Tripoli shopping last month. Persistent in the sea all year round, he is proficient in Arabic. Immediately attracted by this tall brown-skinned girl, she immediately used the two-day holiday to launch an offensive.

I don't know whether his monthly salary of up to 20,000 US dollars is too tempting, or his experience is too old. Anyway, when he boarded the ship, the girl stood at the dock to see him off!

"I will go with you when the time comes. You are a foreigner who is easily deceived." A good voice came from the satellite phone.

Waiting for your sentence, Ji Jiliang is too secretly secretive. But there was a very strong voice in his mouth: "That's really thank you. In order to express my gratitude to you, I'll invite you to Trenell at noon," ah, hell, he didn't finish his sentence, it was hard Stop the car and turn "to panic. Go on.

Because of the wailing alarm sound, it sounded throughout the drilling platform.

"Slap!" With a bang, the phone threw it aside before he could even hang it. He jumped up like a frown, raised a fist-sized plastic cover in the center of the instrument, and hit it heavily at the red button.

This button is causing major problems. When the automatic control system fails, the emergency treatment button will be enabled. After smashing it, all equipment related to oil production in the drilling platform will immediately stop working, and the bottom oil control valve will also be closed.

"The pressure value of the production pipe suddenly dropped

: Man and pressure, the oil control valve is attached with two one-oil detectors, and the warehouse has detected a crude oil with a concentration of 4 arcs, "

The terrifying roar of Jiji Liangtai was amplified by a tweeter mounted on the top of the platform. Overshadow the harsh alarm sounds.

According to the truth, it shouldn't be so out of order. When the production pipe leaks, you only need to close the bottom valve. And this command was already issued when the detection system detected that there was crude oil nearby, and he pressed the emergency button. It's just superfluous.

Why did he get sick?

Because the oil control valve is malfunctioning

The mother is doubtful; this is a serious oil spill accident, if you do not take measures immediately. They will face huge fines issued by the Libyan government.

In less than thirty seconds, a series of rapid footsteps came to mind on the steel-clad plate armor, and then more than two dozen disheveled men broke into the control room.

"What's the situation?" The group of people shouted before they even stood firm.

"Forty seconds, the oil production pipe leaked, and the oil control valve failed. Up to now, there are already seven oil detectors under the water and crude oil. You have to know that we have only installed 16 detectors on the seabed."

"Quick, the Oi Maru No. 1 and No. 2 operation ships immediately set up a marine isolation zone within two kilometers of the surrounding area. The crude oil recovery ship immediately recovered the crude oil. The Libyan government must not let this happen." After listening to his report. The cube said sternly: "The diving team. Put on the four-suit diving suit immediately, dive down to the seabed, and check the specific conditions of the oil control valve."

At this time, under the background of high-power searchlights, the people on the platform could already see a black thick liquid flooding the surface. After a while, the whole platform was surrounded.

I'm afraid they are the only ones to be thankful. It is this platform that is only more than 100 meters deep from the bottom of the sea. Divers can easily dive into the bottom of the sea after putting on the hard standard atmospheric pressure. Don't worry about the recurrence of the tragedy of the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

This kind of diving suit made of six thousand and six hundred five hundred high-strength aluminum alloys, weighing five hundred kilograms, and having a special protective surface layer, can dive down to a depth of four hundred meters. Said it is a diving suit. It is better to say that he is a small submarine, because it is not only equipped with a propulsion rudder system, but also a series of cutting-edge equipment such as mechanical hydraulic control arms, underwater acoustic short wave communicator, life support and so on. Through a special pod, people can work continuously for five hours underwater.

Twenty minutes later, the diver descended around the fuel control valve. Through high-sensitivity cameras and connecting lines, the pictures there are transmitted to the command room.

This is a game that lets everyone break their heads and heat their brains to 180. Bizarre things I can't think of ...

I saw a great white shark with a length of six meters and an abdomen bitten by an unknown creature. It is winding around the messy cable line connecting the oil control valve and the drilling platform, and many of those messy cables have been bitten through.

Above the oil control valve, a pipe made of steel, half a meter thick, was torn apart by something, and a large gap was ripped out, and the oil was flowing happily out of it.

The control room was completely quiet. There was nothing more than a hiss of air-conditioning in the mouth of a large group of people.

The pictures on the screen give them a kind of illusion like a dream, no matter how hard they rub their eyes, they feel unacceptable.

Obviously, there was a fierce battle. A great white shark was bitten to death here by unknown things, and he accidentally bit the cable.

The cable was bitten, which was barely acceptable. The great white shark's bite force can get the top three in the animal rankings. Although it is equipped with an electronic shark drive, and a cable anti-shark sleeve. But there must be a great white shark that can't get through it, falling with his teeth. They can still bite apart, anyway, they have to replace thousands of teeth in their lifetime.

But the rod is torn?

Not to mention the great white shark, even if the dinosaurs came, it was choking!

A large and thick pipe pestle is in the fish. Isn't the fish blind?

"Li" standing, vertical cutting connecting cable. We must strive to close the oil control valve in the shortest time, and then dispatch underwater robots. Replace damaged pipes, "

"Yes!" The two deep-water divers all agreed. This cable is well connected, and one day's effort can temporarily fool it and wait for it to be replaced later. But the oil production pipeline can be troublesome, and the entire pipeline must be unscrewed from the valve with an underwater robot. Then lift to the platform. If you are lucky, you can get it in five or six days. If you are unlucky, you may have a blowout accident.

"Hello, No.2, No.4, drilling platform? Lixun sent your crude oil recovery ship, I have a crude oil leakage accident here.


Let's turn our attention to No. 5 drilling platform!

Under the thick night fog, there was only the sound of flames burning, and the clatter of some waves crashing on the pillars of the platform. Suddenly, the quiet drilling platform was broken by a harsh alarm!

After a clutter of footsteps and loose roaring figures, Maruyama Daisuke rushed into the command room for the first time.

"What the **** happened?" He shouted loudly.

"Maruyama Jun, this is over, our oil control valve has a problem. According to the automatic detection of the system, the electronic integrated module on the oil control valve has no reason to cause a short circuit."

"What?" Maruyama Dasuo almost sat on the ground, the electronic integrated module on the oil control valve. Loaded inside the oil control valve. If it breaks, the cover must be removed to replace it.

If it is on land, it only takes an hour or two to get it. But it is now installed on a deep sea bed of more than 100 meters.

Connect to the oil layer below. The above is linked to the drilling platform. The wellhead can only be blocked again. Then remove the entire oil control valve and lift it to the platform for repair.

Because it is composed of precision electronic components, even a little bit of water will make it scrap.

Half an hour later, the diver came to report that the oil control valve cover did not know whether the screw fell off or what caused it. There was a lot of looseness, and seawater of up to a dozen atmospheric pressures poured into it, causing short-circuiting of electronic components.

Defense: Um; change this chapter first, I will continue to code. Code more than two thousand words, so there are more than six thousand!

Of course; more than two thousand words, the minimum is more than three hours for my code, you do n’t have to wait, get up tomorrow morning! ! !

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