Super Electric Eel Avatar

Chapter 262: Armored Giant Sting

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the super electric eel avatar!

"It's bad at night, I don't have any promises. I don't think everyone will get up in the six cities to watch them. If they don't, they will scold me.

Hearing the roar of the high diesel engine getting closer and closer, Chen Fan quickly controlled the electric eel to roar twice, guiding the navigation mark for the other party.

Thirty seconds later, the thick fog in front was gradually cleared by a huge thing. The air-cushioned transport ship coming from the waves broke into the front of the electronic compilation accurately.

Rubbing his hands, Chen Fan wanted to walk over and ask for a few words of warmth, but unexpectedly the air cushion transport ship slammed toward the beach. The air flow from the bottom directly interpreted a small version of the sandstorm on the beach.

"The God of War is on! You can even meet the figure of the armored giant sting here?" Before the hovercraft turned off, Baru jumped down from the deck and waved the door knife in his hand towards the sea.

I still haven't figured out what Baru was doing there. "Boom!" The sound was comparable to the huge explosion when a fighter broke through the sound barrier. It passed to Chen Fan's ear.

A large group of dazzling fireballs!

There was a water tank anxiously disappearing in his sight!

The tremor of Chen Fan ’s eardrums had n’t stopped from the loud noise just now. A bigger and more violent fireball exploded, and again devastated his eardrums. The exaggerated heat wave even blown away the dense fog within a hundred meters of the circle, and finally Let Chen Fan understand why Argyll took the monkey-like flexibility to jump out of the cab, and by the way, a big fireball went out.

"Wow Fan rubbed his cheek hard, staring at the back of the hovercraft with a ghostly expression.

It was a crustacean monster with white and gray body, surrounded by a solid bone armor. It had a flat upper body covered with sharp thorns, and the abdomen was dense and pliable. Below is a tail that is very similar to lobster. Unfortunately, its size is more than 30 meters long, making it impossible for people to associate it with any species on earth.

Argyle's fireball caused limited damage. Even its thick armor didn't blast open. The hot belly and severe pain aroused its anger even more, waving its thick and thin mouthpiece antennae.

"At this time, the orc who had jumped off the shore barked repeatedly, spreading his arms in the shape of a wing, and threw the javelin tucked in the back pocket.

This is the best interpretation of absolute power. The pure steel javelin that is more than one meter long is directly submerged into the abdomen of the monster, leaving only the dots of the size of the bowl mouth.

"Brother Chen, let your pet kill this armored cataclysm, otherwise it will be a big deal to destroy the hovercraft!" Argyll shouted and condensed the fireball, one after another, the fireball exploded and produced a huge Kinetic energy, the armor of the giant armor that hit was unable to lift up.

"Blink away, I'll kill this guy now!" Chen Fan, who had no time to think, slapped on the scales of the electric eel, followed by the electric inlay with eyes closed and suddenly opened his eyes, as if flying proudly. The general eyes slanted toward the armored giant cut, and the breath of Xuan Rong Xuan Jun made Baru a few meters away. We know that the brains of crustaceans are almost nothing, they only rely on instinct, that is to say, the demonstrations of electric eels are completely shown to the blind.

Electric current cannot be released at close range, but electric eel can attack more than this one. At present, the eel's gleaming teeth are wide open, and a thick green venom is squeezed out of the poison sac.

Chen Fan originally wanted to use venom to rush it into the water, and then used a strong electric current to electroporate it. Ergael on the unexpected deck "shoos" a fireball and hit the venom impartially.

What kind of chain reaction will happen when a flammable liquid encounters an open flame?

The scene at this time will tell you; when too much flammable liquid is ignited, in a very short time, the large amount of flame released will consume all the air around and cause a vacuum. Then countless air will rush from other places, and the rushing air will produce a bang around. The small pressure and temperature field effects cause the flame to expand and impact violently.

"Ah, God of War is on!" The boiling waves spread like magma around. After the Baru ghost screamed, even the big knife in his hand flew away, and flew behind the electric eel.

As for Argyle, his tongue drooped out, and his stunned eyes almost broke away from the nerve endings.

The gust of wind knows the grass, the fire sees the real gold!

Fighting love Gaelic. Even in surprise, a handful of condensed water vapor can resist the front.

The most unlucky one was the armored giant cut. The whole abdomen was baked into coke at high temperature. Most of the airflow acting on it, it also turned it over two heels, and the shells also hit the water. in.

Qiang whispered the dragon, Chen Fan didn't give it a chance to get up, roared the electric eel rushing into the water, directly grabbed its abdomen with steel iron claws, and quickly dragged into the deep sea.

The monster more than 30 meters long, in front of the 100-meter-long electric eel, had no room to struggle, after the huge change of the armor was dragged to a distance of 3-5 kilometers from the shore. The blue light of the electric eel flashed, and a voltage of up to 100,000 volts spewed out of the body.

With a loud noise, the armored giant sting fell into the dyeing bucket, and the white-grey armor turned red. The terrible arc whip even made the water ripples with dense ripples.

"Where did you provoke this strange thing?" After Lisuo solved the monster, Chen Fan jumped onto the hovercraft along the Zhiban and asked Argyle with his face covered.

Argyll looked at the hovercraft for a long time. After confirming that the baby was not affected, he whizzed out, "When we were sailing to the beach just now, we saw that the sea ahead was rolling like boiled hot water. Lu asked me what it was? The fog was too big, I just thought the whale was spraying water, and I did n’t want to wait for the hovercraft to get a closer look; it was only the adult armored giant sting that was eating. Guys, it does n’t even care about eating half of the big fish, chasing us insanely. I ’m going to sail, and I ca n’t think of anything to deal with it. Baru ca n’t jump into the water to fight it.

"Halo" What else can Chen Fan say? We can only wave our hands helplessly and express our deep sympathy for the two ghosts.

"Brother Chen, are the boxes piled on the beach crossbows?" Argyll shouted, pointing at the red glow of the beach.

"Yes!" Chen Fan pulled the Kunwu dagger from his waist and cut the hemp rope in the warehouse. The rough-worked wooden boxes are neatly filled with blocks of dazzling gold bricks. The number is so large that even if El Gates is here, they want to take it for themselves.

"Brother Chen, don't you want to count?" Argyle flirted with laughter.

"No, I believe you!" Chen Fan waved his big hand: "Go, go and see the bow and crossbow. All 10,000 sheets are brand new and can be used after assembly."

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