Super Electric Eel Avatar

Chapter 220: Grab a play

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the super electric eel avatar!

The long wooden box is at noon in the electric whale claws. When the classics can't describe the negative continent in words, just a very, very light pinch, the wooden box will be broken into pieces.

What surprised Fan Fan was that the big box was crushed and there were even a dozen small wooden boxes in the square.

The small wooden boxes are well preserved, and the electric eels can smell a faint scent before opening them. This scent is so fascinating, so fascinating that it makes you feel soft, and so fascinating that you want to own it.

Can't wait to open the wooden box, and a solid mass wrapped in thick silk fabric is exposed

This is a white rosin-like object with a large irregular appearance at the mouth of the bowl. It has a gradual change and a fragrant light fragrance. "Ambergris!" Chen Fan recognized the origin of this thing at a glance. Besides it, who else can overcome the fragrance of incense?

After opening several boxes one after another, Chen Fanxian now contained all ambergris. This condensate that is occasionally produced in the body of the sperm whale has been a priceless treasure dreamed of in the spice making industry since ancient times, and the white one is the most expensive.

In ancient times, ambergris has always been a royal royal product, and the ladies in Europe even intended to spend all their belongings for their husbands. In modern times, any perfume containing natural ambergris can sell for hundreds of dollars per ounce.

So many white ambergris represent more than a fortune. It also represents a kind of fan. You can't buy a fan at any cost.

There is no doubt that Chen Fan wants to possess this material that cannot be bought with money.

Arrange the remaining 42 large boxes neatly. He was about to kill the arms carrier. Let's get these ambergris back again.

Time passed by quietly, and Dianzhi circled back and forth over the trench over 70 meters deep. When it was four o'clock in the middle of the night, electric eel's keen eyesight finally caught the red transport ship.

At four o'clock in the morning, it was the darkest time before dawn, the most fatigued and slack, and the best time to fight home.

"The electric eel took a sip of the seawater. The spear on its paw slowly grasped.

No matter how big the civil transport vessel is, its hull will not be too thick. The real fixing effect is the hull keel, so as long as the spear of the electric eel does not pierce the hull.

"Buzz this 10,000-ton freighter that is two hundred meters long, thirty meters wide and seventeen meters high, as if an ancient monster was running across the surface of the water, the huge propeller noise, and the waves that set off when the hull was advancing Creatures fled in horror.

"Three! Two! One!"

When the giant wheel came to the predetermined position, the tail of the electric eel flicked, bursting out to the maximum, and sprinted towards the bottom of the ship with nearly 300 knots.

What is the concept of the last three hundred knots?

Converted to meters, it means that it has a degree of 150 meters per second, which is faster than a racing car above the ground.

When the spear at a ten-degree angle collided with the hull of the giant ship, the contact surface between the two immediately flashed a dazzling spark, and then this bottom deck made of Japanese steel was immediately torn out. The fifteen-meter big mouth, the sea water rushed into it one after another.

The impact was so loud that all the people in their sleep were awakened. All expressions are panic. At a loss.

However, the journey of the nightmare has just begun. Just as everyone got up from the bed and ran to the bottom of the boat. At the bottom of the cargo ship, there was another burst of metal friction that made the eardrum crack.

It is indescribable how loud this sound is. The more than 20 military personnel trained in professional military even think that this sound is louder than the sound of the 150mm heavy howitzer.

"The ship is sinking and I don't know who yelled miserably, and then the sailors who started to lean, hovered up the rescue boat one by one.

"Quick stop, stop me immediately!" Several soldiers standing on the deck patrolling slightly pulled the bolt, ready to fire a warning shot. Sixty-four new armored personnel carriers, plus some weapons and ammunition. If something goes wrong, they will have to clean up and go home.

At a critical juncture, no one obeyed their orders, and a sailor passing by them even reminded in good faith: "Run quickly, otherwise the turbulent turbulence that can engulf any ship less than one hundred tons when the ship sinks."

"Bang estimated that the motive of the twelve-cylinder ship was trembling a few times because of the flooding of the motive compartment, and it could no longer be started.

