Super Electric Eel Avatar

Chapter 234: Halfway through, Cheng Chengjin

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of course. Various kinds of mass killers banned against civilians by international rankings. After that, it is unique.

Although it is equipped with a recoil-type barrel reentry spring and a muzzle brake, it is best not to play for people who cannot grasp a heavy object of more than one hundred pounds with arm strength.

There is nothing wrong with Chen Fan playing this gun. The only concern is that the gun is too loud. As shocking as thunder.

With such a long gun, Chen Fan can only be packed in a soft backpack, and then the chair is on the back.

When Chen Fan jumped out of the car with an exaggerated bag, he was chasing the clouds in the sky, and hurried down as he saw his loved ones, rubbing Chen Fan with his brain that was similar to Chen Fan's body shape.

I have n’t seen it in a few days. The cloud chasing body is two more circles. The distance between the two wings can be 24 meters. It is definitely a behemoth.

After playing with Chaiyun for a while, Chen Fan turned and jumped on his back, letting it take off to the gathering place of the orangutans.

"Chasing the cloud loudly, his wings flicked away from the ground, like a flexible witch joint fighter.

The screaming continues, the thick **** smell can be smelled after a few miles away, Chen Fan can't understand, how did the group of orangutans survive to the present?

Orangutans are vegetarians, and only occasionally do they catch small animals with short eyes. But there are no bananas, durians, jackfruit and other fruits to feed them near that sandy ground unless they take the corpses of those animals to the belly!

When Chasing the Cloud whistling and preparing to land on the top of that high mountain, Chen Fan was suddenly dumbfounded.

Because the giant python was actually at the top of the mountain, and looked at the bottom with a thief's eyes.

"This guy also wants to insert a pole?" Chen Fan crept to the side of the python, then unwrapped the package behind him, and pulled out a class killer with a length of nearly two meters from inside.

"Wow. Inserting the magazine, Chen Fan put his gaze in front of the optical sight and used the sight to observe the situation.

"Ya!" The python yelled. It was curious what Chen Fan was holding, but Chen Fan didn't tell it.

8 sudden luminous sights. Can clearly pass the image to his sight. Adjust the magnification to 20, and you can actually see the root hair on the orangutan.

Twenty-seven silver-backed gorillas are still full of spirit, with a grim expression, and a muscular graved right hand swinging with a big stick, with the bad encouragement of "you try" in his eyes!

The animals that came to the provocation this time seemed to have changed again. Most of them were beasts like wolf tigers and leopards, and there were a few strange things. Chen Fan couldn't call his name temporarily.

After watching for a long time, Chen Fan shook his head, not good at these concubines.

Twenty-plus giant gorillas know how to cooperate and manipulate weapons, but this group of cunning animals only understands the dull head charge. They do n’t even have the minimum cooperation. What if they double the number?

You can't always count on the tiger to fight side by side with the wild boar?

In fact, Chen Fan thought that the giant python would not be of much use to rush up, because there are 27 giant gorillas there. It will be broken down into firewood by brute force. It is estimated that this is the reason why the python hides on the sidelines and dare not step forward.

At that time, the giant python beside him also turned his head and stared at Chen Fan with a longing look. The meaning is obvious, let him send the lethal electric mantle to help it complete this robbery feat!

"Don't look at me with that kind of eyes, I don't understand the words and look at me the most, I don't understand what you mean at all!" Chen Fan turned his head very consciencelessly. Ignore the gaze it desires.

"Yeah!" The electric eel was anxious, and a train-sized tail swayed back and forth. If it were not too weak for Chen Fanshi, it really wanted to go up and fight.

"In fact, after a long time, I can't bear the python twitching in front of his eyes. Chen Fan therefore made a deep chin chin:" It is not impossible to help you take that plant. "Is it not a neuropathy to faint me? Bargaining with a farm animal ?.

"Forget it, I can help you take that plant, but I will try it first. It will work for half of us, but it's all for you!"

To be honest, Chen Fan also wanted to know what effect the plant had, but it was only because he did not understand it. There was no rash act. Just like a python can eat the blue stone to increase the frost attack, but the electric eel has no effect at all.

One of the most distressing things for Chen Fan is that Guiyuexiang is only effective for aquatic animals. Chasing the cloud and eating it has no effect at all. And that blue stone, after chasing the cloud to eat has no effect!

Counting on and off, here is the most lucky one in Python, the benefits are all accounted for by it!

"Talk, count me down. Sighing in mourning, Chen Fan refocused his gaze on the optical sight to observe the lake terrain behind the giant gorilla. If you want to get that plant, you have to kill all the competition. In addition, the group of inferior beasts. Without any difficulty, it is estimated that the python can be hit by a single horse. The giant gorillas are not easy to handle, they will use throwing weapons, even if they are caught, even the electric eel will be off Layer skin.

