Super Electric Eel Avatar

Chapter 260: Balance inquiry

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six! The chapters are considered yesterday, and there are less than a thousand words! "Strange, it is not a shameful **, why can't it be taken out?"

Chen Fan shook his bank card in mysterious way: "Or you are vaguely indicating that this card is worthless in front of your card?"

Losing the look of "that still needs to be said", Huang Xiahu, who had moved the venue back, smiled and said: "What is a bank card? Is it a status symbol? Take my card as an example, only assets have reached a certain level. And customers who receive the invitation letter from China Merchants Bank can apply. With this card, you can enjoy airport VIP services, global medical assistance, top party salons, and golf friendly tournaments. What about your card? Enjoy 5% discount on online banking recharge currency? "

After listening to his words, the two waiters next to him looked a little obsessed. Even a middle-aged couple who just walked in had forgotten to say hello. Fortunately, there were more than one waiter in the store, standing at the cash register. The foreman in front of the stage hurried over, first glanced at the two waiters, and then put on a smile to greet the two customers.

To be honest, being a waiter in a luxury store such as Hermès, no matter how you look or your temperament, it will not be worse. In this era when beauty resources are scarce, men who pursue them are organized, not to mention a football match. Exaggerated, it is still possible to play a basketball game.

Helpless rich men are rarer than beautiful women, not to mention a 17-year-old boy.

Someone said; How can the waiters who are twenty-four to four-year-olds take a look at children who are older? There is a difference of six or seven years in the middle, and the generation gap can replace the dead.

For example, a man in his twenties would be disturbed to see a little loli who is both beautiful and rich at home? I'm afraid the saliva has been left as a waterfall! Women, like men, don't have bad sex. It's just a different way of expression.

The Middle Eastern couple who can come to Hermes for shopping, the mother is doubtful and is the rich owner. Naturally, her vision is much higher than that of the ordinary people. She accidentally glanced at the bank card in Huang Xia ’s hand and could n’t move it away. The woman next to me thought that her man's **** was wrong, and secretly pinched him on his arm, his eyes sharp on him and the waiter! Move back and forth.

Feeling wronged, the middle-aged man quickly whispered in her ear, the woman's sharp eyes gradually changed from sharp to amazement, and asked which of his children. You can even use unlimited cards for shopping.

"How do I know?" The middle-aged man shrugged his shoulders: "This parent can really rest assured that I want to have this card for his son, he will not go to the auto trade city to brush a Porsche back, I will reverse the word Li write."

The half-old child is not sophisticated enough in the world, so he only keeps showing off, even the more and more serious expression on Yunmeng's face is not evil.

"Huang Xia, why are you so annoying?" Yun Meng was very angry. A pair of water-spiritual eyes stared at him. The pretty little fairy looked like a middle-aged man who bought it next to him. Seeing that the eyes were stagnant, the woman could not pinch.

The exact amount of money that Chen Fan has in Yunmeng is unclear, but this does not prevent her from trusting Chen Fan. At least, if he exchanges some luxury cars worth 40 million yuan, he can definitely compare anyone.

Then again, even if Chen Fanqiong didn't have a dime. Nor is it possible for Huang Xia, a slick guy, to ridicule.

The sweetheart soared, and Huang Xia suddenly woke up and ran into the train with his mouth full of words: "Yun Meng, where did you fancy the money? I will buy it for you, count, thank you for choosing a gift for my sister.

Before Yunmeng had time to speak, she was preempted by a waiter with a good figure. She used the enthusiasm and patience on the first day of work to chatter and introduced various styles of leather bags to Huang Xia. More exaggeratedly, in the process, she Almost all of them put their **** on Huang Xia.

The messy Huang Xia seemed to be an ostrich with his throat pinched, buzzing for a long time without holding a fart.

Chen Fan sighed helplessly. After seeing that Yunmeng had selected the bag, he said that the weather was getting more and more gradual, so pick two spring clothes by the way.

In this process, a small episode was born, and Yunmeng pupils chose a yellow men's casual leather jacket with a small and tender voice, so Chen Fan tried it on to see the effect.

The waiter who came over with a smile said that this is the latest model of this year. If you ca n’t see the fit, we can measure your figure and let Paris cut it, and the leather can be chosen at will.

How can Chen Fan have that American time to wait for his special order? Put the shed coat on Yunmeng's hand and put it directly on the body without asking the price.

The things made by top design masters and top craftsmanship are certainly not ugly. Yunmeng only feels that after he put on this dress, his temperament rose sharply by 50 percentage points. The middle-aged man was attracted and couldn't help but praise the clothes for their good looks.

"Take the zipper up!" Yun Meng, like Hui's wife helping her husband who is going out to take care of the tie, subconsciously stepped forward and carefully handled the zipper.

Huang Xia was cold all over, and was even more disheartened than defeated Hitler. This is a detail that cannot be ignored. Couples who have not been intimately contacted cannot do this naturally in public. What's even more terrible is; taking care of the details of each other's clothes, generally only when you get along with each other, that is, couples living together will go subconsciously to complete.

"At this moment, a peculiar crunch of metal swayed on the white marble floor, causing Huang Xia's dull eyes to refocus, and looked at the black card on the ground that fell from Yunmeng's elbow clothing.

Although he recognized that the three silver safe keys on the surface of the card were UBS logos, the unique sound of metal and the traditional auspicious cloud pattern of the Han nationality made him unable to combine with anything in his mind!

Bank card?

Forget it, the unique collision of metal will change the position of the magnetic stripe data made of particulate magnetic material, causing the reading error of the swiping magnetic head. This is when he listened to the teacher when he took the chemistry class. It's a little longer than a bank card.

Huang Xia didn't know what this was. The waiter thought it was a VIP card launched by a club or a chain store. Only the middle-aged man thought it had an extraordinary origin. The card was picked up by Yun Meng and put back in his pocket, and his forehead was wrinkled.

"Checkout!" Chen Fan waved in front of the waiter with the sharp Alipay in between.

"Good sir, please come with me!" The waiter is still the impeccable professional smile, but they are somewhat entangled in their hearts. They are the first time they have seen someone use the most common bank card to check out , I do n’t know how much money he has!

With the purpose of demolishing the house and making paste, Huang Xia, who dragged more than 5,000 bags of value, also ran to the cash register and couldn't help but say that he passed the card first so that the guy and Yunmeng could understand themselves. How rich it is.

After the consumer-type UnionPay computer enters the password by the consumer, the salesperson and the consumer can see the balance in the card by default, which is convenient for the salesperson to check the amount of consumption. Of course, consumers can also call bank customer service to turn off this feature.

Some simple chats do not have this feature. However, it can still be checked manually. When the consumer asks to check his balance, the salesperson will take the initiative to report it.

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