"Let's run quickly too!" The angle of the stock wheel's inclination is getting bigger and bigger, and one of the soldiers hurriedly yelled as he rushed towards the lifeboat hanging on the deck.

When the great wheel sinks, it will bring turbulence, everyone knows such simple common sense. Seeing that the situation is irreversible, the consciousness of this group of soldiers is obviously not high; the arrival of the goods is due to the presence of the people and the destruction of the goods.

It took three minutes for the eel to attack it, and it took only three minutes for the freighter to "sink" and the turbulent turbulence rolled up, sucking up two multi-lane rubber boats.

After attacking the cargo ship, Denzai did not immediately fled, but quickly flew to the cargo port at the rear of the giant ship, prying the hatch door a few times.

This 17-meter-high and 30-meter-wide freighter is larger than electricity or larger. When the head of the electric eel entered the cargo warehouse, it immediately saw dozens of armored personnel carriers. Polyethylene plastic box with grid gray.

Chen Fan ’s purpose is simple, to grab an armored personnel carrier. Go back and play with weapons and ammunition.

At this time, the cabin was already filled with seawater, and the electric eels no longer picked three or four. The front paws grabbed a troop-carrying vehicle that was fixed on the Jiahuan with a rope, and then opened a big mouth to make this car 7.6 meters long. Three-meter-wide and 2.5-meter-high troop carriers swallowed into the entrance.

Including the troop-carrying vehicle, the electric mantle and two claws went into battle, grabbing a dozen gray ammunition boxes.

Then he returned and moved the goods in the front paws to the back paws, continued to drill in and grabbed a dozen ammunition boxes, hovered for a while, and waited for the freighter to sink into the dark seabed before turning his head to swim towards Zhongyun.

It was then that the giant wheel sank into the water a few meters deep. The warehouse was not completely flooded with water, and this armored personnel carrier should not be affected. After all, waterproof. It is a subject that all armored vehicles have to do. There is also a considerable portion of armored personnel carriers that can advance in the water like a ship.

Weapons and ammunition are even more problem-free. They are covered with large polyethylene boxes and are inherently waterproof. Bullets, grenades, rockets and the like are not afraid of water at all. As long as the electric eel does not dive deep, let the box be put under too much pressure.

On the way back to Zhongyun, Chen Fan drove the electric eel to the maximum, in the ocean ten meters deep

When Zhongyun arrived, Dianxin first found a shallow water to put the ammunition box there. A fierce man plunged into the cave and spit out the early carriage. Then return to transport the ammunition box in the mouth to the cave. Because the cave is located more than a thousand meters deep under the water, the ammunition box is exposed to the outside, and it will be crushed by the strong water pressure.

When all the processes were completed, the electric eel found a few sharks to fill its stomach, and then rested for two hours, preparing to go to the Japanese trench to transport the ambergris from the ancient shipwreck.

When retrieving the ambergris, the electric eel took a steel cable rooted a few hundred meters long to bind the wooden boxes.

I have to admire the speed of the small Japanese military. When the electric eel reached the trench, there were already three military helicopters hovering over the wreck of the giant ship. One of the helicopters also dropped several cylindrical objects into the sea, and I do n’t know what it was for.

At dawn, the sky is faint with fog, birds and insects. There are also vague dog barks in the distance.

Located at the foot of the village Wumu Mountain in the Shinjuku district of Tokyo, Japan, it covers an area of ​​1.5 square kilometers. It is completely an antique courtyard built with blue tiles and white walls.

The courtyard is surrounded by shallow shoals of lush tall pine trees. Bamboo with all kinds of straight. Under the faint white mist. Revitalize the beautiful taste. If it were not reasonable to tell yourself that this is the 21st century, most people who have seen this scene will agree that this is Tiangong Wonderland.

At the same time, people who have been here will agree that the owner of this large courtyard is certainly not much worse than the world's rich, because the house prices in Shinjuku are as high as ten thousand dollars and one square meter.

Let us transfer the realization to the center of this courtyard, a small two-story building surrounded by water and from time to time flying birds flying in the sky.

Ono, Nakagawa, who is 58 years old this year, lay on the couch and turned to and fro. He was old and changed, and he didn't have the spirit that he had when he was young.

