Super Electric Eel Avatar

Chapter 238: Spoken words

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the super electric eel avatar!

It didn't take long for the python to open its eyes, and Chen Ji, who was lying on the bed, also opened this time. The harvest was good. The electric mantle was within the waters of Aomori Prefecture, Japan. We collected more than 500 kilograms of net abalone, as well as more than 700 kilograms of Jipin artillery, and countless other sea cucumbers in Hema artillery.

Nowadays, many of these high-end seafood products are artificial seedlings, and then they are put into the sea to let them grow naturally. The merchants calculate how much fishing is based on the annual marine environment, but unfortunately this year, the merchants who put in the larvae have no money .

Walking down the stone tower, Chen Fan was frightened by the giant python blocking the door when he was about to let the people in the hotel come to the dock to transport the goods. "My day, when did you guys get a pair of purple pupil contact lenses?" Chen Fan thought he was thinking because the mind and the eel had switched back and forth a lot, so what illusions did they have?

He rubbed his eyes fiercely, yes, it was not an illusion, the eyes of the python really turned into a rich purple.

Is it ridiculous? Yes, no doubt. Is ridiculous.

That purple fruit has the effect of changing the pupil? I do n’t know what those girls who are obviously not short-sighted, but also blindly catching up with the trend and going to buy colored invisible eyes. What do you think when you know that there are fruits that can change the color of your pupils?

"Lower your head, lower your head!" Chen Fanbi made a white python hang his head by hand, then he covered his mouth and looked at the two big eyes of the python in disbelief.

"Yes, it's true." Chen Fan closed his jaw with his hands, otherwise he wouldn't be able to speak.

Its purple eyes are even brighter than the jewels here, and the retina that reflects the figure is covered with radial gold threads.

"If true

Suddenly Chen Fan's mouth widened like a hippopotamus with a big breath.

"It's really like a silky word, rippling in the air, and the sound of the words is round, which makes Chen Fan's heart suddenly stop.

"You, you, you, you, today, can you talk?" Chen Fan's eyes suddenly freeze, his teeth are like a hardworking woodpecker.

"You, you, can talk?" The two eyes of the python scattered dizzyingly, looking up and down one by one, and these sounds popped out rhythmically.

Fainted, Chen Fan was completely fainted. If he hadn't been with him for so long, he would guarantee that he would command the electric mantle without killing him.

Speaking eloquently, this play can only be peeped in the fairy literary works, and they all have a common name "monster" without exception!

"No, it's like parrots, starlings, and elder brothers can all talk!" Chen Fanshun returned to the second floor of the stone tower and whispered like a neuropathy!

The parrot will imitate various sounds, because its living organs have up-to-sounding muscles, and under the control of the brain, it can perform very complex vibrations. And after crushing off the hard shell on its tongue. Its tongue becomes softer and can move flexibly, resulting in different syllables.

In fact, many animals have this ability. For example, when Maochun was born, how could there be a single cry, "How to cry cry wolf"?

And this python?

Although the syllable it just appeared is a bit jerky. The voice is also very small and very thin, just like those imitating shows squeeze their throats to learn meow. But it does speak the human language in a straightforward manner, and it can be imitated only after listening to it, unlike a parrot. Repeatedly taught it. This shows that its vocal tract structure and the brain's cleverness have greatly surpassed, and now Chen Fan is most concerned about. What's the development of Python's intelligence level?

Parrot's IQ is not as good as that of a three-year-old child, and can only be imitated blindly, unable to express his heart through words.

How high is the python's wisdom Chen Fan is not sure. But at least it is much higher than the parrot. Then there is a very productive problem here for a long time, will the python speak fluent Chinese?

"The possibility is very high. That plant must be an intellectual toy. When animals eat it, they can open their minds. So, I want to make an enlightenment teacher and teach Python to learn Chinese." Chen Fan said loudly.

Babies usually start to connect words and corresponding things during nine to twelve months, and understand the meaning of the words. Then they will come up with some simple vocabulary to express their own meaning. There will be more and more, you can say a sentence composed of multiple words. Although these sentences are simple at the beginning. There are no syntactic rules, but after all, the baby starts to use sentences to express his meaning. After that, the structure of the sentence became more and more complicated, the number of words became more and more, and the content of the expression became more and more abundant.

To teach the python to speak, Chen Fan is going to teach the baby a few Chinese characters first, and then gradually increase the difficulty.

"I!" Chen Fan ran to the python. Pointing at yourself while speaking in Mandarin.

"I!" Bing Python also imitates his voice in a decent way!



"Python is a puppy!"

