Super Electric Eel Avatar

Chapter 228: Something behind

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When you are launching a bazooka. Just be careful not to let the tail and the flow, the island bounces to the obstacle. Nothing else!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" Hole. Stare at the electric eel with lacquered eyes.

As far as 150 meters away; the Maxi camouflage armored personnel carrier was directly ignored by it. Three points and one line!

Chen Fan put the monster's head into the aiming caliper, took two deep breaths, put his right index finger on the barrel, and suddenly pressed the red round shooting button.

"At the moment when the shooting button was pressed, Chen Fan only felt the trembling of the entire shooting tube. Then there was the lightning roar from his ear.

After the 150-meter-deep rocket rocket was reversed by a projectile, the net net flew a dozen meters away, and the rear rocket thruster and the stable tail wing immediately worked, rotating and shooting at the target Fly away.

"The rocket blasted through the sky and thundered the monster's body like a hammer.

The firelight, the dazzling firelight, within only two seconds, the monster was surrounded by the dazzling firelight, and there was the loud noise of the shaking mountain.

The anti-tank armor-piercing projectile's killing part is a high-energy explosive blasting to form a detonation hood, using the powerful impact of that moment to impact the front metal shell.

Although the power of this metal jet is less than fifty centimeters, the concentrated power hits the homogeneous armor. But it is as easy as chopsticks to insert tofu, not to mention the unknown creature composed of carbohydrates?

When the dust had cleared and the fire had disappeared, the scene in front made the electric eel grin with a big mouth for a long time!

This mongolian monkey's cheeks, a monster in thick scales and armour lying on the ground softly, surrounded by the scorched black smoked by the explosion of the rocks, and the paintings caused by the bright red meat pieces, than the masterpiece of Swiss abstract master Klee Also messy.

Behind the monster's head, there is a circular hole the size of a bucket, and a gritty pestle is on the raised back.

Resisting the **** smell, the electric eel poked the spear into the hole and hooked its body out. Finally, I saw the true face of Lushan.

"Pangolin?" The electric eel stared at this slender monster in surprise. Although the metal jet of the armor-piercing bomb penetrated from the front, it immediately spread out, blurring the flesh of its entire back. But Chen Fan can still match its image with some creature on the earth based on its six-meter-long tail and the nearly deformed sharp toes on the four claws.

The pangolins on the earth are more than one meter long and are very good at making holes. They can dig a two-meter-deep passage in the ground every hour. Of course; although it is called a pangolin, but if you want to wear a rock, unless Indian oil is applied to the paws.

This pangolin, 13 meters long and 2.5 meters high, can dig hard rock?

Shaking his head in disbelief, the electric eel twisted its claws and dragged it on the side stone, there was no unexpected splash of Mars, nor did it unexpectedly touch the bottom like a tofu, but left a deep trace It's true.

Obstacles in the cave were removed, and the rest was to look inside the cave to see the environment.

A glare flashlight was attached to his head, two Beretta large-caliber pistols were inserted around his waist, and he carried a heavy machine gun of more than 40 pounds in his hand.

Don't worry, don't worry about the five grenade in the lower back. Chen Fancai ran out of the armored car and walked cautiously into the cave.

The entrance is three meters high and the rock walls are smooth. Like being carefully polished. After walking for more than thirty meters, the light in the cave was already weak. When Chen Fan turned a forty-five degree, the inside of the cave suddenly widened, like a large auditorium.

It is thirty-five meters wide, ten meters high, and thirty-seven meters long. There is a slight smell in the dry air, and there are many dry grass branches on the ground.

According to Chen Fan's estimate, this should be a naturally formed cave, but it was only occupied by the pangolin and slightly modified the raised area. After all, the mountain is composed of hard gray granite. The pangolin wants to dig out such a big cave. It is estimated that it must be excavated from its grandfather's generation.

The flashlight on his head continued to rotate, almost scanning the entire cave, Chen Fan is now near the corner of the rock wall on the left, and there is a large oval stone with a diameter of six meters.

Chen Fan didn't care at first, thinking it was a very ordinary rock, but when the light of the torch shone on it for a few seconds, this rock actually moved a bit.

"Damn it!" Chen Fan's eyes collected the stone in an instant. Obviously it was the one who encountered abnormal light. And the shrunken large piercing armor.

With the muscles trembling all over the body; the machine gun in his hand completely roared the flame of roar of death.

This kind of big killer that can use bullet chain to supply bullets. With a three hundred rigid plastic bullet box. Hold the trigger and keep firing, you can tear a long-distance bus into pieces in 25 seconds.

"The roar of vomiting and vomiting, and the bullets tracing the splendid trajectory in the air proved to Chen Fan that the weapon power created by mankind in pursuit of maximum lethality.

This one wears ... Let the horse bounce when the first bullet is tasted, but unfortunately the second is next to the old animal and tears its scale armor, and the third and fourth, and when the seventh one, it has already Wailed and fell to the ground, allowing the rest of the bullets to wreak havoc.

