Zhou Qiang was originally brooding about his frustration at Hunan University that day, but when he heard Kong Tianqing's accusation, he was immediately filled with righteous indignation, and said excitedly to Charlotte:

"Boss, the people of Shonan University are too much. If we don't punish them, I really think it's humiliating for us to tolerate everything. Brother Qing and I took 500 people and entered Shonan University to seize their territory and open the teleportation. stop, how?"

Charlotte was silent for a while, glanced at everyone, and said:

"Tianqing, how many people are there?"

"Ah? There are probably dozens of people."

"Don't you have a little blood pill? You can fully recover from your injuries in five minutes. With your genetic evolution level, how can you beat each other with more than a dozen of you?"

Kong Tianqing was taken aback and said:

"We had just had a hard fight with the mutant dogs, and they suddenly rushed out. How could we have time to eat Xiaoxuedan? Why, you don't believe me? If you're afraid of death, I'll go to Xiangnan University for a one-on-one fight, and I don't believe it. I can't find this place back."

Kong Tianqing suddenly shouted angrily.

Charlotte smiled and said:

"I just want to understand the evolution level of the other party. If we really want to take revenge, once we and the people from Shonan University are torn apart, the problem may be more serious than you think."

"What do you mean?"

Kong Tianqing asked back.

"I just came back from the gene store, and on the map inside the gene store, I saw that the evolution level of Shonan University is now 4, we are 5, and, in the city across the river, the evolution level has jumped from 5 It's 7."

"Oh? 7?"

The crowd was amazed.

Xianan University has Yueshan, a natural treasure house of mutant creatures, which can easily hunt mutant creatures, obtain genetic fragments, and work non-stop every day. The current overall evolution level is only 5, but they did not expect people in the city to jump at the same time. Up 2 points, the evolution level reached 7.

What's going on in the city?

Charlotte paused and continued:

"Just yesterday,

Star City, which is 50 kilometers away, sent people over to ask us to open a teleportation station. The people from Star City are still waiting for my answer at our school. "

The crowd was surprised again.

Xingcheng belongs to a county near Shashi, at least 50 kilometers away from Xianan University. How did they penetrate the thick fog and get here?

Charlotte seemed to see the doubts on everyone's faces and said:

"They came by car."


Although it is the end of the world, many cars are still intact. If there is enough gasoline, they can still be used. There are many cars parked on the campus of Xianan University and the nearby Jinwan Town, but most of them do not have keys and cannot be used.

The students from the Department of Electronics know how to disassemble and assemble cars, pull out the two wires that start the ignition, and use it directly. Charlotte specially asked the students of the Department of Electronics to prepare ten cars. However, there are many roads outside. All were blocked by the rubble of collapsed houses, the use of the car was greatly reduced, and there was no place to refuel if you traveled long distances.

"The people from Xingcheng modified a big truck and welded thick iron nets around the truck. This time, they came with ten people."

When Kong Tianqing heard this, he said disapprovingly:

"Since they want to open it, let's open it? We can also go to Star City through the teleportation station and see what's going on there."

Charlotte glanced at Kong Tianqing unhappily and said:

"I can simply tell you that the current level of genetic evolution in Star City is the same as ours, which is 5. Moreover, there are more than 3,000 of them. If the transmission station is opened rashly, a large number of people from Star City will flood into our Xianan University. Once the situation gets out of control , what other purpose does the other party have, and how do you end it?"


Kong Tianqing was stunned, unable to answer.


--0---0---Small--says---this is a gorgeous dividing line--

Friends please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading of the novel:

-0---0---Small---say---this is gorgeous dividing line---

, what are you going to do? "

Zhou Qiang asked.

"I can't make up my mind now. I won't agree to open a teleportation station with Xingcheng until I have confirmed the intention of Xingcheng. For example, we asked to open a teleportation station with Shonan University. Why did the other party not agree? Not afraid of us. Control them, annex them."

As soon as Shonan University was mentioned, Kong Tianqing's anger came.

"Charlotte, it's up to you to decide whether to open the teleportation station with Xingcheng. However, the last time Hunan University killed a few brothers of Zhou Qiang, and this time I killed more than a dozen of my brothers. I must avenge this revenge? If you are afraid , I'm out."

When Charlotte heard this, her face changed, and she sneered:

"Kong Tianqing, you've always thought that you are very good. This time, you grabbed the equipment from the Enhanced Gene Dog. Do you think you can replace me?"

When Charlotte said this, everyone present all stared at Kong Tianqing, Kong Tianqing gritted his teeth, raised his head and said:

"If you can't avenge your dead brother, you don't deserve to be our boss!"

"Hehe, okay, then you can go to Shonan University to take revenge. Don't you have more than three people in your School of Physics? You can take your people there. As long as you can conquer Shonan University, you can become the boss of Shonan University. how?"

"You said it, and everyone present can testify."

Kong Tianqing suddenly became excited.

Charlotte looked at Kong Tianqing very seriously:

"I said it, everyone can testify, but if you fail to conquer Hunan University and lose your troops, you will be at your own risk!"

"Haha, well, if I can't conquer Shonan University, I will resign as the vice-chairman. In the future, the entire School of Physics and I will be at ease at your disposal."

Kong Tianqing looked directly at Charlotte.

Although he was from the School of Physics, if he really wanted to take three people from the School of Physics, it would be impossible without Charlotte's order, and no one else would follow him.

With 300 people leaving Xianan University, survival is also a problem. Although everyone has the idea of ​​a small team, when faced with survival and future, they will still be concerned about the rules of the entire large team and dare not act without authorization.

Now that Charlotte agrees with him to take people out to conquer Hunan University, he is considered a famous teacher. Even if he fails, the students from the School of Physics can return to Xiannan University to continue living together as a group.

Kong Tianqing suppressed the excitement in his heart and turned to leave, the wildfire of ** was burning in his heart. After all, it would be difficult to replace Charlotte at Xianan University, but now there is such an excellent opportunity, it is worth taking a risk.

When Kong Tianqing was far away, Zhou Qiang approached Charlotte and whispered:

"Boss, do you really want him to take the people from the School of Physics? They are all elites."

"Didn't you always want to avenge Shonan University?"


Zhou Qiang looked a little embarrassed. The last time he brought 200 people to Hunan University, he was frustrated, which made him feel very depressed.

"You organize 5 elites, and after Kong Tianqing leaves tomorrow, quietly follow him out, remember, at least 2 hours apart, if Kong Tianqing and the people from Hunan University are fighting to the death, you should not interfere, or even appear in the in front of them."

"Boss, what do you mean?"

"Hmph, Kong Tianqing has always felt that he is arrogant and has contradicted me many times in public. In order to take care of the overall situation of unity, I don't care about him, so this time I will let him bang the nails and wait until he is more than half damaged to see what strength he has in the future. challenge me?"

After Charlotte finished speaking, she turned and left.

Zhou Qiang and Charlotte were originally friends in the same class and dormitory. Seeing the back of Charlotte leaving, they couldn't help but feel angry and chill.

In the last days, people's hearts are changing.

Food, survival, resources, development space, rival human beings seem to have returned to primitive society overnight, facing the cruelty and ugliness of each other's humanity.

The law of the weak is the only supreme law in the last days!

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