It must be said that the python's imitation is powerful. Even if the sound is composed of ten Chinese characters, he can listen to it. But no matter how clever the python is, Chen Fan has to start teaching from a single word. If you haven't learned one plus one, you want to learn the calculus equation?

"Okay, today's class is here. You have to go back and learn something new." Raised your hand and looked at the time. It was already half past five in the evening, and the seafood was just delivered to you for dinner.

"When he had to help the python to get a name before ascending the diving cabin, Chen Fan glanced at the python's smart eyes and felt that he must have a nice name to match it.

Sitting in the diving cabin for ten minutes. When he arrived at the dock, Chen Fan didn't think of a good name, either too earthy or too public, and he decided to double the dictionary when he returned at night.

He pulled out the phone from the Internet and was going to call the hotel to get the seafood back. The phone rang and the phone rang, and it was a strange number.

"Hello, is this Mr. Chen?" There was a sweet and greasy female voice on the end of the phone, and Chen Fan's voice almost had goose bumps on his face.

"Me, yes, who are you?"

"We are the account manager of Rundong Automobile. Lamborghini you ordered from us. It has been five days since Mayparin and Maybach arrived. When will you come to pick it up?"

"Chen Fan nodded in amazement. These days he has been busy with the oil rig and the purple fruit. Those who do not know his network number cannot find him at all.

"I will go in about two hours!"

The car was ordered by him more than a month ago, and both of them are semi-custom luxury cars, so it took so long to arrive.

After waiting for the seafood transport truck for twenty minutes, Chen Fan also sat down on the co-pilot, ready to take a ride to the hotel.

The driver was a young man in his twenties. Net retired from the Logistics Support Department of the Shenyang Military Region within a few months. He used to drive a fuel truck and is now responsible for the seafood transportation of the hotel.

Xiao Zhou made a joke on the road when Chen Fan said that the girls in the hotel were going crazy. Seeing the sky, I thought I could see you, so I was scared to pick a girlfriend out of them.

Of course, Chen Fan understands the reason. He has money, but he ridiculed: "It seems that being too handsome is a burden.

Xiao Zhou looked at the road ahead and smiled rather helplessly. Now in this society, even Brother Bing is no longer popular.

In the end, the car soldier was born. This heavy and long box cargo was driven by him as flexible as a motorcycle. When the car stopped at the distribution channel of the hotel, it took a total of twelve minutes.

When Chen Fan entered the overcrowded hall. The sharp-eyed waiters immediately sniffed him out of the crowd, and dad ran over dadly. I wish I could stick myself to him.

It was easy to beat those goblins away. Chen Fan took the elevator to the fourth floor. today is Sunday. Just catching Yun Meng's holiday, she was sitting in front of the computer in a pure black short-hearted school uniform. At first glance, Chen Fan thought it was her mother who asked the secretary

"What are you playing with?" Chen Fan, with a grin on his lips, tipped his toes and quietly crossed in front of her, then amplified his voice abruptly!

". Yun Meng was surprised and happy, and then smiled at Chen Fan. The corner of his mouth curved out a beautiful silhouette:" While playing with pets, you will be scary, Brother Chen Fan? " "

"Hey, my parents, why didn't I see them? Chen Fan gently wrapped her shoulders. The pure white chair is big enough to sit alone. It's not a problem.

"You should go to the top floor to look at those big and beautiful Yunmeng's beautiful big eyes looking at Chen Fan. His face was reddish, wearing a school uniform and being intimate with him, making Yunmeng's psychology a sin


At this time, I didn't know which Xiaoxue was lying in the nap, and I ran over. The gunshot wound did not leave any sequelae to it, and the scary scar was also covered by the white shiny hair. People don't see a trace of Ni Duan.

Now Xiaoxue has grown to 1.6 meters long, one meter high and two shoulders high, and led it out to walk. It is not as intimidating as the Siberian Tiger with the "King" printed on its head. Pedestrians and other dogs see snow. Not even the courage to face it. Even if the city manager saw Xiaoxue, he would never go forward and do more business, saying that the city does not allow keeping large pets, because the consequences of being bitten by this guy are probably heavier than Hualiu. "Chen Fan groaned in his nose. Clouds filled with youthful breath made him unable to hold his hands on her waist.

"You, when did you come?" Yunmeng's face was flushed, and he couldn't even speak.

"Catch it!" Of course, Xiao Jiujiu Chen Fan in Yunmeng's heart didn't know that there was no cross-border movement with one hand, just hugged her lightly and slowly enjoyed this warmth and tranquility ...

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