Super Electric Eel Avatar

Chapter 264: Buy an island and play

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Diao, "You are playing a slot machine. Obi tried Chen Ji and smiled !, oh" Bamboo military quarters are generally ordering finished goods, they also want this metal? "

"The Material Reserve Bureau and the Quartermaster Department are almost the same. Are they all under the same banner of our party." Zhang Xueyang kept playing with the tea in his hand: "The vice minister is now doing research work in the field, and it will take two days to come back. When we go to Tianhai City, we will talk to him."

"Then you hurriedly call me to do it?"

"Of course I'll talk to you first." Zhang Xueyang rewarded him. "Don't even understand this" look: "Relax, selling metal rakes is not selling white powder, where are there so many concerns? And I didn't tell him the specific share of the metal, only a lot.

There is no way to rest assured. Hundreds and thousands of tons of metal handles, it seems that apart from our party's generosity, there is really no second person who can get it. No wonder Zhang Xueyang boasted at the time; this customer is even better than Li Ka-shing?

Farewell to Zhang Xueyang and Chen Fan driving to the seaside dock alone, looking at the vast sea and fascinated.

After burying the black-hearted real estate boss under the sea, the originally noisy construction site in the distance from the dock immediately disappeared. It was rumored that the capital chain of the business owner was broken, and a large amount of bank loans ran away. The truth is that the leader disappeared, and the concubine under his hands rolled up all the money that could be rolled up and ran away.

Of course; these are not the reasons that trouble Chen Fan's thoughts, but the problem of crossbows.

The current domestic ban on crossbows is not too strict, as long as you can buy them with money. The 10,000 bows and crossbows that Chen Fan ordered last time were ordered from Sanlida Bow Factory in the name of foreign trade, but that time almost all inventory of Sanlida Bow Factory was evacuated. It is not impossible to continue to order. . But for a long time, it will inevitably cause doubts, and in the view of Chen Fan, the power of that crossbow is a bit overdone

High-end crossbows are made of carbon fiber composite resin material, which determines the size of the crossbow's range. All come from the length and thickness of the bow arm. In theory, as long as one has enough strength to wind the string. Then the range of the crossbow can be increased arbitrarily. Because the specific gravity of carbon fiber composite resin material is less than a quarter of steel, its tensile strength is seven to nine times that of steel.

Assuming that the bow arm is two meters long and twenty centimeters thick, then the power of this crossbow can penetrate the brawny man two kilometers away and the strength required for its winding is also amazing. Perhaps only the silverback giant can Play around.

The two-kilometer range is too exaggerated, but it is still possible to produce a crossbow with a two-thousand-meter range. The physical qualities of outsiders are generally much higher than those on the earth, and the quality of the army is even more outstanding, doubling the strength of the crossbow bow. There is absolutely no problem.

"Why don't you play at the bow and crossbow factory yourself?" After thinking for a long time, Chen Fan suddenly patted his head. I am now a billionaire with a value of tens of billions of RMB, let alone a crossbow factory. Even a cannon factory is more than enough.

It is foreseeable that in the future, there will be a huge amount of arms trade with Argyll and there is no way to rely on buying everywhere. You must have your own processing plant, and you can do whatever you want to create various products.

This thought came out in his life, and spread like a grade virus to his entire brain, and he wished he could implement the plan immediately.

The power of the "virus" is powerful. Chen Fan immediately calculated what preparations he needed to build his own flying factory.

You must first dig a few experienced technicians, it is best to dig the wall foot directly from the crossbow factory.

Furthermore; carbon fiber composite materials are high-tech. If you want large-scale production, you have to import a complete set of carbon fiber production lines from the United States, Japan, and Germany.

Finally; it is the most critical one. Where is the factory site?

In Dannet?

If you only manufacture bows and crossbows, the license is not difficult to obtain, but what Chen Fan really wants to manufacture is hot weapons, the kind that can best forge cannons can sell for a few dollars with the crossbow alone?

In the domestic arms manufacturing industry, Chen Fan felt that it was not as straightforward as buying two packs of rat medicine. Therefore, the production base can only be sent abroad, preferably those island countries with weak military strength.

Chen Fan remembered that there are many island countries in the world. Why sell the ownership of the island to the outside world, why not buy a small island and build it into an arms production base?

When it comes to buying islands, most people can think of Greece and Italy, which are in financial crisis, and have to sell a large number of islands to repay their debts.

One of the largest islands has an area of ​​5 million square meters.

An island of 5 million square meters, how much is it worth?

Very cheap, the starting price is only 15 million euros, and finally the Arab royal family successfully bid for 75 million euros. This sounds unimaginable. An island costs only 15 euros per square meter. That is 132 yuan. In fact, this price is relatively expensive, in the Philippine Islands. An island of several square kilometers costs only three to five million dollars.

The reason for the poor price of this island is very simple. There are no large-scale valuable mineral resources on the islands dozens of nautical miles away from the continental shelf, and there is no access to hydropower networks.

If you want to build the island into a paradise suitable for human habitation, you have to spend several or even ten times the price of the island itself to build basic living facilities. To give a simple example, the construction of a small machine factory on the island is not so exaggerated. At least it is necessary to build a wharf, and transport the reinforced concrete materials from the land to the private island, and the price of asking the construction company for construction is 500,000 dollars.

Most of the rich people retreated in front of the huge renovation fees of the island, thinking that with that money, they could live in the island tourist area opened by the government to death. There are also rich people who are so busy that there is very little time to go back and enjoy the kind of life that avoids the world.

What about our hero Chen Fan?

He is not short of money, he has more money to himself. It is impossible to accurately report the last dozen of the eleven digits. So the amount of money spent on buying an island and reorganizing the modern production base was nothing to him.

The location of the island is also very important, and the European countries will certainly not work, only those island countries that are far from the international political center.

"When Curry coughed, Chen Fan ran to the dock in an excited hum. He eagerly wanted to inquire through the Internet; how many countries now sell private islands.

Fiji, Solomon, and the Philippine Islands, these typical marine masters were omitted by Chen Fan. In the end his gaze rested on Seychelles, located in the Indian Ocean. ,

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