Take Smith Weisen, who is touted as a **** on the Internet. As for the revolver, it is said that it can kill an African elephant weighing seven or eight tons.

The kinetic energy of the bullets fired by this thing is 3,500 joules. Chen Fan ’s hand-held machine gun is 2,400 joules. Imagine. How can a pangolin more than ten meters long resist?

By the time Chen Fan emptied a bullet box, half of the body of this pangolin was gone, and the dead could not die anymore!

"Will it be too cruel?" Chen Fan couldn't bear to look at the pangolin with **** flesh, but think about his usual flesh and blood, and he has done everything from thin slices of fish fillets. More **** than this.

Sometimes people are really funny, they don't feel any squeezing ants into mud. It doesn't matter if you cut the stomach of chicken, duck and goose with a knife. There is nothing wrong with the duck feet, pig heart and foie gras that you usually eat. But sometimes when someone saw someone killing an animal, a large number of people jumped out to blame. What I said was called a day of flowers falling, and righteous words.

If you think about it carefully, Chen Fan believes that eating animal meat is much crueler than killing an animal. Suppose we raise the animal to the human point of view. We can accept killing, but what about eating Ran?

After continually looking at the cave and making sure that there are no omissions or secrets, Chen Fan ran out of the cave with a machine gun with a lot of empty bullets. Then he breathed fresh air in a big mouth, and the smell in the cave was real Unpleasant smell, especially mixed with **** smell.

Throwing away the machine gun, Chen Fan sat next to the electric mantle and thought that he had to let the electric fish go back and bring back the steel cable tied with the titanium alloy hook. Otherwise, the body of the pangolin can't be found inside it!

There are a lot of monsters here. Of course, Chen Fan didn't dare to stay in the open space, but jumped on the armored car, and then closed the door tightly. His worries were not superfluous. Chen Fan, who was lying on the rear seats for less than two minutes after the strike of the front foot of the electric shock, heard a thunderous roar from the armored car, and it made people sweat up. Bones chew.

With a pop, he popped out of the seat. He glanced at the observation window of the cab, then his pupils dilated and his mouth was dry.

Next to the dead pangolin, sometime when the two heads were short and round, the mouth was covered with teeth and the hair was tan. It is covered with many irregular dark brown spots, like animals with extremely mane dogs. Mane: The same as hunting

I saw the Lion King Simba and Chen Fan in the animal world when I was a kid. Of course, I am no stranger to this kind of animal. When he watched cartoons in the past, he kept harassing Simba and hating this kind of treacherous cunning villain, and now he is finally lucky to see such a thing!

And it is a huge guy with a length of five meters, a ridged mane root standing up, and eyes that can scare the child into crying.

Chen Fan could not find any words to describe the cruelty of these two Lu dogs. It was clear that the pangolin was enough for them to eat for a few days, but they even broke their blood from the heads that had bitten each other for an internal organ.

"I, I remember that picking up dogs should be social animals." Do they have the hate of taking their wives? "Chen Fan looked at these two Lugou dogs squirting with blood, and it was called a wandering heaven and earth, only to think that the world was too crazy.

These two Lu dogs almost drove the same kind of cannibalism to the extreme. You bite between you and me for half a minute, and ended up losing both sides. A belly was broken with a two-meter gap. One of the two ears was bitten off, and the front paw was broken.

"Ah, their screams are an unpleasant sound, and the crying wolf howling is a hundred times sweeter than them. The electric eels have to take more than ten minutes to rush back to end their lives, so Chen Fan must endure their screams to control electricity Eel will do.

"Destroy them!" Chen Fan of the cerebral cortex beating wildly, "Zhe ran to the rear cabin, and replaced the trench tank with a machine gun to replace the ammunition box. Then opened the top hatch and aimed at the two seriously injured mane dog buckles. Pull the trigger.

In the mountains; whether it is a wolf or a dog. There is no possibility of swarming, Chen Fan is not afraid of getting into the honeycomb at all!

It does n’t matter if it gets caught up. If an armored car condensed with cutting-edge human technology can be destroyed by a few guys that are three or four times larger than mane dogs on Earth, it ’s ridiculous than ants tripping elephants!

"The fire dragons that lined up in a straight line only roared for ten seconds, and the two mane dogs penetrated into puppets with sound bullets, and four uncontrolled twitching.

"The world is clean now," slowly relieved, Chen Fan finally understood why Sun Wukong on the westward journey, why did he kill the "Tang Seng", because after killing him, he was always refreshed and thoughtful!

Putting away the machine gun and preparing to close the hatch, Chen Fan's figure suddenly stopped, and his heart beat from one hundred beats per minute to three hundred in only 0.5 seconds. "


Along with this low roar coming from behind his head, there is a roaring wind that almost blows people down!

Defense: Oh I will make up two years tomorrow! ! Sun o8 book of the sun

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