Super Electric Eel Avatar

Chapter 215: There are ghosts here

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the super electric eel avatar!

Wait! "Chu" is curled up in the corner of the wall. The two meals are not enough to resist, and the muscles are a little thirsty.

"I don't have much to say about redundant words, and I'm too lazy to tell you, anyway, it fell into my hands and you were unlucky. Chen Fan walked to the front. Looking at her from the top," I'm still energetic now. Think about how to compensate for the sins you committed.

I have one. Minor problems, it's called insatiable. "It's not a very large compensation that can't satisfy my appetite. Of course, my people's problems are far more than this, and there are," he said. "

"Can you let me loose, or shut me in a heated room, it's too cold here!" This rich lady lives in Yixiang Xiangying, making her curled up in the cold iron The motionless hours on the board were almost equal to killing her.

"Cold? Oh god, do you know where this is?

Chen Fan made a very exaggerated appearance and exclaimed: "This is an abandoned cave in Canglong Mountain, Zhongyun City. As early as five hundred years ago, Ming Dynasty general Yuan Lingan used this as a Tibetan soldier cave. After being blocked by the Qing soldiers in the cave and burned for five days and five nights, everyone was suffocated to death, inside. No one dared to come here for hundreds of years because there are often ghosts here and ghosts can often be heard in the middle of the night Howl, and many uncleaned bones. I was forced by the police. I had no choice but to build the bottom of the cave into a refuge. You have to choose three or four? "

If there is a change) the locals will come to scoff at Chen Fan's remarks, because Cang Long let. There is no such cave!

But Nakagawa Ei didn't know. He listened to Chen Fan's arrogance so well-founded and immediately paled, not because of fear of ghosts, but because of the environment here.

After talking, Chen Fan shrunk his shoulders, made a few silent smirks, and then slammed the metal door.

Returning to Shita again, Chen Fan turned on his computer and edited an email to Ono Group.

Instead of extorting them from Nakagawa ’s ransom, but reminding them that tomorrow is the crude oil delivery date. About this compensation problem

A total of seven oil wells were destroyed by Chen Fan, and the remaining four could not satisfy Chen Fan anyway. With the needs of other customers.

The crude oil contract he made was not to say that the three million barrels were not enough. If they took out two million barrels, they would get less compensation. But one delivery must be 3 million barrels, and the crude oil is slowly mined. When you have enough 3 million barrels, let's talk about it.

"Damn, when will our oil well be repaired?"

In the Takeda Building in Shinjuku, Ota Ota, who was covered with bloodshot eyes, almost shot a hole in his desk. Tomorrow is the crude oil delivery date. The three oil wells only hoisted damaged parts from the seabed this morning.

"Answer me, I need a deadline that is accurate to the sky. His face is frozen for thousands of miles. The tone is thousands of miles away. The shadow of the bird of prey is like the autumn wind passing over the grass.

"In five or five days, even if the large oil control valve was airlifted from the local area, it would take two days to complete. This was not even sent to the employee who stood in the middle of the installation time in the future.

"Good" good. "Five days, five days." Ota Otoro was almost angry and took the rescue pill. After two breaths, his eyes glared: "Everyone's bonus this month is gone. If the repair is not good after five days, wait Be deducted this month. "

"Five days, 100% compensation. It is equal to 19.4 billion yen!" Ota Otaru's heart was broken. "Five days, 100% of the compensation is equal to nearly 1.6 billion yuan." Chen Fan is crazy and there is no money for drug trafficking!

"It seems that I have to find a buyer for these crude oils." Lying in bed, Chen Fanmo sniffed his nose.

Although the price of his crude oil is so high, if he sells it again, he won't make a few dollars at all. But Chen Fan did not care about this loss. The compensation has doubled by percentage.

If you are looking for a buyer. Chen Fan thought about it. I think it is better to find Wei Zhixiu, the former director of Zhongyun Refinery and Chemical Plant.

Why use it before? Because he was as early as two months ago. He was promoted to the position of Deputy Manager of Refining and Sales Department in East China.

However, the two have maintained a business relationship. Every time Chen Fan returned crude oil from Shatra, he sold it to him. And he is responsible for helping himself with crude oil quotas and production scheduling.

In an era where there are many deputy managers, Wei Zhixiu's position as deputy manager of the East China Refining and Sales Department has a very large amount of gold, and enjoys the same administrative treatment as the deputy magistrate.

Because he is an employee of PetroChina, because PetroChina is a state-owned enterprise, because in the old days, according to the report of the research institute of the Financial Times, PetroChina ’s current market value reached violently attracting US $ 2, ranking among the global persuasive enterprises , Is the world's largest enterprise by market value.

The two have been cooperating for so long, and the relationship is not much iron, but it is not strange, he is still very happy to sell him more oil at the old price.