With a sigh, he got up and walked into the corridor outside the house. This corridor that extends into the lake water is all built of thick and rugged trees, showing a natural and ancient style.

Ono, Nakagawa, dressed in a white robe, trembles and pulls out a bamboo fishing rod from the corner of the wall, trying to press his heart like a cloud of sadness.

Five days ago, his little granddaughter lost contact with her family in Tianhai City, China, and there is no news so far. He sent dozens of Japanese employees in China to investigate her whereabouts, but the only one found. It was she who got in the car with a man at the door of UBS.

It took a long time for the staff with good skills in the past ten years to steal the surveillance video from several nearby buildings. Unfortunately, none of them could clearly capture the scene at that time.

It is no better than abroad, plus she is being baited by the local police, she cannot call the police at all, and he is not prepared to call the police.

If something goes wrong, look for the police, that is the patent that the weak will enjoy!

As an old man accustomed to ups and downs. He only relied on his own power and never expected the police who were not much stronger than ordinary people.

"Five days, five days have passed, and I have not received any calls about Eko." Ono Nakagawa looked at the lake for a long time before throwing the fish hook into the water. The cruel facts are in front of him, and he can only cruelly kill the hope in his heart.

The experience of killing more and more, he couldn't shed tears of sadness, only thick revenge **.

His fishing skills seem very high. Less than ten seconds after the hook was put in, the bamboo pole sank violently and vaguely saw a giant crucian carp struggling inside.

"Huh, at this time, the quiet corridor was broken by a very light footsteps. The person is a middle-aged man in his forties. His black suit and cool face make him look very handsome.

"Uncle, our cargo ship that helped the military transport armored personnel carriers sank. The Defense Minister's Network of the Ministry of Defense just called and said to get you up, contact him." Young man, lean over to get in the middle, "Ohno said softly.

"When did it happen?" Zhong "Ohno's complexion suddenly became cold.

"It happened at about four o'clock in the morning, and it crashed over an eight-kilometer deep trench. I didn't dare to disturb your sleep when I received the news. I watched you fishing here before I came to tell you.

"Do you know the reason?" Ohno Nakagawa looked up to the sky and sighed very slowly.

"For the time being, it is not possible to determine the cause. The military has intervened to investigate the incident. Unfortunately, it is temporarily impossible to find out what caused it. Now the giant ship has sunk to the bottom of the sea of ​​eight thousand meters. Continue to investigate. "

"What to investigate?" Ohno Nakagawa laughed absently: "The eight-kilometer-deep seabed could not find any results. Even if the boat was not squeezed into a discus without water pressure, they could investigate what was caused by the scar ?"

"What about sailors on board?"

"I am currently being questioned by the military!"

"When they return to Tokyo, you will ask someone to ask again." Ohno Nakagawa dropped the fishing rod and let the bad luck fish bring the fishing rod into the water.

"Call the Defense Minister's electricity high!"

"Yes!" He promised. Pulled out a golden phone from his pocket, and after pressing a few numbers, handed him the phone respectfully.

The end of the phone was quickly connected. The old man sitting on the bench said, "I am Ohno Nakagawa!" Afterwards, the defense minister immediately said in a harsh tone: "Ohno, I hope you can give us an explanation for this incident, otherwise I will It is not recommended to immediately discontinue all the projects we cooperate with. "

"What do you want to explain?" Nakagawa Ohno was still in a calm tone. But the handle of the rattan and bamboo recliner was creaked by him.

"Sixty-four armored personnel carriers are all of the highest-end weapon configuration. A laser suppression sighting system is worth 800,000 US dollars. The purchase price of each vehicle is 8 million US dollars, including various auxiliary accessories. There are 521 tons of various types of ammunition equipment, with a total value of 700 million US dollars, which means that our loss this time is 12.12 billion US dollars. "

"You mean, let me pay for the loss of your defense agency?"

"O Ono, we don't want to see such things happening, but when we took over this arms shipment, we had agreed that if there were any problems, you would be responsible."

"So what if I don't want to pay this money?" Zhong said Da Ye Yun Danqingfeng.

Defense: Four thousand words, hehe!

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