According to Chen Fan observation. First, large and small stones are everywhere on the blue sand stone ground, which irritates them. Feng Cha received an invitation letter from 27 giant gorillas to sign hell.

"It seems that this must be done!" Withdrawing the Barrett sniper rifle, Chen Fan shifted his mind to Dianji and controlled it to come here.

There are about twenty miles from the beach. Electric eels have to climb over the mountains for half an hour to reach the body position, and then detour into the lake.

After half an hour ...

A eagle, a person, a python, staying on the hilltop. There was a loud "" sound, and a black animal with a length of 100 meters, filled with the attributes of the gas-covered mountains and rivers, appeared in front of them.

"Roar!" Now that the reinforcements were coming, the python immediately became excited, and the two small eyes almost narrowed into a slit.

Say hello to the python, and the phone may change direction. Carrying a spear and crawling to the lower left, the python even swayed its tail and fell behind.

"Electric wrinkle patted his head, pointed to the position of the body, then pointed to himself, then to it, a lot of messy gestures. Only then the python understood that he should stay beside the body.

Strong power can give people a sense of security. And Chen Fan is strangely vomiting in the depths. What he lacks most is this sense of security. Electric eels and pythons must leave one to protect him.

The hill is 1,500 meters away from the lake. It took a big circle to escape the giant gorilla's sight and went into the lake.

This lake is more than thirty meters deep, and the area is about the size of two football fields. It is a little smaller, but it is good enough for electric eel.

"According to" twice, when the python looked at the Barrett sniper rifle suspiciously, Chen Fan had loaded the bullet briskly.

This kind of bare warhead, which weighs more than 40 grams, can reach a flight speed of 900 meters per second when it is shot. Within 1,500 meters, there is no need to consider the direction of the wind and the delay of the impact. Aim, shoot, hit, it's that simple!

"Giant gorilla, don't blame me for being cruel!" Taking a deep breath, Chen Fan moved his arms twice. Let the muscles relax. However, just as Chen Fan was about to shoot and kill the giant gorilla, the following scene changed in vain. Directly let Chen Fan's jaw "bang" hit the ground.

It's a cat that is only five meters long and two meters high. All blue, no hair. The smooth skin shone with a metallic texture and luster.

It didn't know when it appeared on the edge of the sandstone ground!

Four of them are thick and their tails hang straight down. At first glance it looks like a jaguar, but it has a crescent-shaped spiral horn on its forehead. There are also two grisly teeth exposed, and the blue eyes that keep opening and closing show the impetuous momentum.

This monster does not have any roar, nor any offensive posture. It moves forward easily and casually, as if just wanting to drink some water by the lake.

But precisely this gesture made all the animals in the vicinity into a huge fear, one by one tremblingly gave way, no animal dared to look at it.

"Twenty-seven giant gorillas, as if they were poured into ice water in the cold winter twelfth lunar month, all surrounded in a circle, their eyes burst into a shining light. The left fist hammered **** the chest, and the momentum was huge.

As a result of this change, even the giant python beside him became dignified, his body curled up in an arc shape, a posture like an enemy.

"What the **** is this?" Chen Fan was at a loss as he bit his cuff. The monster underneath seems to release a gas field with coercion and pressure, which makes people feel extremely dangerous and awe-inspiring!

Suddenly; the gray monster stopped. The diamond-shaped head looked around. Where the gaze passed, it was like a lawn where the weeder walked, and it was all short.

Then it shouted with its head raised, and the sound roared like thunder, resounding through the clouds. Even the electric mantle lurking in the lake can feel the originally calm lake, thunder and thunder, violently rippling from circle to circle with thick ripples!

However, the roar that roared in the mountains had not dispersed, and the gray monster suddenly burst out like a bullet, rushing towards the monster groups on both sides.

It is like a bulldozer. It can even fly a giant bear weighing seven or eight tons. The funny thing is that the giant bear doesn't even have a mobile phone. then. It turned into a dark light, wherever it passed, the smoke was smoldering and screaming again and again, and no animal could avoid its spiral bend.

"A blue wolf like a ox just turned around and ran away. He was caught by several jumps from the side, and quickly escaped behind the whispered fangs of the blue wolf. As soon as its forehead flicked, the spiral angle stabbed from its temple Enter, bring out strands of blood flowers and white liquid.

"God, what the **** is this?" Chen Fan shattered the optical sight. The monster is even faster than the python. The one-and-a-half-meter long horn on the forehead was actually used by him to play the 106th pure Yang sword technique.

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