Returning to the sea in the diving cabin, Chen Fan curled up inside, tilting the Erlang legs, while looking at the starry sky while walking leisurely

"Hello, it's boss Chen. Why did it take me so long to think of calling me, I thought boss Chen would soon forget me." Wei Zhixiu was very happy to answer the phone. Speaking of which, he was able to be promoted, and he could not be separated from the massive crude oil sent by Chen Fan.

"You are my big gold master, how dare I forget you?" Chen Fan chuckled. Directly cut into the theme: "I recently contacted a crude oil business. The volume of sales per week is very large. Is the Wei Wei manager interested in it?"

"Yes, of course, as much as you want!" Wei Zhixiu sensed his monkey's anxiety. Can't help but laugh: "We in East China, a total of four refining sales assistant managers, are all 40-year-old little old man, counting me the youngest, but also my worst grades. Don't tell you, I recently The matter of crude oil rushed out of the mouth

"Don't I give you charcoal in the snow?" Chen Fan said leisurely and complacently: "This time the volume is larger than before. The semi-annual crude oil supply contract I signed with foreigners is about three million barrels of crude oil per week. Of course, The delivery date is not easy to grasp. When do I pull the crude oil to the terminal, when do you give the money?

"hiss". Wei Zhixiu first took a cold breath, he was shocked by this number, and then turned into a deep surprise. Now that he has served as the deputy manager of East China, the amount of transactions that can be used is almost equal to infinite. As long as the foreign crude oil is at the right price, he will eat as much as he wants.

"Boss Chen, please don't play me. Otherwise, I'm going to sleep at night these days."

"What do you deceive you? The price we still follow the old secret giant. You help me get crude oil quota, I sell it to you according to the price of private oil." Boss, you don't know. Recently, the country has cracked down on the smuggling of illicit oil. Can you see that you can save fifty cents per ton? "

"Come on, don't you crack down on illicit oil? It's all from CNPC? In order to squeeze out or buy other refineries that are not under your ownership. A lot of points, do you want it or not!"

"Hey, yes, as soon as your ship comes ashore. I will let the finance department transfer the money!" Wei Zhixiu has not been embarrassed to reveal the old bottom: "By the way, you better call two days before the tanker landed. Let me report the specific tonnage, so I can help you with crude oil quotas and production scheduling

"No problem, the contract is too large this time. My boat can't be transported that much for a while. So I plan to rent several large oil storage warehouses in Saudi Arabia. You need to be able to contact the tanker. You can let them go to Saudi Arabia to install Boat, I'll deduct the freight for you

"Okay, call me when you are done. I see if I can reach the tanker

"Get it!" After hanging up the phone, Chen Fan closed the diving cabin and let the electric eel drag it back to the cave.

Returning to the stone tower, Chen Fan thought for a while, and ran to the third floor altogether, using Kunwu Dagger to stop from those seven Taisui. Cut the size of the bowl in turn to feed the electric eel.

Chen Fan still has 513 pieces of that blue stone, which is enough for the electric eel to consume for a long time.

Seven Ghost Moon Fragrant Organization Nets were handed over to the mouth of the electric eel. The giant python hiding under the cliff immediately used its odor-sensitive letter to capture the taste here. Several swimmers ran to this place On the side, staring at the electricity covetedly.

"Reward you!" The electric eel whitened this greedy guy, and threw it a ghost moon incense organization.

"Roar!" After the white python devoured Guiyuexiang, he immediately chanted loudly, with a loud voice, and the shocking Chen Fan eardrum "suddenly" jumped.

Of course; Nakagawa Ei was heard when the python yelled.

She was imprisoned in a submarine tens of meters deep, when the high-decibel roar of the python passed there, it had become unheard, if not quietly around. Her ears could not catch the howling howling.


Obviously Chen Fan said in her ear; the shadow of the cave had not gone. After listening to the unknown howl, which seemed to be transmitted from all directions, Nakagawa immediately cried out in horror, his body curled into a trembling trembling.

"Don't call it, it's the same as howling. It's as bad as it sounds." The electric eel slapped a paw on its forehead, causing it to furious, but finally stopped howling.

If he knew that the python's cry could still act as a ghost, Chen Fan must let it cry from morning to night, but he didn't know.

Suddenly; the giant python squeezed his eyes cunningly at the electric mantle, and swam to the edge of the lake, and his mouth spewed out with a chill of white flowers.

In its cold air, it seemed to contain the ice magic curse of the magician. When the cold seawater was contaminated, it immediately burst out the sound of "summer cracking." After the cracking, a 15-meter-long ice tuft floated water surface.

"Class ice python?" Everything that was born in front of him made Chen Fanru fall into the clouds, stunned.

Wang: To go to Yangzhou tomorrow, a buddy gets married and stays for about two days.

When the time comes, I will borrow the codeword from his notebook. In theory, it will not stop changing. If there is no time during the day, I will stay up all night and fight

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